MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Annex I: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oilRegulation 12A.5 The mean outflow for bottom damage shal l be calculated for each tidal condition as follows:n.5.1 OMB(Ol = L Ps (m 3 )where:n= each oil fuel tank under consideration;= total number of oil fuel tanks;P 8 u> = the probability of penetrating oil fuel tank i from bottom damage, calculated inaccordance w ith paragraph 11.7 of th is regu lation;0 8 u> = the outflow from oil fuel tank i, in m 3 , calculated in accordance with paragraph11.5.3 of this regulation; andC 0 8 (i) = factor to account for oil capture as defined in paragraph 11.5.4.n.5.2 OMB(2.Sl = L PBuPBCDB(i) (m 3 )where:i, n, P 8 u> and C 08 u> = as defined in subparagraph .5.1 above0 8 (;> = the outflow from oil fuel tank i, in m 3 , after tidal change .. 5.3 The oil outflow 0 8 <;> for each oil fuel tank shall be ca lculated based on pressure balanceprinciples, in accordance w ith the following assumptions:.5.3.1 The ship sha ll be assumed stranded w ith zero trim and heel, w ith the stranded draughtprior to tidal change equal to the partial load line draught dp .. 5.3.2 The oil fuel level after damage shall be calculated as follows:(dp + tc - Z,)pI51F = Pnwhere:hF= the height of the oil fuel surface above Z 1, in metres;tc = the tidal change, in metres. Reductions in tide shall be expressed as negativevalues;Z 1 = the height of the lowest point in the oil fuel tan k above the baseline, inmetres;p 5= density of seawater, to be taken as 1,025 kg/ m 3 ; andPn= nominal density of the oil fuel, as defined in 11.2.3 .. 5.3.3 The oil outflow 0 8 (i) for any tank bounding the bottom shell plating shall be taken notless than the following formula, but no more than the tank capacity:0 8u> = Hw · Awhere:Hw = 1.0 m, w hen Y 8 = 0Hw = f~ but not greater than 0.4 m, when Y 8 is greater tha n ~ 8 or 11 .5 m,whichever is lessHw is to be measured upwards from the midship flat bottom line. In the turn of thebilge area and at locations w ithout a clearly defined turn of the bilge, Hw is to bemeasured from a line parallel to the midship flat bottom, as shown for distance h infigure 1.For Y 8 values outboard ~R or 11.5 m, whichever is less, Hw is to be linearly interpolated.Y 8 = the minimum value of Y 8 over the length of the oil fuel tank, where at anygiven location, Y 8 is the transverse distance between the side shel l at waterlined 8 and the tank at or below waterline d 8 .A = the maximum horizontal projected area of the oil fuel tank up to the level ofHw from the bottom of the tank.60MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Chapter 3 - Requirements for machinery spaces of all shipsRegulation 12A~ 0 or 11.5 m, whichever is lesscentreline(measured inboard from the ship's side at rightanQles to the cen1reline at the level of d. )Figure 3 - Dimensions for calculation of the minimum oil outflow.5.4 In the case of bottom damage, a portion from the outflow from an oil fuel tank may be capturedby non-oil compartments. This effect is approximated by application of the factor C 08 u 1 foreach tank, which shall be taken as follows:Cosu>= 0.6 for oil fuel tanks bounded from below by non-oil compartments;C 08 u>= 1 otherwise .. 6 The probability Ps of breaching a compartment from side damage shal l be calculated as follows:.6.1 Ps = PsL · P 5 v · P 5 rwhere:PsL = (1 - P 5 r- Psa) = probability the damage will extend into the longitudinal zonebounded by Xa and x,;Psv= (1 - Psu - P 51 )= probability the damage will extend into the vertical zonebounded by Z 1 and Zu;Psr = (1 - Psyl = probability the damage will extend transverse!\ bevond theboundary defined by y;.6.2 P 53, P 5,, Psu and P 51 shall be determined by linear interpolation from the tables of probabilitiesfor side damage provided in 11.6.3, and Psy shall be calculated from the formulas providedin 11.6.3, where:Psa = the probability the damage w ill lie entirely aft of location ~;P 5, = the probability the damage will lie entirely forward of location i;Ps 1 = probability the damage will lie entirely below the tank;Psu = probability the damage will lie entirely above the tank; andPsy = probability the damage will lie entirely outboard the tank.Compartment boundaries Xa, X 1 , Z 1, Zu and y shall be developed as follows:X 3= the longitudinal distance from aft terminal of L to the aftmost point on thecompartment being considered, in metres;Xr = the longitudinal distance from aft term inal of L to the foremost point on thecompartment being considered, in metres;Z 1= the vertical distance from the moulded baseline to the lowest point on thecompartment being considered, in metres. W here Z 1 is greater than Os, Z 1 shall betaken as 0 5 ;MARPOL CONSOLIDATED ED ITION 2017 61

Annex I: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil

Regulation 12A

.5 The mean outflow for bottom damage shal l be calculated for each tidal condition as follows:


.5.1 OMB(Ol = L Ps<iPB<ilCDBU> (m 3 )



= each oil fuel tank under consideration;

= total number of oil fuel tanks;

P 8 u> = the probability of penetrating oil fuel tank i from bottom damage, calculated in

accordance w ith paragraph 11.7 of th is regu lation;

0 8 u> = the outflow from oil fuel tank i, in m 3 , calculated in accordance with paragraph

11.5.3 of this regulation; and

C 0 8 (i) = factor to account for oil capture as defined in paragraph 11.5.4.


.5.2 OMB(2.Sl = L PBuPB<i>CDB(i) (m 3 )


i, n, P 8 u> and C 08 u> = as defined in subparagraph .5.1 above

0 8 (;> = the outflow from oil fuel tank i, in m 3 , after tidal change .

. 5.3 The oil outflow 0 8 <;> for each oil fuel tank shall be ca lculated based on pressure balance

principles, in accordance w ith the following assumptions:

.5.3.1 The ship sha ll be assumed stranded w ith zero trim and heel, w ith the stranded draught

prior to tidal change equal to the partial load line draught dp .

. 5.3.2 The oil fuel level after damage shall be calculated as follows:

(dp + tc - Z,)p



1F = Pn


hF= the height of the oil fuel surface above Z 1

, in metres;

tc = the tidal change, in metres. Reductions in tide shall be expressed as negative


Z 1 = the height of the lowest point in the oil fuel tan k above the baseline, in


p 5

= density of seawater, to be taken as 1,025 kg/ m 3 ; and

Pn= nominal density of the oil fuel, as defined in 11.2.3 .

. 5.3.3 The oil outflow 0 8 (i) for any tank bounding the bottom shell plating shall be taken not

less than the following formula, but no more than the tank capacity:

0 8u> = Hw · A


Hw = 1.0 m, w hen Y 8 = 0

Hw = f~ but not greater than 0.4 m, when Y 8 is greater tha n ~ 8 or 11 .5 m,

whichever is less

Hw is to be measured upwards from the midship flat bottom line. In the turn of the

bilge area and at locations w ithout a clearly defined turn of the bilge, Hw is to be

measured from a line parallel to the midship flat bottom, as shown for distance h in

figure 1.

For Y 8 values outboard ~R or 11.5 m, whichever is less, Hw is to be linearly interpolated.

Y 8 = the minimum value of Y 8 over the length of the oil fuel tank, where at any

given location, Y 8 is the transverse distance between the side shel l at waterline

d 8 and the tank at or below waterline d 8 .

A = the maximum horizontal projected area of the oil fuel tank up to the level of

Hw from the bottom of the tank.



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