eBook All-Precise Reading (Updated)

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.................................................................. 1

Introduction ......................................... 3

Aura Colors Explained ...................... 5

In This Guidebook ............................. 6

Life Colors Questionnaire ................ 7

Your Wealth Aura ............................ 15

Your Health Aura ............................ 18

Your Relationship Aura ................. 20

Your Precision Aura ........................ 22

Your Prediction Aura ...................... 23

Conclusion ......................................... 25



What kind of personality are you?

What are your life goals and what is your purpose on this earth?

How do you process life in all aspects – physically, mentally, or


What kind of marriage partner is best suited for you?

What are your views on career, money, family, and sex?

What kind of jobs do you consider being the best for yourself?

What is your definition of success?

What are your positive qualities and negative tendencies?

How do you maintain the positive side of life while eliminating the

negative side of things?

Are you health-conscious?

I received a boatload of questions like these and it certainly seems

that they are the ones that interest most individuals. Over the years I have

discovered that valuable clues and answers to these questions lie hidden in

our auras. So sit back and enjoy your reading because I know something

great is going to happen for you real soon.

In simple terms, the aura is an energy field that radiates from all

matter, although some matter is dense and it vibrates so slowly that it is

often difficult to detect its aura. Over the years, scientists have managed to

describe auras as a halo or glowing light that appears over the heads or

around the body of highly evolved, enlightened spiritual masters.

Apparently, these auras are apparent to many individuals because these

highly-evolved individuals are able to radiate clear and powerful auras to

the surroundings so that others can see, feel, or even sense them. Recently,

the auras have been detected through the usage of aura photography, also

known as the Kirlian Photography.


I became highly interested in the aura when my teacher first

introduced it to me. I was at my lowest point in life but somehow or rather,

this meeting was no coincidence. After attending his psychic development

class, my life transformed for the better. Long story short, I discovered that

I was able to receive information about people clairvoyantly. Then, after

attending numerous workshops on aura, spirituality, consciousness, and

many more, I noticed that I was receiving psychic information about

people who corresponded the data on certain aura colors. Eventually, I

developed a keen eye and ability to see these colors and soon, I learnt

basic and consistent individual traits coincide with each color.

Auras to me, are like luminescent colored lights that completely

surround a person. Everybody has an aura that comprises of many

different-colored band of light that radiate out in all directions. I can tell a

person if he or she is healthy or ill, happy or frustrated, sad or angry by the

intensity and saturation of the color, as well as, the expansiveness and size

of the aura. One person’s aura may be bright, vibrant, and expanded

showing a sense of openness, well-being, positivity, and great health;

while the other individual’s aura may be faded and tightly drawn towards

the body, highlighting that he or she may be facing some issues, showing

fear, lack of self-esteem, or a perceived need for protection. A dark, dense

aura usually represents anger, or self-pity. Each color tells a story and

being able to read the aura and understand the meaning behind each color

has helped me understand the way I process information, my interactions

with people and the surroundings, my love life, my purpose in life. Today,

my purpose here is to bring this knowledge to you, and to enable you to

understand how and why your process life in a certain way.

Equipped with this knowledge, you will then be able to have the

PERMISSION to be yourself, to become more accepting of yourself and

others, while learning effective ways of changing unwanted behaviors and

attitudes. The colors in the aura reflect your choices in this lifetime, and I

believe that you are able to grow, expand, and change anything that you

want to change in your life. By understanding the attributes, you can even

consciously draw in a color for a specific purpose – such as healing,

prosperity, or compassion. Let us now move on to explaining about your

aura colors.


Aura Colors Explained

Your aura contains many different-colored bands. The one of two

bands closest to your body reveal your priorities, methods of processing

life, and primary purpose here on this planet. These are your Life Colors,

and they differ from individuals. These bands usually do not usually

change unless there is a major shift within your body. However, the outer

bands do frequently change colors and positions, reflecting what is

happening to you at a given time.

