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CLASSIC MASSAGESThe goal of a massage is to reduce stress hormones. A massage strives to release endorphins,the natural feel-good hormones in our body. Physical and psychological tensions dissolve,clearing your mind so that energy can again flow.CLASSIC FULL BODY MASSAGEYour entire body is wonderfully kneadedwhen having a classical massage. Everythingfeels much more relaxed and loose. Tensionsare gently alleviated.50 min. — € 73CLASSIC PARTIALBODY MASSAGEYour back or your legs will get massagedand smaller tensions are quickly alleviated.25 min. — € 41AROMATIC OIL MASSAGEThe classic massage is performedhere with highly effective precious oils.Choose your favourite oil on the spot!50 min. — € 76RELAXATION MASSAGEIs carried out with a very flat hand, giving a feelingof well-being, harmony and peace of mind.50 min. — € 73STIMULATING FOOTREFLEXOLOGY MASSAGEThis massage is performed on the soles of yourfeet. By stimulating the reflex zones of the varioussections of the body, even the internal organsrespond sensitively to this massage.45 min. — € 65LYMPHATIC MASSAGEThis very gentle and relaxing stroking massagereduces swelling and gently stimulates purificationand detoxification.Whole body 50 min. — € 73Partial body 25 min. — € 41HEAD AND NECK MASSAGERemoves blockages and allows vitality totake over. Wonderfully relaxing energy source,especially for people suffering from stress.20 min. — € 38MERIDIAN MASSAGE BASEDON SPORTS KINESIOLOGYOur new relaxation and regeneration offer hasbeen designed especially for people who participatein sports activities. A relaxing, sportskinesiology meridian massage is perfect forimmediate recovery after an intense workout.Each muscle is massaged in turn with Arnicabalm, allowing the energy to flow freelythrough your body. The risk of muscle painand cramps after sport is lessened, and tiredmuscles are both calmed and energised at thesame time. The meridian massage is wonderfullyuplifting and leaves you feeling instantlyrelaxed, fit and full of energy.50 min. — € 8231


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