MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Annex /: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oilRegulation 28.2 indicate those cargo and ballast tanks w hich may, under any specific condition of liquid transferand possible range of cargo densities, be slack and sti ll allow the stabil ity criteria to be met. Theslack tanks may vary during the liquid transfer operations and be of any combination provided theysatisfy the criteria;.3 will be read ily understandable to the officer-in-charge of liquid transfer operations;.4 provide for planned sequences of cargo/ballast transfer operations;.5 allow comparisons of attained and required stability using stability performance criteria in graphicalor tabular form;.6 require no extensive mathematical calculations by the officer-in-charge;.7 provide for corrective actions to be taken by the officer-in-charge in case of departure fromrecommended va lues and in case of emergency situations; and.8 are prominently displayed in the approved trim and stability booklet and at the cargo/ballast transfercontrol station and in any computer software by which stability calculations are performed.Regulation 28Subdivision and damage stability1 Every oil tanker delivered after 31 December 1979, as defined in regulation 1.28.2, of 150 gross tonnageand above, sha ll comply with the subdivision and damage stability criteria as specified in paragraph 3 of thisregulation, after the assumed side or bottom damage as specified in paragraph 2 of this regulation, for anyoperating draught reflecting actual partial or fu ll load conditions consistent with trim and strength of the sh ipas well as relative densities of the cargo. Such damage shall be applied to al l conceivable locations along thelength of the ship as follows:.1 in tankers of more than 225 m in length, anywhere in the ship's length;.2 in tankers of more tha n 150 m, but not exceeding 225 m in length, anywhere in the ship's lengthexcept involving either after or forward bulkhead bounding the machinery space located aft. Themachinery space sha ll be treated as a single floodable compartment; and.3 in tankers not exceeding 150 m in length, anywhere in the shi p's length between adjacent transversebulkheads with the exception of the machi nery space. For tankers of 100 m or less in length whereall requirements of paragraph 3 of this regulation cannot be fu lfilled without material ly impairing theoperational qualities of the ship, Administrations may allow relaxations from these requirements.Ballast conditions where the tanker is not carrying oil in cargo tanks, excluding any oil residues, shall not beconsidered.SEE INTERPRETATION 562 The following provisions regarding the extent and the character of the assumed damage shall apply:.1 Side damage:.1.1 Longitudinal extent: f( Lt) or 14.5 m, whichever is less.1.2 Transverse extent { or 11.5 m, whichever is less(inboard from the ship's side at rightangles to the centreline at the level ofthe summer load line):.1.3 Vertical extent: From the moulded line of the bottom shellplating at centreline, upwards without limit9]MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Chapter 4 - Requirements for the cargo area of oil tankersRegulation 28.2 Bottom damage:For O.JL fromthe forwardperpendicularof the shipAny other partof the ship.2.1 Longi tudinal extent: t(d) or 14.5 m, t(d) or 5 m,whichever is lesswhichever is less.2.2 Transverse extent: B6 or 10 m, B or 5 m,6whichever is less whichever is less.2.3 Vertica l extent:B15 or 6 m, B or 6 m,15w hichever is less, whichever is less,measured from the measured from themoulded line of the moulded line of thebottom shell plating bottom shell platingat centrelineat centreline.3 If any damage of a lesser extent than the maximum ex tent of damage specified in subparagraphs 2.1and 2.2 of th is paragraph would result in a more severe condition, such damage shall be considered .. 4 W here the damage involving transverse bulkheads is envisaged as specified in subparagraphs 1.1and 1.2 of this regulation, transverse watertight bulkheads shall be spaced at least at a distanceequal to the longitudinal extent of assumed damage specified in subparagraph 2.1 of this paragraphin order to be considered effective. Where transverse bulkheads are spaced at a lesser distance,one or more of these bulkheads with in such extent of damage shall be assumed as non-existent forthe purpose of determining flooded compartments .. 5 W here the damage between adjacent transverse watertight bulkheads is envisaged as specified insubparagraph 1.3 of this regulation, no main transverse bulkhead or a transverse bulkhead boundingside tanks or double bottom tanks shall be assumed damaged, un less:.5.1 the spaci ng of the adjacent bulkheads is less than the longitudinal extent of assumed damagespecified in subparagraph 2.1 of this paragraph; or.5.2 there is a step or recess in a transverse bulkhead of more than 3.05 m in length, located w ithinthe extent of penetration of assumed damage. The step formed by the after peak bulkheadand after peak top shall not be regarded as a step for the purpose of this regulation .. 6 If pipes, ducts or tunnels are situated w ithin the assumed extent of damage, arrangements shallbe made so that progressive flooding cannot thereby extend to compartments other than thoseassumed to be floodable for each case of damage.SEE INTERPRETATION 573 O il tankers shal l be regarded as complying with the damage stability criteria if the following requirementsare met:.1 The fina l waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, shall be below the lower edge of anyopening through w hich progressive flooding may take place. Such openings shall include air-pipesand those w hich are closed by means of weathertight doors or hatch covers and may excludethose openings closed by means of watertight manhole covers and flush scuttles, sma ll watertightcargo tank hatch covers which maintain the high integrity of the deck, remotely operated watertightsliding doors, and sidescuttles of the non-opening type.MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017 93