We all have our Life Colors in place. However, we are certainly not

restricted to living only within our colors. Even though we have a fixed

inner set of band colors, it doesn’t mean we cannot experience the

qualities, purposes, priorities, and methods of other Life Colors.

Throughout the years of my research, I have found out that we can actually

add other colors into the outer bands of our auras. But first, you must love

and accept who you are before you can satisfactorily experience the

qualities of other colors.

You, dear One, have what I called the Combination Colors. With

two colors, two bands are consistently closest to your body. Having these

two life colors can be powerful, giving an addition dimension to one’s

abilities, but when put to wrong use, can also mean a great deal of inner


The two Life Colors vary with individuals. Some people have

qualities of power, energy, fun, or creativity while the others have qualities

of balance, practicality, responsibility, or self-reliance. Having two colors

also meant that you must be careful. People with this combination colors

often sense that they are living two lifetimes at once. The loving Blue who

once held relationship and marriage dear to heart may suddenly discover a

burning desire to go into the world and make an impact. Familiar

relationships, priorities, career, and emotions begin to feel alien to her.

He/she will feel like a different being.

In short, I want to help you explore and experience the qualities of

your true Life Colors and how you can use them to your advantage to

create the lavish lifestyle you dreamt of.


In This Guidebook

The following chapters will describe the general attributes, life

purposes, goals, and qualities that your Auras will display when you’re “in

power” (centered) and “out of power” (off-balance). When you are in

power, you are living out your positive personalities and unlocking your

true potential. That is the goal of this guidebook, to help you retain that

‘power’ and use the auras to your fullest advantage. On the other hand, if

you are “out of power”, you will be living in self-doubt, fear, and

hesitancy. You will not be living up to your fullest potential.

I will provide methods that will show you how to regain balance and

stay in power when you find that your life was thrown off balance. Your

aura characteristics will also include relationships, wealth, career,

predictions, precision seeing, as well as, health areas or physical problems.

This is unlike any other self-help programs or courses. I highly

recommend you use this reading to enhance your life, to recognize

personalities of those around you, and learn of methods to elevate your

priorities to the next level.


Life Colors Questionnaire

Your aura colors are one thing, but in order to discover your Life

Colors, simply answer the questions in the questionnaire down below. Be

sure to give your true answer, and not the responses you think you should

give. After answering, note the category in which you have the highest

number of ‘yes’ responses. That is your true Life Color ingrained into you

since you were born. Afterwards, note which category had the second

highest number of ‘yes’ responses and go the next step.

Next, read the list of occupations to see which category appeals to

you the most. Your chosen category can then further reveal your Life

Colors. From there on, I will go on about the different auras and how you

can use them in conjunction with your Life Colors to help you attain

what’s best for you.

Directions to Identify Your Life Colors

1. Answer the questions in the questionnaire. Choose two categories

with the highest number of ‘yes’ responses.

2. Read career choices for you

3. Go on to see the different types of Aura for you and how you can

make it compatible to your Life Color.

Note: If you take this quiz at an emotionally distraught period, answers

may skew and your Life Color may differ from original. Therefore, I

highly recommend you to take this quiz when you are less stressful.


Category #1:

I tend to express myself through my physical body and my sexuality

more than through my emotions ____ (Answer)

I prefer work that is physical and has immediate, tangible results. A lot

of the following careers would interest me: lifeguard, firefighter,

paramedic, butcher, surgeon, dancer, actor, physical trainer, bodyguard,

football player, boxer, police officer, bartender, hairdresser, barber,


construction worker, repairperson, truck driver, soldier, shop foreman.

