
Armorial de la Flandre médiévale. Voor site web : www.jmvdeheraldry.be Volume 2. La table héraldique, autres tables, l’armorial de Corneille Gailliard et la bibliographie. Ce répertoire d’héraldique médiévale de l’ancien comté de Flandre est basé sur 120 armoriaux, s’échelonnant entre 1190 et 1658. Il compte plus de 3.100 entrées où sont recensées et classées par ordre alphabétique plus de 11.000 références donnant la description de 5.900 écussons, dont plus de 4.650 sont reproduits en couleurs, plus de 300 avec cimier.

Armorial de la Flandre médiévale.
Voor site web : www.jmvdeheraldry.be
Volume 2. La table héraldique, autres tables, l’armorial de Corneille Gailliard et la bibliographie.
Ce répertoire d’héraldique médiévale de l’ancien comté de Flandre est basé sur 120 armoriaux, s’échelonnant entre 1190 et 1658. Il compte plus de 3.100 entrées où sont recensées et classées par ordre alphabétique plus de 11.000 références donnant la description de 5.900 écussons, dont plus de 4.650 sont reproduits en couleurs, plus de 300 avec cimier.


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<strong>Armorial</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> F<strong>la</strong>ndre médiévale - <strong>Tables</strong> 250<br />

Hondschoote (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Hove (Jean van <strong>de</strong>n) - Howardries (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Landas (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lannoy (Hugues <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Lannoy (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lannoy, sgr <strong>de</strong> Maingoval et d'Audregnies (Jean <strong>de</strong>) - Launay (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lens (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Lie<strong>de</strong>kerke (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Maingoval (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Melle (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Neuville-Vitasse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - P<strong>la</strong>nques (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Poeke<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Pottes (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Rély (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Ressegem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Rosimbois (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Roubaix (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Rumes<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Schorisse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Steenhuize (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Thiembronne (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Villers au Tertre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

War<strong>la</strong>ing (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wasmes (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wattripont (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wavrin (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wingles (Jean <strong>de</strong>)<br />

(1600-W): ‘Wapenboeck’<br />

Achicourt (sgr d') - Alost (châte<strong>la</strong>in d') - Antoing (sgr d') - Arras (châte<strong>la</strong>in d') - Artines (sgr d') - Assebroek<br />

(sgr d') - Avesnes (sgr d') - Axel (sgr d') - Ayshove (sgr d') - Baanst (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bailleul (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Barre (sgr<br />

<strong>de</strong> La) - Basta (<strong>de</strong>) - Beauffremez (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Beernem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bellebrune (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bergues Saint Winnoc<br />

(châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Béthune (<strong>de</strong>) - Beveren (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - B<strong>la</strong>nchemaille (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bois dit van <strong>de</strong>n Houtte (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Borre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Boubarcque (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Brigdamme (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Brimeux (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Brisetête (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Brune (<strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Burch (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Caumont (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cauroy = Waziers (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Chapelle (sgr <strong>de</strong> La) - Comines (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Coornhuse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cor<strong>de</strong>s (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Courtraisien (<strong>de</strong>) - Courtray (Sohier <strong>de</strong>) - Croisilles = Crésecques (sgr<br />

<strong>de</strong>) - Crombecke (Guil<strong>la</strong>ume van) - Cysoing, ber <strong>de</strong> F<strong>la</strong>ndre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Dadizele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Dagemont = Lys lez<br />

Lannoy (sgr) - Dilft (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Dixmu<strong>de</strong> (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Douai (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Dudzele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Espierres (sgr<br />

d') - F<strong>la</strong>ndre (comte <strong>de</strong>) - F<strong>la</strong>ndre (forestier <strong>de</strong>) - F<strong>la</strong>ndre (Henri <strong>de</strong>) - F<strong>la</strong>ndre (Robert <strong>de</strong>) - F<strong>la</strong>ndre, comte<br />

<strong>de</strong> Lodi (Henri <strong>de</strong>) - Flêtre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) – Fresnes-sur-Escaut (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Gand (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Gistel (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Gracht (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Grincourt lès Pas (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Gruuthuse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Gullegem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Halen (François van) -<br />

Halluin (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Haverskerque (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Haye (sgr <strong>de</strong> La) - Herzele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Heuchin = P<strong>la</strong>nques (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Heule (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Heurne (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Hondschoote (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Howardries (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Izegem (sgr d') - K<strong>la</strong>arhout<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Koeke<strong>la</strong>re (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Kooigem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Koolskamp (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Landas (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lannoy (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lens<br />

(châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Lichtervel<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lie<strong>de</strong>kerke (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lille (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Louez-les-Duisans (sgr <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Maalste<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Mal<strong>de</strong>gem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Meetkerke (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Mesero<strong>de</strong> = Hemsro<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Moere (sgr<br />

