Mushoku Tensei - Volume 04 - Juvenile Period - Voyage Chapter [Baka-Tsuki][Autogenerated]

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Chapter 7 - No Cost Apartment

Part 2

I was gradually carried into through the dark forest.

Unable to move at all on Gyes's back, just carried.

In the darkness the trees flowed by at a frightening speed.

In my field of vision I could tell a ball of silver fur was keeping up with us.

It's still just a puppy but it seems to have quite a bit of strength.

We had already been traveling for two or three hours.

The beast race warrior Gyes had been running for quite a long time.

Then he stopped when we had arrived somewhere.

[Please return to your house, Holy Beast-sama.]


The silver ball of fur let out a single reply and then disappeared off into the darkness.

Only able to move my eyes, I scanned the surroundings.

In a dense area of trees it seemed like there were very few people around.

However, above the trees I saw lights all over the place.

After walking a bit more Gyes approached a single tree.

He started to climb a ladder somewhere with me still on his shoulder.

It seems I'm being carried up the tree.

Mushoku Tensei Volume 04 255

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