____ (Answer)

I have a fiery personality. ____ (Answer)

I enjoy lavish, physical pampering and sensuality. ____ (Answer)

I often have a quick temper, but get over it quickly and do not hold

grudges. ____ (Answer)

Whenever I am angry, my first impulse is to react physically - throw

something, yell, hit, punch, strike out physically, or get drunk. ____


If I had the chance to discover how to have everything I desire, I would

take it! ____ (Answer)

Total Number Of Yes: ____

Category #2:

I relish dangerous, thrilling, high-risk, physical challenges - the more

dangerous, the better. ____ (Answer)

Success is easily defined for me - accomplishing a daring feat (reaching

the top of the mountain, winning the race, surviving the jump); and

having the money to be able to do it again. ____ (Answer)

I have the potential for experiencing physical pain does not frighten or

deter me from having adventures. ____ (Answer)

I participate in or would love to participate in extreme sports. ____


I would love to free-lance and get paid by sponsors to do daring feats.

____ (Answer)

I'm excited by the idea of taking a Quantum Leap to a better life! ____


Total Number Of Yes: ____

Category #3:


My lifestyle tends to be flamboyant and eccentric. ____ (Answer)

My clothes, home, actions, and thoughts tend to be bizarre and

shocking. ____ (Answer)

I like to shock and challenge people's beliefs so that humanity doesn't

become static and boring. ____ (Answer)

I enjoy outrageous artistic expression. ____ (Answer)

I do not usually take responsibility for friends or family. ____ (Answer)

I feel more comfortable living in a big city where I can hide out in

crowds. ____ (Answer)

I would love to be able to see Auras! ____ (Answer)

Total Number Of Yes: ____

Category #4:

I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh. ____ (Answer)

I am usually optimistic and upbeat. ____ (Answer)

I like to be creative, artistic, work with my hands, garden, or fix things.

____ (Answer)

I love connecting with nature. Being in nature is healing for me. ____


I am usually a healthy person, however I often have back or knee

problems (including backaches). ____ (Answer)

It would be fun to learn more about Parallel Universes and Telepathy.

____ (Answer)

Total Number Of Yes: ____

Category #5:

I like things to be organized, efficient, and well planned. I frequently

write lists. ____ (Answer)


My three strongest priorities are making a lot of money, accomplishing

my financial and business goals, and being respected by other powerful

and intelligent people. (These are more important to me than helping

others or improving the quality of life on the planet.) ____ (Answer)

I can be a workaholic, have a hard time relaxing, and am often in a

hurry. ____ (Answer)

I tend to be a perfectionist and am usually demanding on myself and on

others. I can be blunt and often intimidate people. ____ (Answer)

I often have tight neck and shoulders, or frequently experience

digestive or heart problems. ____ (Answer)

I'm ready to learn more about Aura Colors and Parallel Universes. ____


Total Number Of Yes: ____

Category #6:

People frequently turn to me with their emotional problems and I

usually lovingly listen and counsel them.____ (Answer)

I am very intuitive and empathetic. I sometimes have experiences of

knowing things that haven't happened yet. ____ (Answer)

I am a giver. Money is not my first priority. ____ (Answer)

I tend to put the needs of others first and my needs last. ____ (Answer)

Spirituality, love, people and animals are the most important elements

in my life. ____ (Answer)

I am emotional and can easily be moved to tears. I cry when I'm happy,

sad, angry, or sometimes for no apparent reason. ____ (Answer)

Total Number Of Yes: ____


The Most Number Of Yes That Corresponds To Each Category:

#1 – Red

#2 – Orange

#3 – Magenta

#4 – Yellow

#5 – Green

#6 – Blue


To further help you discover your purpose in life, choose which list

of occupations appeals to you the most. Note that just because you

currently have one occupation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best

and most fulfilling for you. Oftentimes, if you aren’t happy in your line of

work, it just means that you aren’t aligned with your Life Colors.

Check your occupation categories to see which you are most drawn

to, or would it be money, family considerations etc. Also, check the

occupations in which you have worked in the past. Certain occupations

may appear on more than one list. Notice which other occupations in those

lists of categories e.g. #1, #2 you are most attracted to and you will

probably discover your real Life Color.



