MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Chapter 4 - Design, construction, arrangement and equipmentRegulation 123 Every ship constructed on or after 1 January 2007 shall be provided with a pumping and pipingarrangement to ensure that each tank certified for the carriage of substances in category X, Y or Z does notretain a quantity of residue in excess of 75 L in the tank and its associated piping. A performance test shall becarried out in accordance with appendix V of this Annex.4 For a ship other than a chem ical ta1nker constructed before 1 January 2007 w hich cannot meet therequirements for the pumping and piping arrangements for substances in category Z referred to in paragraphs1 and 2 of this regulation no quantity requirement shal l apply. Compliance is deemed to be reached if the tankis emptied to the most practicable extent.5 Pumping performance tests referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this regulation shal l be approved bythe Administration. Pumping performance tests shall use water as the test medium.6 Ships certified to carry substances of category X, Y or Z shall have an underwater discharge outlet (oroutlets).7 For ships constructed before 1 January 2007 and certified to carry substances in category Zan underwaterdischarge outlet as required under paragra[Ph 6 of this regulation is not mandatory.8 The underwater discharge outlet (or outlets) shall be located within the cargo area in the vicinity of theturn of the bilge and shall be so arranged as to avoid the re-intake of residue/water mixtures by the ship'sseawater intakes.9 The underwater discharge outlet arrangement sha ll be such that the residue/water mixture dischargedinto the sea will not pass through the ship's boundary layer. To this end, when the discharge is made normalto the ship's shell plating, the minimum diameter of the discharge outlet is governed by the following equation:Qdd = SldwheredLdQd= minimum diameter of the discharge outlet (m)= distance from the forward perpendicular to the discharge outlet (m)= the maximum rate selected at w hich the ship may discharge a residue/water mixturethrough the outlet (m 3 / h).10 When the discharge is directed at an angle to the ship's shell plating, the above relationship shall bemodified by substituting for Qd the component of Qd w hich is normal to the ship's shell plating.11 Slop tanksAlthough this Annex does not require the fitting of dedicated slop tanks, slop tanks may be needed for certa inwashing procedures. Cargo tanks may be used as slop tanks.MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017 181

Chapter 5 - Operational discharges of residu esof noxious liquid substancesRegulation 13Control of discharges of residues of noxious liquid substancesSubject to the provisions of regu lation 3 of this Annex, the control of discharges of residues of noxious liquidsubstances or ballast water, tank wash ings or other mixtures containing such substances sha ll be in compliancewith the fol lowing requirements.1 Discharge provisions1.1 The discharge into the sea of residues of substances assigned to category X, Y or Z or of those provisionallyassessed as such or ballast water, tank washings or other mixtures containing such substances shall beprohibited unless such discharges are made in full compliance with the applicable operational requirementscontained in this Annex.1.2 Before any prewash or discharge procedure is carried out in accordance with this regulation, the relevanttank shall be emptied to the maximum extent in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the Manual.1.3 The carriage of substances which have not been categorized, provisionally assessed or evaluated asreferred to in regulation 6 of this Annex or of ballast water, tank washings or other mixtures containing suchresidues sha ll be prohibited along w ith any consequential discharge of such substances into the sea.2 Discharge standards2.1 Where the provisions in this regulation al low the discharge into the sea of residues of substances incategory X, Y or Z or of those provisionally assessed as such or ballast water, tank washings or other mixturescontaining such substances, the following discharge standards shall apply:.1 the ship is proceeding en route at a speed of at least 7 knots in the case of self-propelled ships orat least 4 knots in the case of ships which are not self-propelled;.2 the discharge is made below the waterline through the underwater discharge outlet(s) not exceedingthe maximum rate for w hich the underwater discharge outlet(s) is (are) designed; and.3 the discharge is made at a distance of not less than 12 nautica l miles from the nearest land in adepth of water of not less than 25 m.2.2 For ships constructed before 1 January 2007 the discharge into the sea of residues of substances incategory Z or of those provisionally assessed as such or ballast water, tank washings or other mixturescontaining such substances below the waterline is not mandatory.2.3 The Administration may waive the requirements of paragraph 2.1 .3 for substances in category Z, regardingthe distance of not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land for ships solely engaged in voyages withinwaters subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the State the flag of which the ship is entitled to fly. Inaddition, the Administration may waive the same requirement regarding the discharge distance of not less than12 nautical miles from the nearest land for a particular sh ip entitled to fly the flag of their State, w hen engagedin voyages w ithin waters subject to the sovereignty or jurisd iction of one adjacent State after the establishmentof an agreement, in writing, of a waiver between the two coastal States involved provided that no third partywill be affected. Information on such agreement shall be communicated to the Organization within 30 daysfor further circulation to the Parties to the Convention for their information and appropriate action if any.182 MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Chapter 4 - Design, construction, arrangement and equipment

Regulation 12

3 Every ship constructed on or after 1 January 2007 shall be provided with a pumping and piping

arrangement to ensure that each tank certified for the carriage of substances in category X, Y or Z does not

retain a quantity of residue in excess of 75 L in the tank and its associated piping. A performance test shall be

carried out in accordance with appendix V of this Annex.

4 For a ship other than a chem ical ta1nker constructed before 1 January 2007 w hich cannot meet the

requirements for the pumping and piping arrangements for substances in category Z referred to in paragraphs

1 and 2 of this regulation no quantity requirement shal l apply. Compliance is deemed to be reached if the tank

is emptied to the most practicable extent.

5 Pumping performance tests referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this regulation shal l be approved by

the Administration. Pumping performance tests shall use water as the test medium.

6 Ships certified to carry substances of category X, Y or Z shall have an underwater discharge outlet (or


7 For ships constructed before 1 January 2007 and certified to carry substances in category Zan underwater

discharge outlet as required under paragra[Ph 6 of this regulation is not mandatory.

8 The underwater discharge outlet (or outlets) shall be located within the cargo area in the vicinity of the

turn of the bilge and shall be so arranged as to avoid the re-intake of residue/water mixtures by the ship's

seawater intakes.

9 The underwater discharge outlet arrangement sha ll be such that the residue/water mixture discharged

into the sea will not pass through the ship's boundary layer. To this end, when the discharge is made normal

to the ship's shell plating, the minimum diameter of the discharge outlet is governed by the following equation:


d = Sld





= minimum diameter of the discharge outlet (m)

= distance from the forward perpendicular to the discharge outlet (m)

= the maximum rate selected at w hich the ship may discharge a residue/water mixture

through the outlet (m 3 / h).

10 When the discharge is directed at an angle to the ship's shell plating, the above relationship shall be

modified by substituting for Qd the component of Qd w hich is normal to the ship's shell plating.

11 Slop tanks

Although this Annex does not require the fitting of dedicated slop tanks, slop tanks may be needed for certa in

washing procedures. Cargo tanks may be used as slop tanks.


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