MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Additional informationCertificates for masters, officers or ratingsCertificates for masters, officers or ratings shal l be issued to thosecandidates who, to the satisfaction of the Administration, meet therequirements for service, age, medical fitness, training, qualifications andexaminations in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the 1978STCW Convention and STCW Code. Formats of certificates are given insection A 1/2 of the STCW Code. Certificates must be kept available intheir original form on board the ships on which the holder is serving.Fishing vessel personnel serving on board seagoing fishing vessels sha llbe certificated in accordance with the provisions of STCW-F Convention1995. Formats of certificates are given in appendices 1, 2 and 3 of theConvention.Records of daily hours of restRecords of daily hours of rest of seafarers shall be maintained on board.International Anti-fouling System CertificateShips of 400 gross tonnage and above engaged in international voyages,excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs, sha ll beissued after inspection and survey an international Anti-fouling SystemCertificate together with a Record of Anti-fouling Systems.Declaration on Anti-fouling SystemShips of 24 m or more in length, but less than 400 gross tonnageengaged in international voyages, excluding fixed or floating platforms,FSUs, and FPSOs, shal l carry a declaration signed by the owner orowner's authorized agents. Such a declaration shal l be accompaniedby appropriate documentation (such as a paint receipt or a contractorinvoice) or contain appropriate endorsement.International Ballast Water Management CertificateShips of 400 gross tonnage and above to which the BWM 2004applies, excluding floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs, shal l be issuedthe certificate after successful completion of a survey conducted inaccordance with regulation E-1.STCW 1978, article V I,regulation 1/2;STCW Code, section A-1/ 2STCW-F 1995, article 6,regulation 3STCW Code, section A-Vlll/1;Maritime LabourConvention, 2006;IMO/ILO Guidelines for thedevelopment of tables ofseafarers' shipboard workingarrangements and formats ofrecords of seafarers' hours ofwork or hours of restAFS Convention,regulation 2(1} of annex 4AF$ Convention,regulation 5(1) of annex 4BWM 2004,regulation E-2Note: The item was added by the Secretariat as per the relevantrequirements of the International Convention for the Control andManagement of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM 2004},which will enter into force on 8 September 2017.354 MARPOL CONSOLIDATED ED ITION 2017

2 - Certificates and documents required to be carried on board shipsBallast Water Management PlanEach shi p sha ll have on boa rd and implement a Ballast WaterM anagement plan. Such a plan shal l be approved by the Administrationtaking into account guidelines developed by the O rganization.Note: The item was added by the Secretariat as per the relevantrequirements of the International Convention for the Control andManagement of Shi ps' Ballast Water and Sed iments, 2004 (BWM 2004),w hich will enter into force on 8 September 2017.Ballast Water Record BookEach ship shall have on board a Ba llast Water record book that may be anelectronic record system, or that may be integrated into another recordbook or system and which shall at least contain the information specifiedin appendix II of the Convention. The Bal last water record book entriesshall be maintained on board the ship for a minimum period of twoyears after the last entry has been made and thereafter in the Company'scontrol for a minimum period of three years.BWM 2004,regulation B-1;resolution MEPC.127(53)BWM 2004,Regulation B-2Note: The item was added by the Secretariat as per the relevantrequirements of the International Convention for the Control andManagement of Ships' Ba llast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM 2004),which will enter into force on 8 September 2017.Certificate of insurance or other fina ncial securityin respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damageCertificate attesting that insurance or other financial security is in forcein accordance w ith the provisions of this Convention shall be issued toeach sh ip having a gross tonnage greater than 1,000 after the appropriateauthority of a State Party has determined that the requ irements ofarticle 7, paragraph 1 have been complied with. With respect to a shipregistered in a State Party such certificate shall be issued or certified bythe appropriate authority of the State of the ship's registry; with respectto a ship not registered in a State Party it may be issued or certified bythe appropriate authority of any State Party. A State Party may authorizeeither an institution or an organization recognized by it to issue thecertificate referred to in article 7, paragraph 2. This compulsory insurancecertificate shall be in the form of the model set out in the annex to theConvention.Certificate of insurance or other financial securityin respect of liability for the removal of wrecksBunkers Convention 2001,article 7Certificate attesting that insurance or other fi nancial security is in force Nairobi W RC 2007, article 12in accordance w ith the provisions of the Convention shal l be issued toeach ship of 300 gross tonnage and above by the appropriate authorityof the State of the ship's registry after determining that the requirementsof article 12.1 have been complied w ith. W ith respect to a ship registeredin a State Party, such certificate shall be issued or certified by theappropriate authority of the State of the ship's registry; with respect toa ship not registered in a State Party it may be issued or certified bythe appropriate authority of any State Party. This compulsory insurancecertificate shall be in the form of the model set out in the annex to theConvention.MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITIO N 2017 355

Additional information

Certificates for masters, officers or ratings

Certificates for masters, officers or ratings shal l be issued to those

candidates who, to the satisfaction of the Administration, meet the

requirements for service, age, medical fitness, training, qualifications and

examinations in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the 1978

STCW Convention and STCW Code. Formats of certificates are given in

section A 1/2 of the STCW Code. Certificates must be kept available in

their original form on board the ships on which the holder is serving.

Fishing vessel personnel serving on board seagoing fishing vessels sha ll

be certificated in accordance with the provisions of STCW-F Convention

1995. Formats of certificates are given in appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the


Records of daily hours of rest

Records of daily hours of rest of seafarers shall be maintained on board.

International Anti-fouling System Certificate

Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above engaged in international voyages,

excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs, sha ll be

issued after inspection and survey an international Anti-fouling System

Certificate together with a Record of Anti-fouling Systems.

Declaration on Anti-fouling System

Ships of 24 m or more in length, but less than 400 gross tonnage

engaged in international voyages, excluding fixed or floating platforms,

FSUs, and FPSOs, shal l carry a declaration signed by the owner or

owner's authorized agents. Such a declaration shal l be accompanied

by appropriate documentation (such as a paint receipt or a contractor

invoice) or contain appropriate endorsement.

International Ballast Water Management Certificate

Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above to which the BWM 2004

applies, excluding floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs, shal l be issued

the certificate after successful completion of a survey conducted in

accordance with regulation E-1.

STCW 1978, article V I,

regulation 1/2;

STCW Code, section A-1/ 2

STCW-F 1995, article 6,

regulation 3

STCW Code, section A-Vlll/1;

Maritime Labour

Convention, 2006;

IMO/ILO Guidelines for the

development of tables of

seafarers' shipboard working

arrangements and formats of

records of seafarers' hours of

work or hours of rest

AFS Convention,

regulation 2(1} of annex 4

AF$ Convention,

regulation 5(1) of annex 4

BWM 2004,

regulation E-2

Note: The item was added by the Secretariat as per the relevant

requirements of the International Convention for the Control and

Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM 2004},

which will enter into force on 8 September 2017.


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