Rescue Worker

Police Work

Military Personnel



Operator of Machines




Stunt Double


Mountain Climber

Police Work







Art dealer/collector












Healer/Medical Worker




Corporate Executive




Events Manager

Coordinator of Marketing and Advertising

Real Estate Agent




Teacher, Educator



Childcare Worker

Elderly Care


Non-profit Organisation Worker




Which category had the kinds of occupation to which you are most

drawn to?

Refer to the answers in the first questionnaire and see if your Life

Color coincides with your occupation preferences. Whichever descriptions

you feel most aligned with are probably your Life Colors. Did you notice

any occupations in the past that cause you to be unhappy or unfulfilled?

#1 – Red

#2 – Orange

#3 – Magenta

#4 – Yellow

#5 – Green

#6 – Blue


Your Wealth Aura

Oftentimes, we block wealth and prosperity from our lives because

we believe in scarcity. We’re taught there are a limited number of pieces

to the pie and if we get more, others will have less.

But everything is energy and the universe is infinitely abundant with

energy, so there are no real limits to what can be created.

Here’s an exercise I offer to help you stimulate your imagination and

shift your thinking. It is to get you out of old, stuck ways of looking at life.

If you can expand your mind and be playful, you can change your

thoughts and therefore your experiences. What we believe and imagine

will become so.

Here it goes:

For manifesting abundance. Imagine money floating down from the

sky and landing in big piles all around you. See money in any

denomination you want forming out of pure energy and falling from the


Every element in the natural world is at its core composed of

subatomic particles and space, which are ultimately composed of pure

energy. So just envision this energy taking the form of money.

Then, see it flowing down around you. This way, you’re not using

your thoughts against you by imagining you have to work hard for money

or that you are taking it away from someone else; you’re creating this

money out of pure energy.

It may take a while before you retrain yourself to believe money

could be created in different ways or that abundance could come to you

from anywhere and in any form.

We’ve been taught that money comes from physical printing

machines and we must do something to earn that money, and furthermore,

according to the mechanistic laws of classical physics, this is how it

appears the world works, so we believe it.

But our beliefs have created that reality.


Learning to use the principles in quantum physics instead so we can

create differently may take some getting used to, but it’s a valuable

endeavor and the outcome will be worth the effort.

Now, on to the topic of how to attract Wealth by altering your

‘invisible aura field’.

Simply put, by changing your aura, you can attract abundance. So

how to attract wealth by changing the aura?

The 5-Step Formula for Manifesting Wealth and Finances are as


1) Create a Clear Image of Your Desire – You need to be clear and

concise on what you want. Let’s say you want more money.

Write down the amount. Start with what you expect to have 3, 6

and 12 months from now.

2) Keep check on your emotions when you put down the value. If

you feel uneasy, adjust the amount till you feel comfortable.

Based on the amount you have written, see yourself celebrating

and holding more money progressively.

3) Get the Aura Tool for Wealth - The truth is you can use

visualization to change your aura. But it is easier and faster with

crystal. The vibe of each type of crystal is unique, consistent and


Because of this special characteristic, each crystal has an aura of

specific shade and color. By leveraging on the crystal we can

alter our aura to attract wealth. But how to attract wealth with

crystal? Depending on your definition of wealth, first select a

suitable crystal. But since we used money as the example earlier,

let's continue with it. For money, we will go with citrine. This

stone is a renowned money magnet and mood lifter. Get a citrine

crystal = the bigger, the better!

4) Preparing your Wealth Tool - You need to cleanse, charge and

program it with the wealth images you have created in step 1.


Soak the citrine in sea salt water overnight. Rinse with distilled or

filtered water and sun it for about half hour. Next place the citrine

on your left palm and visualize the images you have created

earlier. During visualization, stay relaxed, happy and fulfilled.