Annex /: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil

Regulation 28

.2 indicate those cargo and ballast tanks w hich may, under any specific condition of liquid transfer

and possible range of cargo densities, be slack and sti ll allow the stabil ity criteria to be met. The

slack tanks may vary during the liquid transfer operations and be of any combination provided they

satisfy the criteria;

.3 will be read ily understandable to the officer-in-charge of liquid transfer operations;

.4 provide for planned sequences of cargo/ballast transfer operations;

.5 allow comparisons of attained and required stability using stability performance criteria in graphical

or tabular form;

.6 require no extensive mathematical calculations by the officer-in-charge;

.7 provide for corrective actions to be taken by the officer-in-charge in case of departure from

recommended va lues and in case of emergency situations; and

.8 are prominently displayed in the approved trim and stability booklet and at the cargo/ballast transfer

control station and in any computer software by which stability calculations are performed.

Regulation 28

Subdivision and damage stability

1 Every oil tanker delivered after 31 December 1979, as defined in regulation 1.28.2, of 150 gross tonnage

and above, sha ll comply with the subdivision and damage stability criteria as specified in paragraph 3 of this

regulation, after the assumed side or bottom damage as specified in paragraph 2 of this regulation, for any

operating draught reflecting actual partial or fu ll load conditions consistent with trim and strength of the sh ip

as well as relative densities of the cargo. Such damage shall be applied to al l conceivable locations along the

length of the ship as follows:

.1 in tankers of more than 225 m in length, anywhere in the ship's length;

.2 in tankers of more tha n 150 m, but not exceeding 225 m in length, anywhere in the ship's length

except involving either after or forward bulkhead bounding the machinery space located aft. The

machinery space sha ll be treated as a single floodable compartment; and

.3 in tankers not exceeding 150 m in length, anywhere in the shi p's length between adjacent transverse

bulkheads with the exception of the machi nery space. For tankers of 100 m or less in length where

all requirements of paragraph 3 of this regulation cannot be fu lfilled without material ly impairing the

operational qualities of the ship, Administrations may allow relaxations from these requirements.

Ballast conditions where the tanker is not carrying oil in cargo tanks, excluding any oil residues, shall not be



2 The following provisions regarding the extent and the character of the assumed damage shall apply:

.1 Side damage:

.1.1 Longitudinal extent: f( Lt) or 14.5 m, whichever is less

.1.2 Transverse extent { or 11.5 m, whichever is less

(inboard from the ship's side at right

angles to the centreline at the level of

the summer load line):

.1.3 Vertical extent: From the moulded line of the bottom shell

plating at centreline, upwards without limit



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