MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Chapter 6 - Measures of control by port StatesRegulation 169 Port State control on operational requirements*9.1 A ship when in a port of another Party is subject to inspection by officers duly authorized by such Partyconcerning operational requirements under this Annex, where there are clear grounds for believing that themaster or crew are not fam iliar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the prevention of pollution bynoxious liquid substances.9.2 In the circumstances given in paragraph 9.1 of th is regu lation, the Party shall take such steps as will ensurethat the shi p shall not sail until the situation has been brought to order in accordance w ith the requirementsof this Annex.9.3 Procedures relating to the port State control prescribed in article 5 of the present Convention shall applyto this regulation.9.4 Nothing in th is regulation shall be construed to limit the rights and obligations of a Party carrying ou tcontrol over operational requirements specifica lly provided for in the present Convention.• Refer to Procedures for port State control, 2011 (resolution A.1052(27)).MARPOL CONSOLI DATED EDITION 2017 187

Chapter 7 - Prevention of pollution ari sing from an incidentinvolving noxious liquid substancesRegulation 17Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances1 Every ship of 150 gross tonnage and above certified to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk shal lcarry on board a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances approved by theAdministration.2 Such a plan shal l be based on the Guidelines* developed by the Organization and written in a workinglanguage or languages understood by the master and officers. The plan shall consist at least of:.1 the procedure to be followed by the master or other persons having charge of the ship to report anoxious liquid substances pollution incident, as required in article 8 and Protocol I of the presentConvention, based on the Guidelines developed by the Organization; t.2 the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the even t of a noxious liquid substances pollutionincident;.3 a detailed description of the action to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce orcontrol the discharge of noxious liquid substances fol lowing the incident; and.4 the procedures and point of contact on the ship for coordinating shipboard action with nationaland local authorities in combating the pollution.3 In the case of ships to which regulation 37 of Annex I of the Convention also applies, such a plan maybe combined w ith the sh ipboard oil pollution emergency plan required under regulation 37 of Annex I of theConvention. In this case, the title of such a plan sha ll be "Sh ipboard marine pollution emergency plan".• Refer to Guidelines for the development of shipboard marine pollution emergency plans for oil and/or noxious liquid substances(resolution MEPC.85(44), as amended by resolution M EPC.137(53)).t Refer to General princip les fo r ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidentsinvolving dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants (resolution A.851 (20), as amended by resolution MEPC.138(53)).188 MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Chapter 7 - Prevention of pollution ari sing from an incident

involving noxious liquid substances

Regulation 17

Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances

1 Every ship of 150 gross tonnage and above certified to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk shal l

carry on board a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances approved by the


2 Such a plan shal l be based on the Guidelines* developed by the Organization and written in a working

language or languages understood by the master and officers. The plan shall consist at least of:

.1 the procedure to be followed by the master or other persons having charge of the ship to report a

noxious liquid substances pollution incident, as required in article 8 and Protocol I of the present

Convention, based on the Guidelines developed by the Organization; t

.2 the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the even t of a noxious liquid substances pollution


.3 a detailed description of the action to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce or

control the discharge of noxious liquid substances fol lowing the incident; and

.4 the procedures and point of contact on the ship for coordinating shipboard action with national

and local authorities in combating the pollution.

3 In the case of ships to which regulation 37 of Annex I of the Convention also applies, such a plan may

be combined w ith the sh ipboard oil pollution emergency plan required under regulation 37 of Annex I of the

Convention. In this case, the title of such a plan sha ll be "Sh ipboard marine pollution emergency plan".

• Refer to Guidelines for the development of shipboard marine pollution emergency plans for oil and/or noxious liquid substances

(resolution MEPC.85(44), as amended by resolution M EPC.137(53)).

t Refer to General princip les fo r ship reporting systems and ship reporting requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents

involving dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants (resolution A.851 (20), as amended by resolution MEPC.138(53)).


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