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SOOTHING & RELAXING TREAT MENTSFor body, mind & soulHONEY TREATMENTHoney is a gift from nature. The restorativeeffects of the honey treatment cleanse yourskin and leave it feeling silky-soft. A fullbodyexfoliation treatment will give yourbody a radiant glow followed by a relaxationmassage with honey oil. To round off, weenvelop you in a luxurious body pack. An intenseexperience for all the senses.100 min. — € 134AROMA TREATMENTThis toning, full-body treatment includesa full body exfoliation, a relaxing bodymassage with top-quality oils, and anourishing body wrap.110 min. — € 141CHOCOLATE TREATMENTOur hot chocolate treatment wraps you in apleasant smell of cocoa that stimulates yourendorphins and makes you happy. The treatmenthas a tightening effect, moisturises andimproves your figure. Exfoliation, chocolate-oilmassage and a chocolate wrap.100 min. — € 134EAR CANDLE TREATMENTThe ear candle treatment not only cleans theear, but also has a positive effect on symptomssuch as headaches, tension, and sleeping disorders.Overall it has a very relaxing effect. Oneear is treated after the other. This treatmentstimulates the secretion flow and has a cleansingeffect.15 min. — € 24DETOX-BODY TREATMENTDetox your body and boost your energy: Here’show it’s done! This treatment begins with a relaxingfoot bath to kick-start the detox process,followed by a stimulating brush massage to eliminatedeposits in the skin’s tissue and roundedoff with a full body vitality wrap to stimulate theentire metabolism and enable the body to eliminateaccumulated waste substances. Bask in thesensation of your new-found vitality!75 min. — 115 €23


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