5) Wealth Meditation - In step 4 on how to attract wealth, meditate

with/without citrine. You can adopt the "sitting on char", half

lotus or full lotus posture. Hold your citrine in your left hand and

firmly supported with the right below. Meditate for 30 minutes

for 7 consecutive days. It will be better to do it for 49 days

straight. During meditation, again visualize the created images to

reinforce the wealth attraction power. You can use the Sacred

Clairvoyance Audio Tracks.

6) Release the Feeling - At the end of the meditation, let go of the

images and feelings.

Place the citrine by the side of your bed and carry on your usual

daily tasks. With the help of citrine, you have infused your aura

with the right shade and colors for wealth attraction.

Congratulations, do this consecutively, and I promise you will see

results in less than a month.


Your Health Aura

“You are falling sick a little too often and feel irritated and

wound up all the time.”

“You are not able to sleep properly and no matter what you do,

your body and mind seem to be in a perpetual state of exhaustion.”

If this sounds familiar to you, you’re probably going to need to

cleanse your aura. However, the steps mentioned below can also be

used to boost your health and help you endure a healthy aura.

1. Take deep breaths and do pranayama, this will energize your mind,

body, and soul. It will also repair and strengthen your aura. Meditate every

morning, it will help you get out of the hectic daily schedule and keep

distracting thoughts away. It will also promote a state of relaxed

awareness. To focus during meditation, you can also choose a picture of

someone you adore, someone who gives you lots of strength, positivity

and happiness. Gaze intensely into their eyes. Attune yourself to the

magnetism you feel there. After sometime, close your eyes in meditation

and try to feel a response in your heart. Feel yourself bathed and uplifted

by that person’s superconsciousness.

2. Be one with nature, go to parks for walks. This is good for your

physical health and in tandem with your aura and energy field. Nature has

strong positive energy which reflects positivity in the environment.

Imagine yourself in a place where everything is bound with trees —

chirping birds and sound of water flowing. A place with greenery in

abundance where you can relax and keep your aura strengthened. Walk

barefoot in such places because the root chakra, which is located at the end

of your spine and which connects you to the earth, gives you a feeling of

safety and protection when it is energetically strong. This is the simple and

easiest way to strengthen your aura.

3. Use sea-salts for bathing and dipping your feet in water every

day. This will help you wash away negativity from your aura and cleanse

your energy fields by grounding all excess energy which is not useful for

you. Swimming in the sea or soaking yourself in a salt water bath helps

cleanse aura and draw out stress from the body.


4. Stay away from electromagnetic fields. Switch off your TV and keep

your mobile phones away from your aura. In the 21st century, everyone is

so attached to their devices — like laptop, cell phone, television etc. It is a

kind of addiction that controls your life and interferes with your daily

activities, work and relationships. Disable your mobile phone notifications

or switch off the devices and indulge in talking with your family and

friends. It will make your aura stronger.

5. Try not to crib a lot or curse anybody. This weakens your aura as you

are creating negative energy within yourself and then extending it. This

energy will certainly harm you before it affects anybody else.

6. Try to see the positive side of situations. Change your attitude towards

life. Your attitude can even make difficult situations easy. This will also

improve your aura.

7. Find things that makes you happy. Happiness is the key to good aura

and good health. Follow your passions — like painting, sketching,

dancing, photography etc. It will help you stay away from negativity and

make you feel joyful from deep within your heart. You will feel energetic.

This is a very popular and powerful technique to strengthen your aura.


Your Relationship Aura

Our thoughts – consciously and subconsciously – are reflected on to

our aura. When we charged our aura with intense thoughts that we

generate from within, our aura can influence those who come into contact

with us. Depending on the color of your Aura, we can develop rapport

with that person we are going to interact with through verbal or non-verbal


I know you are probably wondering how you can impress people

and get noticed by others. I’m sure some of you may have tried improving

your looks, personality, communication style, and wonder why it doesn’t

always work or these things can only grab attention for a short span of

time. So if you want to give a long lasting impression, work on your aura

power and energy field. Here’s how:

Have you ever noticed how easily some people attract others

although they are not physically attractive? This is the magic of the aura

power. People automatically get attracted to the people who have positive

aura power.