<strong>de</strong>) - Moorsle<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Morbecque (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Moregem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Mortagne, châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong> Tournai (sgr <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Motte (sgr <strong>de</strong> La) - Neuville-Vitasse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Nevele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Noyelles = Cauroy - Froidmantel (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Oostkerke (sgr d') - Pamel (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Peene (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Pittem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Poeke (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Pourchel (Richard <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Praat (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Prés (sgr <strong>de</strong>s) - Proost (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Pulsdovie (Guil<strong>la</strong>ume <strong>de</strong>) - Raveschoot (van) - Reigersvliet<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Reninge (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Reninghe (Jean <strong>de</strong>) - Ressegem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Reves (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Ro<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Roubaix<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Royen (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Rumes (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Saint-Aubin (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Saint-Bavon (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Saint-Omer (châte<strong>la</strong>in<br />

<strong>de</strong>) - Saint-Venant (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Schorisse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Seninghem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Stavele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Stee<strong>la</strong>nd (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Stee<strong>la</strong>nt (van) - Steenbecque (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Steenhuize (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Straten (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Thiembronne (Guichard <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Thiembronne (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Thiennes (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Tollenaere (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Tupigny (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Uitkerke (sgr d') -<br />

Varsenare (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Vichte (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Voorhoute (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Voormezele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Walle (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Walle (sgr<br />

du) - War<strong>la</strong>ing (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Watervliet (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wattripont (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wavrin (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Waziers (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Westen<strong>de</strong> = Oosten<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Wingles (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Woestijne ou Wastine (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Zaams<strong>la</strong>g (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Zandbergen (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Zomergem = Loven<strong>de</strong>gem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Zwevegem (sgr <strong>de</strong>)<br />

(1650-B): Contes et seigneurs <strong>de</strong> F<strong>la</strong>ndre<br />

Aigremont (sgr d') - Alost (sgr d') - Assebroek (sgr d') - Au<strong>de</strong>nar<strong>de</strong> (sgr d') - Avelgem (sgr d') - Axel (sgr<br />

d') - Ayshove (sgr d') - Baanst (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bailleul (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Baronaige (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Barre (sgr <strong>de</strong> La) - Beauffremez<br />

(<strong>de</strong>) - Beernem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Belle - Bergues Saint Winnoc (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Beveren (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Billemont (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

B<strong>la</strong>asveld (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - B<strong>la</strong>nchemaille (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Boe<strong>la</strong>re (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bondues (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Boubarcque (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Bourbourg (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Bourbourg (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bourghelles (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Bra<strong>de</strong>rick (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Brisetête (sgr <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Broeucq (sgr du) - Bruges (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Bruges (ville <strong>de</strong>) - Burch (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cassel (vicomte <strong>de</strong>) - Caverines<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Clichthove (van <strong>de</strong>n) - Clytte (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Comines (sgr = ville <strong>de</strong>) - Coornhuse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cou<strong>de</strong>kerque<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cou<strong>de</strong>rborch (van <strong>de</strong>r) - Courtrai (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Courtraisien, sgr <strong>de</strong> Melle (<strong>de</strong>) - Crane (<strong>de</strong>) - Croix<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cysoing, ber <strong>de</strong> F<strong>la</strong>ndre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Cyssau (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Dampierre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Dixmu<strong>de</strong> (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Douai (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Douve (sgr <strong>de</strong> La) - Douxlieu (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Drincham (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Dudzele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Eine (sgr<br />

d') - Erpe (sgr d') - Esch-sur-Sûre (sgr d') - Eschaghe (sgr <strong>de</strong> L') - Espierres (sgr d') - Esquelbecq (sgr d') -<br />

Estinge (d') - Eye (sgr <strong>de</strong> Ter) - F<strong>la</strong>ndre (comte <strong>de</strong>) - F<strong>la</strong>ndre (connétable <strong>de</strong>) - Flêtre (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Frémicourt<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Fresnoy (sgr du) - Furnes (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Gand (châte<strong>la</strong>in <strong>de</strong>) - Gar<strong>la</strong>n<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Gavere (sgr <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Gistel (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Gracht (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Gruuthuse (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Grysperre (<strong>de</strong>) - Halluin (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Harelbeke (sgr <strong>de</strong>)<br />

- Haverskerque (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Haye (sgr <strong>de</strong> La) - Hazebrouck (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Hembise (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Hemsro<strong>de</strong> (sgr <strong>de</strong>) -<br />

Herzele (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Heule (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Hon<strong>de</strong>coustre (<strong>de</strong>) - Hondschoote (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Hove (van <strong>de</strong>n) - Howardries<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Iserin - Izegem (sgr d') - K<strong>la</strong>arhout (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Koeke<strong>la</strong>re (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Kooigem (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Koolskamp<br />

(sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lambergue (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Landas (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Langlée (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Lannoy (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Launay (sgr <strong>de</strong>) - Léaucourt

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