[PDF] DOWNLOAD FREE The Existence and Attributes of God: Volume 1: Christian Classics Series

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B08WZJK1GK.html - Book Synopsis : [NOT A FACSIMILE]New Edition with both volumes in one here: https://tinyurl.com/charnock1and2The Existence and Attributes of God has become a classic text on the doctrine of God, and examines in meticulous detail God&#8217s foreknowledge and sovereignty, and discusses the possibility of free will and natural law. No Reformed theologian prior to Charnock treated God&#8217s existence and attributes with such clarity and depth&#8212in fact, his was one of the first works solely devoted to the subject to appear in the Reformed theological tradition, and has become a standard work on the subject. His positions have been echoed and refined by generations of theologians, and most recently have contributed to contemporary debates over free will, foreknowledge, and the openness of God.No doubt the sheer size of the volume has caused not a few persons to direct their reading efforts elsewhere. This is regrettable for a number of reasons, not the least of which is Charnock&#8217s ability to combine rigorous theological discourse on the doctrine of God with the typical Puritan emphasis on &#8220uses&#8221 of the doctrine (relating doctrine and life). His work has much value on a practical level, which should be the goal of all theology.Charnock studied at Cambridge and was later made senior proctor at Oxford from 1652&#8

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B08WZJK1GK.html -
Book Synopsis :
[NOT A FACSIMILE]New Edition with both volumes in one here: https://tinyurl.com/charnock1and2The Existence and Attributes of God has become a classic text on the doctrine of God, and examines in meticulous detail God&#8217s foreknowledge and sovereignty, and discusses the possibility of free will and natural law. No Reformed theologian prior to Charnock treated God&#8217s existence and attributes with such clarity and depth&#8212in fact, his was one of the first works solely devoted to the subject to appear in the Reformed theological tradition, and has become a standard work on the subject. His positions have been echoed and refined by generations of theologians, and most recently have contributed to contemporary debates over free will, foreknowledge, and the openness of God.No doubt the sheer size of the volume has caused not a few persons to direct their reading efforts elsewhere. This is regrettable for a number of reasons, not the least of which is Charnock&#8217s ability to combine rigorous theological discourse on the doctrine of God with the typical Puritan emphasis on &#8220uses&#8221 of the doctrine (relating doctrine and life). His work has much value on a practical level, which should be the goal of all theology.Charnock studied at Cambridge and was later made senior proctor at Oxford from 1652&#8


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The Existence and Attributes of God: Volume

1: Christian Classics Series

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Christian Classics Series

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Christian Classics Series

Description :

[NOT A FACSIMILE]New Edition with both volumes in one here:

https://tinyurl.com/charnock1and2The Existence and Attributes of God has

become a classic text on the doctrine of God, and examines in meticulous

detail God&#8217sforeknowledge and sovereignty, and discusses the

possibility of free will and natural law. No Reformed theologian prior to

Charnock treated God&#8217sexistence and attributes with such clarity and

depth&#8212infact, his was one of the first works solely devoted to the subject

to appear in the Reformed theological tradition, and has become a standard

work on the subject. His positions have been echoed and refined by

generations of theologians, and most recently have contributed to

contemporary debates over free will, foreknowledge, and the openness of

God.No doubt the sheer size of the volume has caused not a few persons to

direct their reading efforts elsewhere. This is regrettable for a number of

reasons, not the least of which is Charnock&#8217sability to combine rigorous

theological discourse on the doctrine of God with the typical Puritan emphasis

on &#8220uss&#8221of the doctrine (relating doctrine and life). His work has

much value on a practical level, which should be the goal of all

theology.Charnock studied at Cambridge and was later made senior proctor at

Oxford from 1652&#8211166. At Oxford he belonged to a&#8220gahered

church&#8221with fellow Puritan stalwarts, Thomas Goodwin

(1600&#8211160), Thankful Owen (1620&#8211161), and Theophilus Gale

(1628&#8211168). After Oxford, Charnock went to Ireland where he served

various churches, becoming one of the highest-paid clergy in Ireland. In 1660

he returned to England but, in the wake of the Restoration, had no pastoral

charge for fifteen years. According to Richard Greaves, Charnock supported

himself by practicing medicine. After ministering in private, including secret

trips to Holland and France, Charnock became co-pastor in 1675 with the onetime

Westminster divine Thomas Watson (c. 1620&#8211166), serving a

Nonconformist congregation at Crosby Hall in London. In the latter years of his

life he wrote Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God, perhaps

the most extensive and incisive Puritan treatise on the doctrine of God.

