[PDF] DOWNLOAD EBOOK Violent Prayers to Uproot All Curses: Powerful Prayers to Break All curses Troubling Your Life

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B0875QGRSQ.html - Book Synopsis : Do You know a Christian, you can remain stagnant in life, become depressed at regular intervals and can be troubled by so many challenges in life as a result of curses? You need the &quotspiritual eyes&quot ( revelation of the Holy Spirit) to see things from the realm of the spirit. There was a time in my life that it looked like nothing was working. I wanted to give everything up and end it. But something within me just kept on telling me, &quotWhy not take it up to God!&quotI entered my prayer room and started praying Then I had a dream In the dream, I saw myself in my former secondary school&#8230I still didn't understand it, I kept on praying, and yet again, I saw myself in my old secondary school where I finished over seven years ago. Then I got the revelation It was the stagnancy curse that was dealing with me. I was destined to be stagnant for the rest of my life. I traced it to my family and noticed it was more like a hereditary curse. Most of my sibling were not moving in life we were crawling, and it looked like most of us never understood this great secret.Listen! It takes a spiritual revelation from the throne of grace( Holy Spirit) for you to get some issues of life that might hinder you from moving in life. If you don't tackle physical issues from the spirit realm with prayers, you might end up

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B0875QGRSQ.html -
Book Synopsis :
Do You know a Christian, you can remain stagnant in life, become depressed at regular intervals and can be troubled by so many challenges in life as a result of curses? You need the &quotspiritual eyes&quot ( revelation of the Holy Spirit) to see things from the realm of the spirit. There was a time in my life that it looked like nothing was working. I wanted to give everything up and end it. But something within me just kept on telling me, &quotWhy not take it up to God!&quotI entered my prayer room and started praying Then I had a dream In the dream, I saw myself in my former secondary school&#8230I still didn't understand it, I kept on praying, and yet again, I saw myself in my old secondary school where I finished over seven years ago. Then I got the revelation It was the stagnancy curse that was dealing with me. I was destined to be stagnant for the rest of my life. I traced it to my family and noticed it was more like a hereditary curse. Most of my sibling were not moving in life we were crawling, and it looked like most of us never understood this great secret.Listen! It takes a spiritual revelation from the throne of grace( Holy Spirit) for you to get some issues of life that might hinder you from moving in life. If you don't tackle physical issues from the spirit realm with prayers, you might end up


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Violent Prayers to Uproot All Curses:

Powerful Prayers to Break All curses

Troubling Your Life

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Prayers to Break All curses Troubling Your Life

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Prayers to Break All curses Troubling Your Life

Description :

Do You know a Christian, you can remain stagnant in life, become depressed

at regular intervals and can be troubled by so many challenges in life as a

result of curses? You need the &quotspiitual eyes&quot( revelation of the Holy

Spirit) to see things from the realm of the spirit. There was a time in my life that

it looked like nothing was working. I wanted to give everything up and end it.

But something within me just kept on telling me, &quotWhynot take it up to

God!&quotIentered my prayer room and started praying Then I had a dream In

the dream, I saw myself in my former secondary school&#8230Istill didn't

understand it, I kept on praying, and yet again, I saw myself in my old

secondary school where I finished over seven years ago. Then I got the

revelation It was the stagnancy curse that was dealing with me. I was destined

to be stagnant for the rest of my life. I traced it to my family and noticed it was

more like a hereditary curse. Most of my sibling were not moving in life we

were crawling, and it looked like most of us never understood this great

secret.Listen! It takes a spiritual revelation from the throne of grace( Holy

Spirit) for you to get some issues of life that might hinder you from moving in

life. If you don't tackle physical issues from the spirit realm with prayers, you

might end up struggling for the rest of your life. Are you dealing with severe

sicknesses at all times? Is there the short-life curse running in your family that

stops each one of you from reaching the destines age? If you are not

sensitive, you might end up dying before your time and not fulfil your Godgiven

destiny.In my book,&quotViolent Prayers to Uproot all Curses!&quotI

have thoroughly dealt with most curses. I have listed over 50 powerful prayers

you can pray in the morning and the middle of the night. I Pray for you today,

as you pray these prayers, all curses troubling your life is neutralized with the

blood of Jesus. You will move forward and never remain in one position again

in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen...

Violent Prayers to Uproot All Curses: Powerful

Prayers to Break All curses Troubling Your Life

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B0875QGRSQ.html - Book Synopsis :

Do You know a Christian, you can remain stagnant in life, become

depressed at regular intervals and can be troubled by so many

challenges in life as a result of curses? You need the &quotspiitual

eyes&quot( revelation of the Holy Spirit) to see things from the realm of

the spirit. There was a time in my life that it looked like nothing was

working. I wanted to give everything up and end it. But something within

me just kept on telling me, &quotWhynot take it up to God!&quotIentered

my prayer room and started praying Then I had a dream In the dream, I

saw myself in my former secondary school&#8230Istill didn't understand

it, I kept on praying, and yet again, I saw myself in my old secondary

school where I finished over seven years ago. Then I got the revelation It

was the stagnancy curse that was dealing with me. I was destined to be

stagnant for the rest of my life. I traced it to my family and noticed it was

more like a hereditary curse. Most of my sibling were not moving in life

we were crawling, and it looked like most of us never understood this

great secret.Listen! It takes a spiritual revelation from the throne of

grace( Holy Spirit) for you to get some issues of life that might hinder

you from moving in life. If you don't tackle physical issues from the spirit

realm with prayers, you might end up struggling for the rest of your life.

Are you dealing with severe sicknesses at all times? Is there the shortlife

curse running in your family that stops each one of you from

reaching the destines age? If you are not sensitive, you might end up

dying before your time and not fulfil your God-given destiny.In my

book,&quotViolent Prayers to Uproot all Curses!&quotI have thoroughly

dealt with most curses. I have listed over 50 powerful prayers you can

pray in the morning and the middle of the night. I Pray for you today, as

you pray these prayers, all curses troubling your life is neutralized with

the blood of Jesus. You will move forward and never remain in one

position again in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen...

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