F&D Heroes Issue 1

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This book showcases a number of meat-based, vegan & plant-based recipes, sweet treats

and drinks with an aim to raise funds in aid of the NHS Charities Together Covid-19

Urgent Appeal.

Alyson & Cherry’s Famous Chocolate

Crunch by Gareth Hobbs

Everybody has a food or drink that, when you taste

it, transports you instantly to your childhood. For me

it’s chocolate crunch.There was nothing like coming

home from school, walking through the front door

to have the instantly recognisable sweet smell of

chocolate crunch. This crunchy chocolate cake is by

no means healthy, and not something I’d recommend

in your daily balanced diet, but wow does it taste

amazing. My Mother and her best friend, Cherry,

used to make this for us as kids when we were well

behaved enough to deserve a treat. The next thing

I’m going to do after writing this is knock up a batch

of this amazing cake, and transport myself back to

1988 and good memories.

Ingredients (serves 4-8)

1 egg

28g cocoa

140g margarine

224g sugar

224g flour


• Melt the margarine in a pan

• Add remaining dry ingredients, followed by the egg

• Mix the ingredients together and put into a greased

baking tray

• Pre heat the oven at 180°c

• Cook for 20 minutes

• Remove from the oven

• Cut into squares when cool


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