Positive aura power is the most powerful method to influence others

easily. It makes you a magnetic personality.

You can make more good friends with strong positive aura power.

Positive aura helps you to deal with the bad times.

It will make your personal life and your professional life a lot easier,

enjoyable and successful. We don’t have to wait for something to happen

to attract people towards us.

People can easily get attracted to us if we strengthen our aura power.

The positive auric field will help to fix many problems of our life. It can

help to create inner and outer wealth.

Strong positive aura radiates good and positive energy, so good

people around that person get positive vibes and naturally get attracted

towards the person.


For your soulmate/sex partner, auras are associated with colors and

colors actually have a meaning and a magical effect on the people.

Therefore, it is necessary that you start to wear the color red as much

as possible because Red represents and has the effect of passion, desire,

authority and power. It would be ideal that you wear red every day and the

more you wear it then the better.

It does not have to be on the outside if you cannot or you do not

want to since red socks if you are a man or red nylons if you are a woman

or red underwear will help out a lot. Also, either a red undershirt or red

bra. T-shirts do not have to be all red since T-shirts that are black with red

color straps will help out a lot as well.

One more thing to do with color red that you change all your

bedroom sheets for red. Get red pillow sheets, red bed sheets and red bed

covers. Also, change all your towels and replace them with red bath

towels. Try to replace your curtains with red only. You will surprised with

the results. One major thing to do would be to paint your bedroom color

red and the results will be even greater. But if you cannot paint your

bedroom red then that is OK.

Your image must be polished literally for the public so take a picture

of yourself and put it in a picture frame in your bedroom.

After you put the picture of yourself in the picture frame, get a

special infusion called Rose Water which is available where they sell

bakery products and also at the big grocery markets.

It does not have to be Rose Water that comes from a specific brand

as long as it is Rose water. When you have the rose water, wipe your

picture frame with Rose water every day. And the same time wipe every

day with the Rose Water a mirror in your house where you look at

yourself. This will help to create a positive image of you for the public to


From now on, try to not to wear BLACK as much as possible

because the color black that is worn too often can delay and even stop

success in many areas of life.

Lastly, there is something special to make your wish come true. Try

to get the seduction red candle.


Your Precision Aura

Strengthen your Aura-Seeing skills because it will be an asset to you

in the future. Learning how to see auras accurately will be beneficial to

you because you can associate yourself with great and happy people, but

also avoid the plague, toxic relationships, and people that cause a great

deal of stress and anxiety to you.

Here’s a detailed guide to develop your accurate precision aura


Step 1: Ask the person you want to see the aura of to stand about 10

feet away from you. Make sure that their background is either

completely white or completely black. Also, adjust the lighting of the

room as neither too bright, nor too dull. Best is to stick with natural


Step 2: Now, what you must do is focus on the nose of the person.

Don't focus too hard and let the gaze stay relaxed, such that you also

focus on your peripheral view. The great thing about our vision is its

circularity, and even when you are consciously looking at the person's

nose, your peripheral view can help you look at his sides.

Step 3: What you will begin to see is a shadowy and grew outline to

the person's body. It won't be too thick and will be very benign.

However, you must not get excited and start looking at the shadow

instead of focusing straight. Stay relaxed.

Step 4: Now, peripherally only, start observing the outline that's

formed around the person. As you do this, the aura will start

concretising before your eyes.

Step 5: Take your gaze up from the nose to the forehead of the person

but let the movement be very gentle. This will give you a better view

of their aura.


Your Prediction Aura

Seeing into the future can be fun and interesting. Also, it’s one of the

most powerful skills you can tap on and add into your arsenal of psychic


People have often asked if I can see future events in the aura.

