Pages from Big English 2nd Edition Teachers Book 2 (American English)_HuyHuu.com-2

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In My Classroom



Can recognize a range of basic everyday nouns and

adjectives (e.g. colors, numbers, classroom objects).

Can recognize key words and basic phrases in

short, simple cartoon stories.


Can recognize familiar words and phrases in short,

simple songs or chants.

Can recognize familiar words in short phrases and

sentences spoken slowly and clearly, if supported

by pictures or gestures.

Can recognize words and simple phrases related

to familiar topics, if spoken slowly and clearly and

supported by pictures.


Can understand the letters of the alphabet by their


Can understand cardinal numbers from to 20.

Can make simple requests to have or do something

in relation to common everyday activities.

Can describe basic differences between two

pictures showing familiar activities, using simple



Can use an apostrophe when writing contractions

(e.g. I’m, We’re).

Can write the letters of the alphabet in lower case.

Can write the letters of the alphabet in upper case.


Can use the present progressive to refer to events

at the time of speaking.

Unit Projects

Family Connection

At the end of each school day, review with students the activities they did in the classroom. Make a list of these

activities. Have students copy the list and put checks next to the activities they took part in. Then have students

take the list home to show and describe to their families what they did in school that day.

T Unit Overview

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