F&D Heroes Issue 1

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believe that consumer empowerment should be a law,

if not a human right’ kind of way. Because if you think

about it, a requirement to show a food product’s climate

footprint isn’t so different from the rules governing the

labelling of fat, sugar and other nutrients.”

The campaign for more companies to be transparent

about their CO2 imprint was banned by Swedish

authorities. So Oatly brought its campaign to the

UK. It also launched an appeal in Germany to

make climate labels a law. The petition gained

57,000 signatures and statistics showed that 85%

of Germans wanted to eat more climate-friendly.

Therefore, Oatly is currently building a coalition of

NOGs, and scientists to help present its case.

Oatly’s plans to help reduce their environmental

impact don’t stop there. It is electrifying its fleet,

launching farming projects to decrease dependency

on animals, and working on its factory so that it

operates on 100% renewable energy and will be able

to grow sustainably.

big businesses.” The company feels that moving

the money to more sustainable initiatives would

be massive for the plant-based movement as it

would give the financial world confidence that the

plant-based movement is there to back. The money

that would have gone to unsustainable investments

has gone to a sustainable one. So, by accepting

investment from Blackstone, they are actually turning

more venture capital green.

“We expected to get backlash in July, we were

prepared for the questions but didn’t go big on

announcements. But the story got picked up by an

influencer, the scale and speed of how that built up

put us on the back foot. But the information we’ve put

out there has hopefully changed people’s minds.”

In response to the backlash, Oatly issued a statement,

which read:

Last phase of change

Oatly gained a lot of public backlash recently for its

decision to receive investment from the world’s biggest

equity company, Blackstone, whch has been accused

of investing in a company linked to deforestation

of the amazon. It has also donated money to the

Trump administration. With so much focus on its

environmental impact and desire to disrupt the farming

industries, why did Oatly choose this investment route,

rather than opting for a green fund?

Ishen says, “Oatly was built on an idea for change.

The easiest way to evoke change is to upgrade

“Getting a company like Blackstone to invest in us

is something we have been working on to create

maximum change to benefit the planet. From a

sustainability perspective, we are convinced that

helping shift the focus of massive capital towards

sustainable approaches is potentially the single most

important thing we can do for the planet in the longterm.

We realise that all of you may not share this

view and disagree on the right path forward to create

a more sustainable world. That’s okay. Hopefully

we’ll continue to share the same end goal of a better,

more sustainable world, and that we are able to work

towards that goal together in whatever way we can.”

Find out more information about Oatly and the

Blackstone investment here.


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