MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Annex I: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oilRegulations 13, 14P 82 shall be calculated as fol lows:P82 = (14.5 - ~:)( ~5)P 82 = 0.78 + 1.1 {~5- 0.1 )P 82 is not to be taken greater than 1 .for ~s :5 0.1,for~ > 0.1.s. 8 For the purpose of maintenance and inspection, any oil fuel tanks that do not border the outershell plating shal l be located no closer to the bottom shell plating than the minimum va lue of hin paragraph 6 and no closer to the side shell plating than the applicable minimum value of w inparagraph 7 or 8.12 In approving the design and construction of ships to be built in accordance with this regulation,Administrations sha ll have due regard to the general safety aspects, including the need for ma intenance andinspection of wing and double bottom tanks or spaces.SEE INTERPRETATIONS 23, 24 AND 25Regulation 13Standard discharge connectionTo enable pipes of reception facil ities to be connected w ith the ship's discharge pipeline for residues frommachinery bilges and from oi l residue (sludge) tanks, both lines sha ll be fitted w ith a standard dischargeconnection in accordance with the fol lowing table:Standard dimensions of flanges for discharge connectionsDescriptionOutside diameterInner diameterBolt circle diameterSlots in flangeDimension215 mmAccording to pipe outside diameter183 mm6 holes 22 mm in diameter equidistantly placed on a bolt circle of the above diameter,slotted to the flange periphery. The slot width to be 22 mmFlange thickness 20 111111Bolts and nuts: quantity, diameter6, each of 20 mm in diameter and of suitable lengthThe flange is designed to accept pipes up to a maximum internal diameter of 125 mm and shall be of steel or otherequivalent material having a flat face. This flange, together w ith a gasket of oil-proof material, shall be suitable for a servicepressure of 600 kPa.Part 8 - EquipmentRegulation 14Oil filtering equipmentSEE INTERPRETATION 261 Except as speci fied in paragraph 3 of this regulation, any ship of 400 gross tonnage and above butless than 10,000 gross tonnage shall be fitted w ith oil fi ltering equipment complying with paragraph 6 ofthis regu lation. Any such ship which may discharge into the sea ballast water retained in oi l fuel tanks inaccordance w ith regulation 16.2 shall comply with paragraph 2 of this regulation.SEE INTERPRETATIONS 27 AND 2864 MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Chapter 3 - Requirements for machinery spaces of all shipsRegulation 142 Except as specified in paragraph 3 of this regu lation, any sh ip of 10,000 gross tonnage and above shallbe fitted with oil filtering equipment complying with paragraph 7 of this regu lation.SEE INTERPRETATION 283 Ships, such as hotel ships, storage vessels, etc., which are stationary except for non-cargo-carryingrelocation voyages need not be provided with oil filtering equipment. Such sh ips shall be provided witha holding tank having a volume adequate, to the satisfaction of the Administration, for the total retentionon board of the oily bilge water. All oily bilge water shall be retained on board for subsequent discharge toreception faci li ties.4 The Administration shall ensure that ships of less than 400 gross tonnage are equipped, as far aspracticable, to reta in on board oil or oily mixtures or discharge them in accordance with the requirements ofregu lation 15.6 of this Annex.5 The Administration may waive the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this regulation for:.1 any ship engaged exclusively on voyages within special areas or Arctic waters, or.2 any ship certified under the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (or otherwise withinthe scope of this Code w ith regard to size and design) engaged on a scheduled service with aturn-around time not exceeding 24 h and covering also non-passenger/cargo-carrying relocationvoyages for these ships,.3 w ith regard to the provision of subparagraphs .1 and .2 above, the following conditions shall becomplied with:.3.1 the ship is fitted with a holding tank having a volume adequate, to the satisfaction of theAdmin istration, for the total retention on board of the oily bilge water;.3.2 all oily bilge water is retained on board for subsequent discharge to reception facil ities;.3.3 the Administration has determined that adequate reception facilities are available to receivesuch oily bilge water in a sufficient number of ports or term inals the ship calls at;.3.4 the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate, w hen required, is endorsed to the effectthat the ship is exclusively engaged on the voyages within special areas or Arctic waters orhas been accepted as a high-speed craft for the purpose of this regulation and the service isidentified; andSEE INTERPRETATION 29.3.5 the quantity, time, and port of the discharge are recorded in the Oil Record Book Part I.SEE INTERPRETATION 106 O il fi ltering equipment referred to in paragraph 1 of this regu lation shall be of a design approved bythe Administration and shall be such as will ensure that any oily mixture discharged into the sea after passingthrough the system has an oil content not exceeding 15 ppm. In considering the design of such equipment,the Administration shall have regard to the specification recommended by the Organization.*7 Oil fi ltering equipment referred to in paragraph 2 of this regu lation shall comply with paragraph 6 of thisregulation. In addition, it shall be provided with alarm arrangements to indicate when this level cannot bemaintained. The system shall also be provided with arrangements to ensure that any discharge of oily mixturesis automatica lly stopped when the oil content of the effluent exceeds 15 ppm. In considering the design ofsuch equipment and approvals, the Administration shall have regard to the specification recommended by theO rganization.*• Refer to Recommendation on international performance and test specification for oily-water separating equipment and oil contentmeters (resolution A.393(X}), Guidelines and specifications for pollution prevention equipment for machinery space bilges of ships(resolution MEPC.60(33)), 201 1 Guidelines and specifica ti ons for add-on equipment for upgrading resolution MEPC.60(33)-compliantoil filtering equipment (resolution MEPC.205(62)), or Revised guidelines and specification for pollution prevention equipment formachinery space bilges oi ships (resolution MEPC.107(49), as amended by resolution MEPC.285(70)).MARPOL CO SOLIDATED EDITION 2017 65

