F&D Heroes Issue 1

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What inspired you to launch The Big Bakes?

It all started back in 2016, when we organised an

office bake off with our team at work. We loved the

creativity, fun and competition it led to, and it sparked

an idea for us to create an experience like no other.

We began to search for a baking-based night out

for our team. After a few days of hunting, we quickly

realised there was nothing out there that was light

hearted, fun and accessible and we realised there

was a gap in the market.

After a relentless period of recipe research, marquee

meetings, property searching, bank meetings,

professional baker interviews and so much more… we

decided to buy a marquee and it was all go from there!

How are you operating in these new times?

It has certainly been a more challenging year, but

our philosophy is to only focus on the things you can

control. For us, that has meant treating our staff and

customers the best we can, ensuring our venues

are the perfect place to socialise, and that every

customer has the best experience we can offer. Since

we have re-opened we have been full to the rafters.

Our venue’s layout is naturally socially distant, with

12 baking stations all 2 meters apart. We have also

hosted several remote bakes for corporate customers

where we send all the ingredients through the post,

and stream live from our venues. People want to

socialise, but they also want to do that responsibly.

That is why our venues have been so popular.

What have been your favourite personal triumphs

along your business journey?

We really believe the future of entertainment is

immersive. Customers demand so much out of

events today, and the whole experience needs to feel

crafted from start to finish. We also get to tap into

peoples creativity, whilst creating the perfect social

environment. The journey to where we are today has

been hugely exciting and there have certainly a few

moments along they way that have stood out.

In out first month of opening in 2017, a junior writer

from the Evening Standard attending our event but

didn’t promise any specific coverage. When we

opened the paper, we found a double page spread

showing off London’s latest and, in her view, ‘best’

event. We couldn’t believe it.

Our bookings suddenly took off, and we quickly

received further press from the likes of Buzzfeed and

the Metro. Since then we’ve had our press reach over

50 million people.

Fast forward a few years and we have hosted

everyone from Roman Kemp, Davina McCall

and LadBaby. In 2019, Eloise also received the

Everywoman Artemis Award for the most inspiring

woman running a start-up in the UK, which was a real

moment for celebration.

You were recently named Small Business

Entrepreneurs of the Year for London and East of

England at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.

What did that mean to you?

It was third times a charm for us. We have been

finalists the last three years running, and to win

during the most challenging year hospitality has

ever faced was really fantastic. It is always great to

have the recognition and reassurance that despite

everything that is going on, you are doing great work.

We will be celebrating properly once we can get all

our team together safely.

What does the future hold? Have you got any more

plans for expansion?

Well, perhaps unsurprisingly….cake is involved. But

yes, we have some fairly ambitious plans for the next

three years. Some obvious and others less so. We

will certainly be expanding to more cities in 2021.

We always get such a wonderful reception, and each

week we receive a fair amount of fan mail asking us

to come to their city of choice. We want to make 2021

the year that 2020 wasn’t, so keep an eye on us for

some pretty exciting developments in the year ahead!





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