MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Annex /: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oilRegulation 26Regulation 26Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks1 Except as provided in paragraph 7 below:.1 every oil tanker of 150 gro ss tonnage and above delivered after 31 December 1979, as defined inregulation 1.28.2, and.2 every oil tanker of 150 gro ss tonnage and above delivered on or before 31 December 1979, asdefined in regulation 1.28.1, which fal ls into either of the following categories:.2.1 a tanker, the delivery of which is after 1 January 1977, or.2.2 a tanker to which both the fol lowing conditions apply:.2.2.1 delivery is not later than 1 January 1977; and.2.2.2 the building contract is placed after 1 January 1974, or in cases w here no buildingcontract has previously been placed, the keel is laid or the tanker is at a similar stageof construction after 30 June 1974shall comply with the provisions of this regulation.2 Cargo tanks of oil tankers shall be of such size and arrangements that the hypothetical outflow Oc or Oscalculated in accordance w ith the provisions of regulation 25 of this Annex anywhere in the length of the shipdoes not exceed 30,000 m 3 or 400Yo"W, whichever is the greater, but subject to a maximum of 40,000 m 3 .3 The volume of any one wing cargo oil tan k of an oil tanker shall not exceed 75% of the limits of thehypothetical oil outflow referred to in paragraph 2 of this regulation. The volume of any one centre cargo oiltank shall not exceed 50,000 m 3 . However, in segregated ba llast oil tankers as defined in regu lation 18 of thisAnnex, the permitted volume of a w ing cargo oil tank situated between two segregated ba llast tanks, eachexceeding le in length, may be increased to the maximum limit of hypothetical oil outflow provided that thewidth of the w ing tanks exceeds tc4 The length of each cargo tank shal l not exceed 10 m or one of the fol lowing values, whichever is thegreater:.1 where no longitudinal bulkhead is provided inside the cargo tanks:(o.5~ + 0.1 )L but not to exceed 0.2L.2 where a centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided inside the ca rgo tanks:(o.25~ + 0.1 5 )L.3 where two or more longitudinal bulkheads are provided inside the cargo tanks:.3.1 for wing cargo tanks: 0.2L.3.2 for centre ca rgo tanks:.3.2.1 if~ is equal to or greater than one fifth: 0.2L.3.2.2 if~ is less than one fifth:. w here no centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided:I b )(o.58 +0.1 L. where a centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided:' b , )(,0.25 B + 0.15 L90 MARPOL CO NSOLIDATED EDITI ON 2017

Chapter 4 - Requirements for the cargo area of oil tankersRegulation 27b; is the minimum distance from the ship's side to the outer longitudinal bulkhead of the tank in questionmeasured inboard at right angles to the centrel ine at the level correspond ing to the assigned summerfreeboard.5 In order not to exceed the volume limits established by paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this regulation andirrespective of the accepted type of cargo transfer system installed, when such system interconnects two ormore cargo tanks, va lves or other similar closing devices shall be provided for separating the tanks from eachother. These va lves or devices shall be closed when the tan ker is at sea.6 Lines of piping which run through cargo tanks in a position less than tc from the ship's side or less thanvc from the sh ip's bottom shall be fitted w ith valves or similar closing devices at the point at which they openinto any cargo tank. These valves shal l be kept closed at sea at any time w hen the tanks contain cargo oil,except that they may be opened only for cargo transfer needed for the purpose of trimming of the ship.7 This regulation does not apply to oil tankers delivered on or after 1 January 2010, as defined inregulation 1.28.8.Regulation 27Intact stabilitySEE INTERPRETATION 551 Every oil tanker of 5,000 ton nes deadweight and above delivered on or after 1 February 2002, as definedin regulation 1.28.7, shall comply with the intact stability criteria specified in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of thisregulation, as appropriate, for any operating draught under the worst possible conditions of ca rgo and ballastloading, consistent with good operational practice, including intermediate stages of liquid transfer operations.Under all conditions the ballast tanks shall be assumed slack .. 1 In port, the initial metacentric height GM 0, corrected for the free surface measured at 0° heel, shallbe not less tha n 0.15 m;.2 At sea, the fol lowing criteria shall be applicable:.2.1 the area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) shall be not less than 0.055 m·rad up toe = 30° angle of heel and not less than 0.09 m·rad up to e = 40° or other angle oi floodinget if th is angle is less than 40°. Additionally, the area under the righting lever curve GZ cur\e)between the angles of heel of 30° and 40° or between 30° and e,, if this angle is less than 40 ",shal l be not less than 0.03 m·rad;.2.2 the righting lever GZ sha ll be at least 0.20 mat an angle of heel equa l to or greater than 30°;.2.3 the maximum righting arm shall occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30° but notless than 25°; and.2.4 the initial metacentric height GM 0, corrected for free surface measured at 0° heel, shall be notless than 0.15 m.2 The requ irements of paragraph 1 of this regulation shall be met through design measures. For combinationcarriers simple supplementary operational procedures may be allowed.3 Simple supplementary operational procedures for liquid transfer operations referred to in paragraph 2 ofthis regulation sha ll mean w ritten procedures made available to the master which:.1 are approved by the Administration;• 8 1 is the angle of heel at which openings in the hull superstructures or deckhouses which cannot be closed weathertight immerse.In applying this criteri on, small openings through which progressive flooding cannot take place need not be considered as open.MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017 91

