Does a Salesforce Security Scanner Impact Code

Salesforce code security scanners are an essential aspect of protecting your environment. But how do they relate to your code?

Salesforce code security scanners are an essential aspect of protecting your environment. But how do they relate to your code?


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D o e s a S a l e s f o r c e S e c u r i t y S c a n n e r I m p a c t C o d e ?

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Here are 7 considerations about utilizing a Salesforce security scanner:

• What Is Covered by a Salesforce Security Scanner?

• Poor Code Quality Creates Vulnerabilities

• Metadata Must Also Be Addressed

• Manual Processes Result in Errors

• Salesforce Security Scanners + Compliance

• Data Security Requires a Comprehensive Approach

• Do I Need to Scan My Code?


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What Is Covered by a Salesforce Security Scanner?

• A Salesforce security scanner should address the various types of data within a system

and provide reports on potential entry points.

• A Salesforce security scanner should analyze these potential vulnerabilities and provide

repeated reports on the success of your overall security strategy.

Poor Code Quality Creates Vulnerabilities

• A Salesforce code scanner should address the quality of your code and analyze existing

technical debt for instability.

• Quickly producing updates to address evolving needs is a great way to maintain an updated

data security strategy.


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Metadata Must Also Be Addressed

• Metadata is subject to data security regulations—and for good reason. A Salesforce

security scanner that doesn’t address metadata is ignoring a large section of your


• Metadata properties persist, inherit, propagate, and nest. Any errors or bugs that are

introduced to your metadata will infect surrounding aspects of your Salesforce


Manual Processes Result in Errors

• Automating security checks through a Salesforce security scanner ensures the intended areas

are fully scanned for vulnerabilities.

• An automated Salesforce security scanner increases coverage, reduces mistakes, and frees up

your team members.


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Salesforce Security Scanners + Compliance

• Data security is an essential aspect of planning out your Salesforce environment.

• Scanning your environment with compliance in mind ensures you are properly covering

your bases and makes it much easier to remain in accordance with guidelines.

Data Security Requires a Comprehensive Approach

• The only way to adequately protect your Salesforce environment is to enact every possible

measure of protection, and a Salesforce security scanner plays a large role in this.

• Scan your code with a static code analysis tool to ensure you are only releasing the highest

quality of updates and applications. Failing to do so opens your system up to potential data

security threats.


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Integrate with Popular Plugins

• The DevOps tools you use for code analysis, CI/CD, and anything else will need to work

within these plugins just as well as they would in a standard Salesforce environment.

• Sourcing quality tools with the flexibility to meet your team’s specific needs will support

successful code analysis and enable your DevOps team.

• Editor plugins can be a great way to properly test your applications and updates and

plugging a Salesforce code analysis tool into them makes them eve more powerful.


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