F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Interestingly, it’s the businesses that exhibited the

most caution at the start of lockdown that are now

paying the price.

Gareths adds: “There have been winners from all this.

There have been a lot more losers, unfortunately. But

the businesses that reacted well and pivoted have

really come out of this well.

“The brands that quickly recognised that direct-toconsumer

was a huge opportunity made the switch

straight away. You can see the ones that benefited

from it - they saw a huge uplift in sales.”

The brands that “retreated,” as Gareth put it, are the

ones who are going to really struggle in the mediumterm,

the pair believe. While those who pivoted and

kept going secure listings for early next year, it could

be another 12-18 months before those who scaled

back have the opportunity or are even ready for it.

And they made it their mission to close that gap in the

local area and help small and start-up food and drink

businesses navigate the markets. Five years down

the line, Visionary is working with brands from across

the UK.

“A lot of entrepreneurs in food and drink haven’t come

from the industry,” Gareth explains.

“Many of them have discovered a great innovation,

or they’ve found out their child is gluten intolerant

and created a gluten-free alternative to their favourite

mainstream brand, for example. But they have no

idea how to take it to market.

“We help these brands and guide them, show them

what the journey looks like, what they need to plan, look

at which brands they’re going up against, where they fit

in the industry and how they can grow the business.”

What’s clear to see from talking to Gareth and Dan

is just how much passion they have for the industry.

They’re both foodies. “You have to be” to deliver the

level of support Visionary offers, they tell me. Both

built their professional skills and experience in other

industries, but found themselves wanting to work in

an industry they truly loved.

“Food is a very emotional topic,” Dan says. “[It] has so

many stories around it.

Lockdown boom

While the lockdown period has been incredibly tough

for the food and drink businesses that were already

operating, Gareth and Dan are predicting an incredibly

bright future for the ones that set up during it.

“We’re always pleasantly surprised by the amount

of new talent, opportunities and products that are

coming from food and drink,” Dan says. “I think

that was the case before Covid anyway, and there’s

certainly a big chance that this will put some things

into perspective for a lot of people who had side

projects in the background.

“This may be the push they needed to do what they

really want to do.”

It’s something that Gareth believes applies to

entrepreneurship and the economy as a whole.

He says: “The level of innovation in the UK is

incredible. Any time we see any sort of depression

globally, we see more innovation and creativity off the

back of it.”

Closing the knowledge gap

Gareth and his business partner, Rhys, saw what they

call a “knowledge gap” in their native south Wales.

“The people behind the brands are so passionate

because it’s food, it’s everyday life, it’s what people

love,” Gareth echoes.

“I’ve always enjoyed cooking, exploring, finding new

ingredients and trying different things.

“The most exciting thing for me is finding new

products, and hearing the stories behind them. I love

hearing someone’s why - why it’s the next best thing,

why it’s better than something else, and then finding

out it actually is! There’s nothing better.”

Helping to find the Heroes

It’s incredibly important for Visionary to be a part of

Food & Drink Heroes, the pair explain.

Dan says: “We see the hard work entrepreneurs put

into making their product successful. Being part of an

event where those sorts of people are celebrated and

recognised is extremely important for us.”

Gareth concludes: “You’ve got to have passion to make

it in this industry because it’s bloody hard. And the

way people have pivoted recently to change what they

do in order to succeed and move forward deserves

recognition. It’s exactly what is needed right now.”



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