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Course Pedagogy

Big English is based on a number of pedagogical approaches which are critical to effective learning. These are all

explained below, along with examples of how to deliver successful lessons using the course.

2 st Century Skills

What are 21 st century skills?

2 st century skills are the skills and competencies that learners need to be successful in the increasingly complex life

Content Connection Science

and work environment of today’s rapidly changing, digital world. These skills include critical thinking, communication,

I will learn about muscles and bones the body.

collaboration, creativity and innovation, and social and cross-cultural interaction.

Big English combines rich, real-life content, a variety of tasks, and specific teaching guidance to ensure ample coverage of

these skills.

3 Look and listen. Say the numbers.

Why are 21 st century skills important?


It is important that students are encouraged and motivated to think deeply about issues, to develop critical thinking skills

Listen and read.


and to solve problems creatively. These skills paired with a communicative approach



jump kick

a foundation

move muscle




Write the numbers.

can build on throughout their studies.


13 26 27 34 70

a circle and tell them they are going

ing from 0 to 70.

hose with even numbers will clap

ent claps/doesn’t clap out of turn, or

ber, he or she sits out, until only one

complete the number sequence,

the speed at which they are


the HW in the last lesson.

n objective: Say: Today I will learn

bones in the body.

nd discuss the number of muscles

parts of the human body.

Say the numbers.

aloud. Play Audio Track 42 and have

nd repeat each number.

scan the text quickly and point out

parts that they can find. Make sure

d the meaning of the words bone

in Activity 13 aloud in random order,

point to and say each number.

Write the numbers.

How do I use 21 st century skills whilst teaching with Big English?

Playing is fun. When we move, we use our bones and

muscles. Bones and muscles help us play.

2 st century skills are embedded throughout Big English. You will We throw find clearly with our sign-posted hands. Our hands sections have in many the teaching notes to

show you how to best enhance 2 st century skills on a regular bones. basis. One hand has bones.

A key element of our approach to support critical thinking is We the kick regular with our Think feet. BIG Our feature feet have which many is included in all units

bones, too. One foot has bones.

and which is integrated across all components. The Think BIG feature offers young learners the opportunity to discuss,

analyze, collaborate, and be creative. The Teacher’s Edition includes When we detailed throw a ball, guidance we use on how muscles. to manage the Think BIG


When we kick a ball, we use muscles.

questions, as well Model as how set to look up back other in text communicative, in Activity 14 to help collaborative, or creative tasks, such as projects.

match the sentence parts. Read aloud Item 1 (Bones and

When we jump, we use more than muscles.

An important method muscles) and to then embedding point to where to find this the end approach of the into your teaching is questioning. In order to develop analytical skills,

sentence on the first line (help us play).

We need to take good care of our bones and

questions in class

• Complete




1 as a class,

as much

having students

as possible,

draw a line

open-ended. For example, rather than “Do you want to be a doctor?”,


from 1 to b. Then have students complete the remaining

you can ask “What do you want to be?” and, critically, “Why?”. Even if the students cannot answer open-ended questions

items independently.

fully in English, any attempt should be praised.

5 Look at . Read and match.

aloud. Play Audio Track 43. Have



in, pausing after each gap for

e missing number.


Check students are drawing lines to match the sentence

parts correctly. Check answers by reading aloud the

numbered items and inviting students read aloud the

correct sentence ending. ( Answers: 1 b, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a )

Think BIG

21st Century Critical Thinking

• Read the question aloud as students follow in their

books. Have students discuss the question as a

class or in small groups or pairs. Encourage them to

respond in English using words learned previously

and in this lesson, e.g. We use our muscles the most

when we dance, play basketball and ride a bike.

Lesson Objective


Revisit the lesson objective: Now I have learned about

muscles and bones in the body.

• Encourage awareness of what students have learned by 22 Unit 2

quickly asking them to talk about the different parts of

the body and which activities use our muscles the most.

Homework 44

P. 000

2 Listen and circle.

WB p. 18/ act. 12

• Direct students to WB Activity 12 on page 18. Explain to

students that they should listen to the audio, and circle

the correct number in each box.

Extra Application and Practice Activity



Bones and muscles

2 Our feet

3 When we throw a ball, we

When we jump, we



a use more than 70 muscles.

b help us play.

c have a lot of bones.

d use our hands.

Which activities use our muscles the most?

dancing using a computer watching movies

playing basketball riding a bike

M02_Big English_SB2_AmE2_03324.indd 22 28/07/17 11:04

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