F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Unwrapping the truth about poverty within the

chocolate industry, Ben Greensmith, the UK and

Ireland Country Manager for Tony’s Chocolonely,

breaks down the complex issue at the Bread & Jam

2.0 Virtual festival.

Food for thought…

According to Tony’s Chocolonely annual FAIR Report:

In Ghana and Ivory Coast, over two million children

work on the land under illegal conditions because

their parents are not able to earn enough from their

cocoa harvest.

In Ivory Coast, the average cocoa farmer earns an

average of $0.78 per day. Nowhere near enough to live

off, let alone support a family – not even in West Africa.

Worse still, a study conducted in 2018 Global Slavery

Index confirms that at least 30,000 people are victims

of modern slavery in the cocoa industry in Ghana and

Ivory Coast.

A little bit of history

In 2003, Dutch journalist and presenter of TV program

‘Keuringsdienst van Waarde (KVW),’ Teun van de

Keuken, read a book about how child labour and

modern slavery is still very much a part of the cocoa

trade. He used his platform on KVW to publicise the

dark secrets by eating a number of chocolate bars

from leading manufacturers and declaring himself a

chocolate criminal, turning himself over to the Dutch

authorities. However, the public prosecutor couldn’t

identify the direct link between him eating the bar to

the children who were forced into labour.

Whilst waiting for the judge’s decision, Tuen decided to

launch his own 100% slave-free product in an attempt

to prove to chocolate manufacturers that it is possible.

Tony’s therefore launched as a PR stunt, Teun wanted

to show there was a different way to produce chocolate,

with no compromise in the value chain, he never set

out to create a global chocolate brand. However, Tony’s

picked up momentum, becoming Holland’s number one

chocolate company. But it’s not stopping there… Tony’s

Chocolonely is the instigator and propeller behind

the movement to eradicate child labour and slavery

associated with cocoa.

Create awareness

Tony’s wants to create awareness for the unequal

share of the cocoa industry through leading by

example. Ben epitomises this in a quote taken from

founder of The Body Shop, Anita Roddick, “If you

think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to

bed with a mosquito in the room… We want to be the

mosquito in the room.”

They have a strict no-paid media policy, working

with a pull rather than a push marketing model. Ben

describes how “it’s a complicated message, we prefer

to have one-on-one conversations. The chocolate is a

means to achieve the goal to inspire change.”

If you’ve ever picked up a Tony’s Chocolonely bar

you’d have noticed how irregular the pieces are,

going against the generic ‘excel spreadsheet’ style

divide. This is not by accident or down to a machinery

malfunction. The shapes represent the inequality of

chocolate companies, the bar (like the industry) is

unequally divided. Ben says that “they tell the story

in its purest form of the unequal nature of the cocoa

industry. West Africa is actually hidden in the design,

a little nod to the farmers.”

Create a movement

Ben describes how Tony’s is focusing on the

consumers who have the buying power, as if they

know their favourite brands are endorsing slavery,

they can help force the change. It is then down to the

government to listen, and force through legislation.

The future of the cocoa farmers is dictated by us

the consumer, and the leading global chocolate

manufacturing giants. United, we can stop child

slavery on cocoa farms and the wage discrepancies

which leave families of eight surviving on 0.7 US

dollars a week.

Tony’s have also made their values accessible to

everyone by publicising its open chain resourcing

principles; companies can educate themselves,

enabling those willing, to break down their own deepset

irresponsible processes.

The principles

Tony’s wants to: ensure that the farmers and

cooperatives get at least five years sale at a higher

price. The cocoa farmers get paid a price that enables

them to earn a living income. Trade is direct and on

equal footing with cocoa farmers and cooperatives. It

wants to professionalise farms by working together.

And to improve productivity with less dependency on

cocoa by investing in knowledge and skills.

Tony’s really is crazy about chocolate, it has invested

in the product for it to be the best it can be whilst

limiting its impact everywhere, without compromise.

It has created unique and intriguing flavours to

pique the interest of the consumer to ensure it

gets into people’s shopping baskets. Tony’s is also

very serious about people as its truest aim is to

eradicate enslavement which is so deeply rooted in

the sourcing of cocoa for chocolate production in the

western world. It’s not your typical company, Tony’s

exists to end slavery in the chocolate industry; an

impact company that makes chocolate, and not the

other way around.



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