F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Food & Drink Hero:

Pawfect Foods

Prash Patwardhan believes we need to respect and reward our pet’s

unwavering loyalty and companionship with a far-reaching range of

meticulously made, nutritionally-savvy treats that best reflect the implicit

ties and deep-rooted trust that exists between pet & pet owner.

Like human food before, pet food is going

through a long overdue ‘redemption curve’

courtesy of the new swathe of dynamic,

health-conscious pet foods and treats.

New products are challenging the once

inescapable stranglehold of over-processed,

‘nutritionally-vacant’ fodder that for too long

has trundled down soulless, multi-national

conveyor belts.

As a blue chip marketer, I was always

looking for opportunities for a nimble-pawed

disruptor to cause ‘polite chaos’ in a lazy,

‘lost-in-time’ food category.

look back seven or eight years, you’d

undoubtedly notice that traditional dog food

innovation (like human food before) was

driven solely by the notions of convenience

and economies of scale, never ingredient

integrity, taste or nutritional worth.

Today, dog food has evolved into one of the

most dynamic categories within the FMCG

marketplace. It’s a food aisle where brands

embrace every imaginable food philosophy,

from raw, organic grass-fed and grain-free

to cold-pressed and functional.

And yet, at a time when dog food is aligning

with today’s healthier living agenda, dog

snacks remain lost in time, too often

rammed with masking salt and sugars,

synthetic nasties and all manner of lowgrade


As a forward-thinking pet parent it frustrated

me to see growing numbers of obese dogs

(25% in the UK) plodding around my local

neighbourhood. I have always been cynical

of the long-standing untruth that dogs are

single-track carnivores. No one’s suggesting

that meat isn’t the mainstay to any healthy

dog’s diet. However, even dog’s ancestors

foraged for fruit, herbs and grasses to

maintain their health.

Today it’s sadly all too clear that

overtly meat-centric diets are

responsible for an easily avoidable

swathe of pet health stress:

inflammation of key organs, including

the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

My award-winning business was born

to meet the needs of well-informed/

health-conscious pet parents who

were desperate for their dogs to

embrace the same healthier agendas

that they themselves enjoyed.

Pawfect is a vocal advocate of pet

‘snackification’ (the creation of snacks

with clear-cut functional benefits).

This explains why Pawfect only works

with best-in-class, human-grade

ingredients that ripple with full-bodied

flavours and nutritional worth.

My unflinching Pawfect vision is that

through all of our products, from

the ‘authentic’ Himalayan chhurpi

sticks made using the milk of happy,

antibiotic and hormone-free cow and

yak herds, through to our cheescuits

made with 60% cheese not 6% cheese

powder, Pawfect will never settle for

second best.





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