MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2017


Chapter 2 - Categorization of noxious liquid substancesRegulation 6Categorization and listing of noxious liquid substances and other substances1 For the purpose of the regu lations of this Annex, noxious liquid substances shall be divided into fourcategories as fol lows:.1 Category X: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning ordeballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to either marine resources or humanhealth and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge into the marine environment;.2 Category Y: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning ordeballasting operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either marine resources or human healthor cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a limitation onthe qual ity and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;.3 Category Z: Noxious liquid substa nces which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning ordeballasting operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or humanhealth and therefore justify less stringent restrictions on the qual ity and quantity of the dischargeinto the ma rine environment;.4 Other substances: Substances indicated as OS (Other Substances) in the pollution category columnof chapter 18 of the International Bulk Chem ica l Code which have been evaluated and found to falloutside category X, Y or Z as defined in regu lation 6.1 of this Annex because they are, at present,considered to present no harm to marine resources, human health, amenities or other legitimateuses of the sea w hen discharged into the sea from tank clean ing or deballasting operations. Thedischarge of bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing only substances referredto as "Other Substances" shall not be subject to any requirements of the Annex.2 Guidelines for use in the categorization of noxious liquid substances are given in appendix I to thisAnnex.3 Where it is proposed to carry a liqu id substance in bulk which has not been categorized under paragraph 1of this regulation, the Governments of Parties to the Convention involved in the proposed operation shallestablish and agree on a provisional assessment for the proposed operation on the basis of the guidelinesreferred to in paragraph 2 of this regu lation. Until ful l agreement among the Governments involved has beenreached, the substance sha ll not be carried. As soon as possible, but not later than 30 days after the agreementhas been reached, the Government of the producing or sh ipping country, initiating the agreement concerned,shall notify the Organization and provide details of the substance and the provisional assessment for annualcirculation to all Parties for their information. The Organization sha ll mainta in a register of al l such substancesand their provisional assessment until such time as the substances are formally included in the IBC Code.MARPOL CONSOLI DATED EDITION 2017 175

Chapter 3 - Surveys and ce rtificationRegulation 7Survey and certification of chemical tankersNotwithstanding the provisions of regulations 8, 9, and 10 of this Annex, chemical tankers which have beensurveyed and certified by States Parties to the present Convention in accordance with the provisions ofthe International Bu lk Chemical Code or the Bulk Chemica l Code, as applicable, shall be deemed to havecomplied w ith the provisions of the said regulations, and the certificate issued under that Code shall have thesame force and receive the same recogn ition as the certificate issued under regulation 9 of this Annex.Regulation 8Surveys1 Ships carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk shall be subject to the surveys specified below:.1 An initial survey before the ship is put in service or before the Certificate required under regu lation9 of th is Annex is issued for the first time, and w hich shall include a complete survey of its structure,equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material in so far as the ship is covered by thisAnnex. This survey shall be such as to ensure that the structure, equipment, systems, fittings,arrangements and material ful ly comply w ith the applicable requ irements of this Annex .. 2 A renewal survey at interva ls specified by the Administration, but not exceeding 5 yea rs, exceptwhere regu lation 10.2, 10.5, 10.6, or 10.7 of this Annex is applicable. The renewal survey shall besuch as to ensure that the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material fullycomply with applicable requirements of this An nex .. 3 An intermediate survey w ithin 3 months before or after the second anniversary date or within 3months before or after the thi rd anniversary date of the Certificate which shall take the place of oneof the annual surveys specified in paragraph 1.4 of this regulation. The intermediate survey sha llbe such as to ensure that the equipment and associated pump and piping systems ful ly complyw ith the applicable requirements of this Annex and are in good working order. Such intermediatesurveys shall be endorsed on the Certificate issued under regulation 9 of this Annex .. 4 An annual survey within 3 months before or after each anniversary date of the Certificate including ageneral inspection of the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material referredto in paragraph 1.1 of this regu lation to ensure that they have been maintained in accordance w ithparagraph 3 of this regulation and that they remain satisfactory for the service for which the shipis intended. Such annual surveys shall be endorsed on the Certificate issued under regu lation 9 ofthis Annex .. 5 An additional survey either general or partial, according to the circumstances, shall be made aftera repair resu lting from investigations prescribed in paragraph 3 of this regulation, or w henever anyimportant repairs or renewals are made. The survey shall be such as to ensure that the necessaryrepairs or renewals have been effectively made, that the material and workmanship of such repairsor renewals are in all respects satisfactory and that the ship complies in all respects with therequirements of this Annex.176 MARPOL CONSOLIDATED EDITION 2017

Chapter 3 - Surveys and ce rtification

Regulation 7

Survey and certification of chemical tankers

Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations 8, 9, and 10 of this Annex, chemical tankers which have been

surveyed and certified by States Parties to the present Convention in accordance with the provisions of

the International Bu lk Chemical Code or the Bulk Chemica l Code, as applicable, shall be deemed to have

complied w ith the provisions of the said regulations, and the certificate issued under that Code shall have the

same force and receive the same recogn ition as the certificate issued under regulation 9 of this Annex.

Regulation 8


1 Ships carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk shall be subject to the surveys specified below:

.1 An initial survey before the ship is put in service or before the Certificate required under regu lation

9 of th is Annex is issued for the first time, and w hich shall include a complete survey of its structure,

equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material in so far as the ship is covered by this

Annex. This survey shall be such as to ensure that the structure, equipment, systems, fittings,

arrangements and material ful ly comply w ith the applicable requ irements of this Annex .

. 2 A renewal survey at interva ls specified by the Administration, but not exceeding 5 yea rs, except

where regu lation 10.2, 10.5, 10.6, or 10.7 of this Annex is applicable. The renewal survey shall be

such as to ensure that the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material fully

comply with applicable requirements of this An nex .

. 3 An intermediate survey w ithin 3 months before or after the second anniversary date or within 3

months before or after the thi rd anniversary date of the Certificate which shall take the place of one

of the annual surveys specified in paragraph 1.4 of this regulation. The intermediate survey sha ll

be such as to ensure that the equipment and associated pump and piping systems ful ly comply

w ith the applicable requirements of this Annex and are in good working order. Such intermediate

surveys shall be endorsed on the Certificate issued under regulation 9 of this Annex .

. 4 An annual survey within 3 months before or after each anniversary date of the Certificate including a

general inspection of the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material referred

to in paragraph 1.1 of this regu lation to ensure that they have been maintained in accordance w ith

paragraph 3 of this regulation and that they remain satisfactory for the service for which the ship

is intended. Such annual surveys shall be endorsed on the Certificate issued under regu lation 9 of

this Annex .

. 5 An additional survey either general or partial, according to the circumstances, shall be made after

a repair resu lting from investigations prescribed in paragraph 3 of this regulation, or w henever any

important repairs or renewals are made. The survey shall be such as to ensure that the necessary

repairs or renewals have been effectively made, that the material and workmanship of such repairs

or renewals are in all respects satisfactory and that the ship complies in all respects with the

requirements of this Annex.


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