I have been a Fortune Teller to some individuals and I reveal what is

going to happen to them. It is true that future events do show up in the

aura, but also be reminded that these future events are potential events.

They reveal where the spiritual energy is moving but these things are not

fixed in stone. There is always free will. While there is a divine design for

each of us, there is flexibility with the outcome of events and experiences

that are meant to happen.

A basic principle of the aura is that the energy to create anything in

your life first shows up in the auric field.

This is because to create anything you first have to generate the

spiritual power to manifest your dreams and ambitions. As you diligently

pursue your goals, you build more spiritual power. Once this spiritual

power gains enough momentum, it will start showing itself in your life.

The spiritual energy of future potential events can start by first

showing themselves outside the aura or in the outer circumference of the

aura. As they gain more momentum, they start to become a stronger part of

the auric field and move closer in.

These potential energies are generated from a combination of your

own intentions and actions, from the intentions and actions of others who

are involved in the potential experience and the influence of the divine.

There are many key moments in your life that are part of your Tapestry of

Life and these experiences are beautifully orchestrated by the Holy Ones

and show up in your aura.

If the potential energy is maintained and strengthened, then the event

will come to pass. If however, something comes along to change the

conditions, then that energy can dissipate.

For example, if you have your heart set on something, your

determination contributes to the momentum of that energy to bring that


event into being. But if you change your mind, or lose heart, that energy

can weaken lessening the chance of that experience coming to pass. This

can also happen if another person connected to your experience redirects

their energy. If you are meant to meet someone but that other person

wilfully redirects their energy another way, it can weaken the potential

energy for the two of you to meet.

The manifesting power of the aura cannot be overestimated. Take

time to carefully plan your highest dreams, then go after those dreams with

all you have. Work with the Divine Light to help you in your goals. Be

steadfast yet flexible as the creative process is fluid. Succeeding in your

dreams is a cooperative effort. As you are attaining your dreams, you are

helping others to reach their dreams.



A brightly-lit future awaits you…

To know your Life Color, master your aura, sharpen your auraseeing

skills, and to positively impact others meant that you have just

secured something amazing – a successful future. You have just stepped

out of your comfort zone, trudged into the place of unknown, and took this

reading. For that, I thank you. Thank you for taking this step of faith and

courage. And also thank yourself because going forward, your quality of

life is going to get so much better. With the skills equipped, you’ll be able

to overcome all adversities, to pinpoint problems and solve them instantly,

and also filter out what’s good and bad for yourself.

Through your own set of eyes, the world would never looked the

same again – and in the best way possible. You have the ability to use your

auric powers to change the trajectory of your life and so many others. By

simply following the program I have laid out for you, your opportunities

increased and this is when your true colors will begin to shine.

But let me remind you, change is never comfortable. You are bound

to experience ups and downs in your life when you are in search for


The main question is, ‘Will you weather through the storm?’

Or should I rephrase…

‘After attaining results, will you continue this path even if it’s


Many of my clients failed this question when I asked them this.

Some of them fell into the black-hole of comfortability, while others never

seem to get results to last. All of what they attain are ephemeral.

On the other hand, I have a group of students who are enthusiastic

and always take pride in learning. They never gave up even when crossing

the thorny path. When they set foot into the world of comfort, they chose

to leave immediately and get back on track. Now, they are living the life of

their dreams and inspiring people on a whole new level.


So you see, I urge you to shine your light wherever you go, practice

your auric abilities even when you are feeling low, and keep your heads up

because you will always emerge victorious regardless of any


Now, if you want results to stick like a glue…

I have prepared something that will unveil the rest of the answers as

to why some individuals succeed while the others fail.

This is the time to change – you have the opportunity to move into a

trusting, heart-centered life that’s fulfilling to your spirit and soul.

Click this simple button to see what I have installed for you.

It’s amazing and I can’t wait for you to see how your future pans



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