Annex /: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil

Regulation 26

Regulation 26

Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks

1 Except as provided in paragraph 7 below:

.1 every oil tanker of 150 gro ss tonnage and above delivered after 31 December 1979, as defined in

regulation 1.28.2, and

.2 every oil tanker of 150 gro ss tonnage and above delivered on or before 31 December 1979, as

defined in regulation 1.28.1, which fal ls into either of the following categories:

.2.1 a tanker, the delivery of which is after 1 January 1977, or

.2.2 a tanker to which both the fol lowing conditions apply:

.2.2.1 delivery is not later than 1 January 1977; and

.2.2.2 the building contract is placed after 1 January 1974, or in cases w here no building

contract has previously been placed, the keel is laid or the tanker is at a similar stage

of construction after 30 June 1974

shall comply with the provisions of this regulation.

2 Cargo tanks of oil tankers shall be of such size and arrangements that the hypothetical outflow Oc or Os

calculated in accordance w ith the provisions of regulation 25 of this Annex anywhere in the length of the ship

does not exceed 30,000 m 3 or 400Yo"W, whichever is the greater, but subject to a maximum of 40,000 m 3 .

3 The volume of any one wing cargo oil tan k of an oil tanker shall not exceed 75% of the limits of the

hypothetical oil outflow referred to in paragraph 2 of this regulation. The volume of any one centre cargo oil

tank shall not exceed 50,000 m 3 . However, in segregated ba llast oil tankers as defined in regu lation 18 of this

Annex, the permitted volume of a w ing cargo oil tank situated between two segregated ba llast tanks, each

exceeding le in length, may be increased to the maximum limit of hypothetical oil outflow provided that the

width of the w ing tanks exceeds tc

4 The length of each cargo tank shal l not exceed 10 m or one of the fol lowing values, whichever is the


.1 where no longitudinal bulkhead is provided inside the cargo tanks:

(o.5~ + 0.1 )L but not to exceed 0.2L

.2 where a centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided inside the ca rgo tanks:

(o.25~ + 0.1 5 )L

.3 where two or more longitudinal bulkheads are provided inside the cargo tanks:

.3.1 for wing cargo tanks: 0.2L

.3.2 for centre ca rgo tanks:

.3.2.1 if~ is equal to or greater than one fifth: 0.2L

.3.2.2 if~ is less than one fifth:

. w here no centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided:

I b )


8 +0.1 L

. where a centreline longitudinal bulkhead is provided:

' b , )

(,0.25 B + 0.15 L


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