Annex I: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil

Regulations 13, 14

P 82 shall be calculated as fol lows:

P82 = (14.5 - ~:)( ~



P 82 = 0.78 + 1.1 {~


- 0.1 )

P 82 is not to be taken greater than 1 .

for ~s :5 0.1,

for~ > 0.1.


. 8 For the purpose of maintenance and inspection, any oil fuel tanks that do not border the outer

shell plating shal l be located no closer to the bottom shell plating than the minimum va lue of h

in paragraph 6 and no closer to the side shell plating than the applicable minimum value of w in

paragraph 7 or 8.

12 In approving the design and construction of ships to be built in accordance with this regulation,

Administrations sha ll have due regard to the general safety aspects, including the need for ma intenance and

inspection of wing and double bottom tanks or spaces.


Regulation 13

Standard discharge connection

To enable pipes of reception facil ities to be connected w ith the ship's discharge pipeline for residues from

machinery bilges and from oi l residue (sludge) tanks, both lines sha ll be fitted w ith a standard discharge

connection in accordance with the fol lowing table:

Standard dimensions of flanges for discharge connections


Outside diameter

Inner diameter

Bolt circle diameter

Slots in flange


215 mm

According to pipe outside diameter

183 mm

6 holes 22 mm in diameter equidistantly placed on a bolt circle of the above diameter,

slotted to the flange periphery. The slot width to be 22 mm

Flange thickness 20 111111

Bolts and nuts: quantity, diameter

6, each of 20 mm in diameter and of suitable length

The flange is designed to accept pipes up to a maximum internal diameter of 125 mm and shall be of steel or other

equivalent material having a flat face. This flange, together w ith a gasket of oil-proof material, shall be suitable for a service

pressure of 600 kPa.

Part 8 - Equipment

Regulation 14

Oil filtering equipment


1 Except as speci fied in paragraph 3 of this regulation, any ship of 400 gross tonnage and above but

less than 10,000 gross tonnage shall be fitted w ith oil fi ltering equipment complying with paragraph 6 of

this regu lation. Any such ship which may discharge into the sea ballast water retained in oi l fuel tanks in

accordance w ith regulation 16.2 shall comply with paragraph 2 of this regulation.



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