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COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/B07XKB51R4 Book Synopsis Why must all good things come to an end?In Washington State wine country, Red Mountain is a refuge for searchers and wanderers, artists and lovers, farmers and chefs--people looking for a place to belong. Despite the stunning landscape, the world-class wines, and their best efforts, the eccentric inhabitants often attract trouble.Brooks Baker, the man with the most broken of pasts, craves stability, but he's forced into making a tough decision when the woman he loves considers a move to Florida.Margot Pierce, the dream chaser and innkeeper who fled Vermont to escape her first marriage, faces a new challenge when her fianc#233's estranged daughter comes to town.Otis Till, the grapefather, knows it's time to hand over the reins to the new guard of Red Mountain. But he wants just one last great vintage before he goes.Red Mountain Burning is the third and final book in the story of the many souls fighting to make their small wine-growing region thrive amidst a world of dysfunction and chaos. Are they strong enough to endure the many fires of the coming vintage or will Red Mountain go down in flames?For a free copy of Red Mountain Recipes for the Body, Mind, and Spirit, sign up on Boo's website.

COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/B07XKB51R4

Book Synopsis
Why must all good things come to an end?In Washington State wine country, Red Mountain is a refuge for searchers and wanderers, artists and lovers, farmers and chefs--people looking for a place to belong. Despite the stunning landscape, the world-class wines, and their best efforts, the eccentric inhabitants often attract trouble.Brooks Baker, the man with the most broken of pasts, craves stability, but he's forced into making a tough decision when the woman he loves considers a move to Florida.Margot Pierce, the dream chaser and innkeeper who fled Vermont to escape her first marriage, faces a new challenge when her fianc#233's estranged daughter comes to town.Otis Till, the grapefather, knows it's time to hand over the reins to the new guard of Red Mountain. But he wants just one last great vintage before he goes.Red Mountain Burning is the third and final book in the story of the many souls fighting to make their small wine-growing region thrive amidst a world of dysfunction and chaos. Are they strong enough to endure the many fires of the coming vintage or will Red Mountain go down in flames?For a free copy of Red Mountain Recipes for the Body, Mind, and Spirit, sign up on Boo's website.


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Red Mountain Burning: A Novel (Red Mountain Chronicles Book



Why must all good things come to an end?In Washington

State wine country, Red Mountain is a refuge for searchers

and wanderers, artists and lovers, farmers and chefs--people

looking for a place to belong. Despite the stunning landscape,

the world-class wines, and their best efforts, the eccentric

inhabitants often attract trouble.Brooks Baker, the man with

the most broken of pasts, craves stability, but he's forced into

making a tough decision when the woman he loves considers

a move to Florida.Margot Pierce, the dream chaser and

innkeeper who fled Vermont to escape her first marriage, faces

a new challenge when her fianc#233's estranged daughter

comes to town.Otis Till, the grapefather, knows it's time to

hand over the reins to the new guard of Red Mountain. But he

wants just one last great vintage before he goes.Red Mountain

Burning is the third and final book in the story of the many

souls fighting to make their small wine-growing region thrive

amidst a world of dysfunction and chaos. Are they strong

enough to endure the many fires of the coming vintage or will

Red Mountain go down in flames?For a free copy of Red

Mountain Recipes for the Body, Mind, and Spirit, sign up on

Boo's website.

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