Pages from Big English 2nd Edition Teachers Book 2 (American English)_HuyHuu.com-2

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Warm-up 2 3

• Start the lesson with the Big English Song. Have

students look inside the front cover of their Student’s

Book to see the song lyrics. Play Audio Track 2 and have

students listen and read along quietly.

• Replay the audio. Have students sing along. You may

want to have students clap or snap their fingers as they

sing along.

• Once students are familiar with the song, have them

practice it using the karaoke version (Audio Track 3).

Lesson Objective


Introduce the lesson objective: Say: Today I will read a

story about where things are and talk about what we’re

doing now.

• Students will listen to and read a story, answer

questions about it, and play a speaking game.


• Have students look at the pictures in the story frames.

Explain that the story is about finding where things are.

• Elicit the names of anything they recognize in the story


Reading 4

Listen and read. Where is Jenny’s backpack?

• Read the directions aloud. Play Audio Track . Model

pointing to each story frame. Have students listen and

follow in their books. Play the audio again, pausing

after each frame.

• Read each sentence and have pupils repeat after you,

pointing to Jenny and Max the cat.


Ask: Where is Jenny’s backpack? (It’s under the cat, Max.)

Comprehension 1

2 Look at . Then match.

• Draw students’ attention to the pictures in the activity.

Show them that these pictures are from the story frames

on page a.

• Read the instructions aloud, and model what students

have to do. Show them how to match the picture with

the sentence by drawing a line.

• Give students time to draw the lines to match.


Check answers as a class. (Answers: c, 2a, 3d, b)

Comprehension 2

3 Look at . Read and circle.

• Review the present progressive with the class. Mime

e.g. reading and ask: What am I doing? (I’m reading.)

Repeat with other actions that the children know, e.g.

eating, playing, sleeping.

• Read out sentences –, e.g. Jamie is combing his hair. /

Jamie is taking a bath.

• Read the instructions and model what students have to

do. Show them how to circle just the correct activity in

each sentence.

• Give students time to read the sentences and circle.


Check answers as a class. (Answers: combing his hair,

2 talking on the phone, 3 making lunch, sleeping)


Act it out with a partner.

• Demonstrate the activity. Explain that you are going to

mime an action and the children have to ask: What are

you doing? and you say e.g. I’m combing my hair. The

students then say No or Yes depending on whether you

are miming that activity. Repeat until you say the correct


• Draw students’ attention to the text in the speech

bubbles. Read out the dialog and do the appropriate

mime (drying dishes).

• Put students into pairs. Have them play the game and

take turns to do the miming.


As students work, listen for proper pronunciation,

appropriate intonation, and correct use of language.

Lesson Objective


Revisit the lesson objective: Now I have read a story about

where things are and learned to talk about what we’re

doing now.

• Encourage awareness of what the students have

learned. Have students close their books. Hold up a pen

and place it in different locations around the classroom

to elicit in, on, under.

• Point to the characters in the story frames and ask,

e.g. What is (Jamie) doing? Elicit responses, e.g. He’s

combing his hair.

Extra Practice and Application Activity

• Revise prepositions of location (in, on, under, etc.).

Give each student a sheet of paper and some colored

pencils or pens. Have them draw their favorite room

in the house. Confident students can label what is

in the picture (e.g. a table). As a challenge, have

students ask and answer about objects in the rooms

they have drawn, e.g. Where is the (toy box)? It’s

under my bed.

Unit 5 T a/b T5

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