Mushoku Tensei - Volume 04 - Juvenile Period - Voyage Chapter [Baka-Tsuki][Autogenerated]

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Chapter 6 - Children of the Beast Race

Part 3

I moved to the room where I saw that magic circle.

After I entered the room, that dog looked at me with suspicious eyes.

Without waving its tail or howling at all.

It was completely exhausted.

"It's certainly a dog."

What was chained in the center of the magic circle was a puppy.

I recognized it as a puppy at a glance, but the size is considerably large.

It's at least two meters.

I wonder why all the cats and dogs of this world are so large.

The first time I saw it I thought it was white, but it seems it was silver.

Probably because of the light, it looks like it's sparkling in the light.

A silver mame shiba, on the large large size.

It's quite refined with a pretty clever face.

"I'm about to save you now.. Ow?!"

Then the magic circle in the prison shined a bit.

It wasn't a ching sort of feeling.

Mushoku Tensei Volume 04 228

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