MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Annex II: Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulkAbbreviated legend to the revi sed CESAMP Hazard Evaluation ProcedureColumns A and B - Aquatic environmentABioaccumulation and biodegradationAquatic toxicityNumericalrating Al * Bl * B2°Bioaccumulation A2* Biodegradation Acute toxicity Chronic toxicitylog Pow BCF LC/EC/IC 50 (mg/L) NOE( (mg/ L)0 < 1 or > ca. 7 not measurable R: readily > 1,000 > 11 2: 1 - < 2 2: 1 - < 10biodegradable> 100 - $ 1,000 > 0.1 - $ 12 2: 2 - < 3 2 10-< 100 NR: not readily> 10 - $ 100 > 0.01 - $ 0.1biodegradable3 2 3 - < 4 2 100 - < 500> 1 - $ 10 > 0.001 - $ 0.014inorg: inorganic2 4- < 5 2 500 - < 4,000> 0.1 - $ 1substance$ 0.0015 2 5 - < ca. 7 2 4,000 > 0.01 - $ 0.16 $ 0.01BNumericalratingColumns C and D - Human health (Toxic effects to mammals)CDAcute mammalian toxicityIrritation, corrosion and long-term health effectsC2 (3ClPercutaneous InhalationD1 D2 0 3•Oral toxicitytoxicitySkin irritation andtoxicityEye irritation Long-term healthLD 50 (mg/ kg)corrosionLD 50 (mg/ kg)and corrosionLC 50 (mg/ L)effects0 > 2,000 > 2,000 > 20 not irritating not irritating C - Carcinogen1 > 300 - $ 2,000 > 1,000 - $ 2,000 > 10-$ 20 mildly irritating mildly irritating M - Mutagenic2 > 50- $ 300 > 200 - $ 1,000 > 2 - $ 10 irrita ting irritatingR - Reprotoxic3 > 5 - $ 50 > 50 - $ 200 > 0.5 - $ 2 severely irritating severelyor corrosive irritating S - Sensitizing3A Corr. ($ 4 h)38 Corr. ($ 1 h}A - Aspiration3C Corr. ($ 3 min)hazardT -Target organsystemictoxicity4 $5 $ 50 $ 0.5L -N -I -Lung injuryNeurotoxiclmmunotoxic• These columns are used to define pollution categories.194 MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Appendix I - Guidelines for the categorization of noxious liquid substancesAbbreviated legend to the revised CESAMP Hazard Evaluation Procedure (continued)E1TaintingColumn E - Interferences with other uses of the seaE2*Physical effects on wildlifeand benthic habitatsNumericalratingE3Interference with coastal amenitiesDescription and actionNT: not tainting (tested) Fp: Persistent floater 0 no interferenceT: tainting test positive F: Floater no warningS: Sinking substances1 slightly objectionablewarning, no closure of amenity2 moderately objectionablepossible closure of amenity3 highly objectionableclosure of amenity• These columns are used to define pollution categories.MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017 195

Annex II: Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk

Abbreviated legend to the revi sed CESAMP Hazard Evaluation Procedure

Columns A and B - Aquatic environment


Bioaccumulation and biodegradation

Aquatic toxicity


rating Al * Bl * B2°

Bioaccumulation A2* Biodegradation Acute toxicity Chronic toxicity

log Pow BCF LC/EC/IC 50 (mg/L) NOE( (mg/ L)

0 < 1 or > ca. 7 not measurable R: readily > 1,000 > 1

1 2: 1 - < 2 2: 1 - < 10


> 100 - $ 1,000 > 0.1 - $ 1

2 2: 2 - < 3 2 10-< 100 NR: not readily

> 10 - $ 100 > 0.01 - $ 0.1


3 2 3 - < 4 2 100 - < 500

> 1 - $ 10 > 0.001 - $ 0.01


inorg: inorganic

2 4- < 5 2 500 - < 4,000

> 0.1 - $ 1


$ 0.001

5 2 5 - < ca. 7 2 4,000 > 0.01 - $ 0.1

6 $ 0.01




Columns C and D - Human health (Toxic effects to mammals)



Acute mammalian toxicity

Irritation, corrosion and long-term health effects

C2 (3


Percutaneous Inhalation

D1 D2 0 3•

Oral toxicity


Skin irritation and


Eye irritation Long-term health

LD 50 (mg/ kg)


LD 50 (mg/ kg)

and corrosion

LC 50 (mg/ L)


0 > 2,000 > 2,000 > 20 not irritating not irritating C - Carcinogen

1 > 300 - $ 2,000 > 1,000 - $ 2,000 > 10-$ 20 mildly irritating mildly irritating M - Mutagenic

2 > 50- $ 300 > 200 - $ 1,000 > 2 - $ 10 irrita ting irritating

R - Reprotoxic

3 > 5 - $ 50 > 50 - $ 200 > 0.5 - $ 2 severely irritating severely

or corrosive irritating S - Sensitizing

3A Corr. ($ 4 h)

38 Corr. ($ 1 h}

A - Aspiration

3C Corr. ($ 3 min)


T -

Target organ



4 $5 $ 50 $ 0.5

L -

N -

I -

Lung injury



• These columns are used to define pollution categories.


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