Charnock displays remarkable exegetical skill, familiarity with Protestant and

Roman Catholic theologians on the Continent, and a beautiful way with words

(particularly his metaphors and analogies). When all these factors are

considered together, there is no doubt Charnock belongs to the upper echelon

of Puritan theologians. This chapter will focus almost exclusively on

Charnock&#8217sunderstanding of the attributes of God.The doctrine of God

was a hugely significant topic (locus) among the Reformed orthodox. In

seventeenth century England a number of Puritan theologians wrote polemical

treatises refuting various errors from other theological traditions, particularly

the Socinians. The doctrine of God was the foundational starting point in

Reformed dogmatics and was typically arranged under five headings: the

names of God, the being of God, the attributes of God, the works of God, and

the persons of the Godhead. The first three categories address the doctrine of

God in the strict sense. The fourth topic concerns the outworking of the divine

decree and has an obvious relation to the previous three headings. The Trinity

(i.e., the three persons of the Godhead) has its own category because

Reformed theologians often spoke of &#8220Go&#8221in a twofold sense:

essentially and personally. Essentially, &#8220Go&#8221refers to the divine

essence or substance personally, &#8220Go&#8221refers to each (or all) of

the three persons&#8212Faher, Son, and Holy Spirit. Connected to these

categories is the humanist series of questions that were commonplace in

sixteenth- and seventeenth-century academic discourse: An sit? (Whether it

be so?) Quid sit? (What is it?) and Quale sit? (Of what sort is it?).

The Existence and Attributes of God: Volume 1:

Christian Classics Series

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B08WZJK1GK.html - Book Synopsis :

[NOT A FACSIMILE]New Edition with both volumes in one here:

https://tinyurl.com/charnock1and2The Existence and Attributes of God

has become a classic text on the doctrine of God, and examines in

meticulous detail God&#8217sforeknowledge and sovereignty, and

discusses the possibility of free will and natural law. No Reformed

theologian prior to Charnock treated God&#8217sexistence and

attributes with such clarity and depth&#8212infact, his was one of the

first works solely devoted to the subject to appear in the Reformed

theological tradition, and has become a standard work on the subject.

His positions have been echoed and refined by generations of

theologians, and most recently have contributed to contemporary

debates over free will, foreknowledge, and the openness of God.No

doubt the sheer size of the volume has caused not a few persons to

direct their reading efforts elsewhere. This is regrettable for a number of

reasons, not the least of which is Charnock&#8217sability to combine

rigorous theological discourse on the doctrine of God with the typical

Puritan emphasis on &#8220uss&#8221of the doctrine (relating doctrine

and life). His work has much value on a practical level, which should be

the goal of all theology.Charnock studied at Cambridge and was later

made senior proctor at Oxford from 1652&#8211166. At Oxford he

belonged to a&#8220gahered church&#8221with fellow Puritan stalwarts,

Thomas Goodwin (1600&#8211160), Thankful Owen (1620&#8211161),

and Theophilus Gale (1628&#8211168). After Oxford, Charnock went to

Ireland where he served various churches, becoming one of the highestpaid

clergy in Ireland. In 1660 he returned to England but, in the wake of

the Restoration, had no pastoral charge for fifteen years. According to

Richard Greaves, Charnock supported himself by practicing medicine.

After ministering in private, including secret trips to Holland and France,

Charnock became co-pastor in 1675 with the one-time Westminster

divine Thomas Watson (c. 1620&#8211166), serving a Nonconformist

congregation at Crosby Hall in London. In the latter years of his life he

wrote Discourses upon the Existence and Attributes of God, perhaps the

most extensive and incisive Puritan treatise on the doctrine of God.

Charnock displays remarkable exegetical skill, familiarity with Protestant

and Roman Catholic theologians on the Continent, and a beautiful way

with words (particularly his metaphors and analogies). When all these

factors are considered together, there is no doubt Charnock belongs to

the upper echelon of Puritan theologians. This chapter will focus almost

exclusively on Charnock&#8217sunderstanding of the attributes of

God.The doctrine of God was a hugely significant topic (locus) among

the Reformed orthodox. In seventeenth century England a number of

Puritan theologians wrote polemical treatises refuting various errors

from other theological traditions, particularly the Socinians. The doctrine

of God was the foundational starting point in Reformed dogmatics and

was typically arranged under five headings: the names of God, the being

of God, the attributes of God, the works of God, and the persons of the

Godhead. The first three categories address the doctrine of God in the

strict sense. The fourth topic concerns the outworking of the divine

decree and has an obvious relation to the previous three headings. The

Trinity (i.e., the three persons of the Godhead) has its own category

because Reformed theologians often spoke of &#8220Go&#8221in a

twofold sense: essentially and personally. Essentially,

&#8220Go&#8221refers to the divine essence or substance personally,

&#8220Go&#8221refers to each (or all) of the three persons&#8212Faher,

Son, and Holy Spirit. Connected to these categories is the humanist

series of questions that were commonplace in sixteenth- and

seventeenth-century academic discourse: An sit? (Whether it be so?)

Quid sit? (What is it?) and Quale sit? (Of what sort is it?).

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