F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Entrepreneurs collaborate

to support NHS

The Chocolate Orange Pud

by Lucy Wager

This delicious, indulgent and versatile recipe was

the creation that inspired me to start the Pudology

brand eight years ago. My branded business journey

was the most incredible experience and the lessons

I learnt along the way help me guide other entrepreneurs

and businesses from concept to launch....

and beyond! Enjoy this recipe as a dessert straight

from the fridge or as an incredible hot sauce over ice

cream. This is such a simple recipe and hits the spot

every time.

Ingredients (serves 4-8)

400g coconut milk

50g water

300g dark chocolate

(good quality essential), chips or chopped small

1 tsp orange oil

(or extract if oil not available)


• Heat the coconut milk and water in a large pan,

paying attention not to boil

• When the mix is steaming add in the chocolate and

turn the heat down

• Whisk continually until fully combined and chocolate

is completely melted

• Remove from the heat and stir through the orange oil

• Ready to use as a warm sauce, or alternatively

decant into ramekins or shot glasses and cool for 2

hours for and super smooth, rich dessert


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