Dumas de Demain: The French Literary Magazine Vol. 7

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It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or

perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the

mirror of another loving, caring human being.

When we created Dumas de Demain, it was with the intention of bringing

together Francophones and Francophiles from across the world, creating a

community united by our shared love of the French language. All these years

later, and we are still so thrilled that each of you are joining us here on the


be times continue to present challenges to our best efforts to connect, but I

have been astounded at the flexibility of our creativity, the many thrilling and

dynamic ways we have stretched to meet each other against all odds in a

deeply disconnected time. We have celebrated milestones over video calls,

and we’ve written letters; we’ve found our way back to old methods of

communicating and we’ve invented new ones.

We have collected these poems and works of prose together in this edition

because we believe that each of them reflects a unique perspective on what

togetherness means — togetherness through translation or togetherness

through identifying shared experience, myth, or collective memory. Either

reflecting in the midst of togetherness or meditating on its absence. bere are

as many ways of writing a poem as there are ways of being together. In these

pages, you will find just a few of our favorites.

We were lucky enough to work with talented writers and editors to create this

7th volume of Dumas de Demain. We hope you find something that resonates

with you in these pages. bank you for being here. All of us together here,

wherever you may be.

— Emma Michalak

Septième édition | 3

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