Dumas de Demain: The French Literary Magazine Vol. 7

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by the knightly culture, and vice versa. They were both male cultures

based on a firm conviction that men were born to dominate, and

women to submit. Between the Middle Ages and today, philosophy

and other fields of knowledge have considerably evolved, and I

would not consider contemporary philosophy as a discipline more or

less aggressive than any other. Literary scholars at times can be quite

ferocious toward one another (in words of course, rather than in

deeds). It could be relevant to look at the effect of the presence of

more women in positions of power in fields traditionally (and this

until very recently) reserved to men. The presence of non-white

scholars also may shift the dynamic of relations inside professional

groups. I am not suggesting that only white males imbue

disagreement with competitiveness and violence, but that the game

may be changed, and new standards of relation may occur as the

demographics change. To return specifically to philosophy today and

its impact outside the discipline itself, I believe that, today,

philosophers and other scholars trained in argumentation,

experimentation, and criticism can provide models and examples for

evaluating which argument is consistent and reasonable, which

statement is fact or evidence based, which data are construed

critically and used appropriately. It is true that academic discourse

does not intersect easily with larger, public discourse (such as

politics) but everything is changing fast these days. These past five

years have been dizzying for all of us, academic or not, and we all

need guidance (rather than quarrel) from one another.

8. Dumas has said that “friendship consists in forgetting what one

gives and remembering what one receives.” How do you believe this

view contributes to the dialectic description of friendship you

provide in your work?

If only nation states could behave in the way Dumas defines

friendship! So much adverse consequences have come from unequal

alliances, with insistence on the payment of "debts" rather than on the

recognition of what has been received. In my book, I looked at

friendship from a narrower perspective: the discourse on friendship in

Western philosophy from Plato to Derrida. I focused on one

characteristic of this discourse: the exclusion of women from ideal

philosophical Friendship. Women can be friends (generally between

Septième édition | 11

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