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Under our knowledge pillar

this year, we provided

the latest analysis on

trends in gender, tracked

how NAPs are linking

to critical international

conversations, and

unveiled an exciting new

platform on NAP analysis.

Key Publications

Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan

(NAP) Processes: Progress and promising

examples. NAP Global Network Synthesis

Report, 2021–2022

This third synthesis report assesses progress on gender-responsive

approaches in NAP processes at the global level.

Based on a systematic review of the NAP documents submitted

to the UNFCCC, as well as practical examples that illustrate how

countries are taking a gender-responsive approach to their NAP

processes, the progress shown in this report demonstrates the

potential of NAP processes as a mechanism for ensuring that climate

action addresses gender and social inequalities.

Read here

Introduction to Adaptation in the Global

Stocktake: Assessing collective progress on

adaptation at the international level

The GST is an integral part of the Paris Agreement that assesses

the collective progress countries have made to implement the Paris

Agreement and achieve the long-term goals on mitigation and


This brief aims to inform policy-makers and practitioners—

especially those from SIDS and LDCs—to demystify the GST and

highlight how NAP processes and their results can be leveraged to

inform the process.

Read here


Progress Report 2021–2022

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