F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Food & Drink Hero:

Great British Biscotti

Whisper it quietly, there’s a foodie revolution taking place in Dorset. Not an

angry mob, placard-waving revolution but a thoughtful foodie takeover being

led by Paul Rostand and his small huddle of discerning biscovites.

Great British Biscotti was born from a series

of nagging thoughts that started whirring

around my head and refused to go away. Why

was it that over the course of 2,000+ years

Biscotti had never evolved beyond almond?

Why had no one taken the trouble to perfect

the texture and make it more UK consumerfriendly.

We Brits like a biscuit that won’t

break your teeth. I was convinced my team

could solve this long-standing dilemma by

creating something not too hard yet not

too soft.

We thought, ‘Why not launch the first ever

range of savoury biscotti?’ - brilliant for

idle snacking with a drink, accompanying

a thoughtfully choreographed cheese or

charcuterie platter, or as tasty croutons for

dropping in soups/salads; even a perfectlyproportioned

canape base.

In the blink of an eye our range grew from five

up to 20 including some classics like Pecan

Pie, Sour Cherry & Chocolate, Sweet Thai

Chilli etc. We also spied the potential for the

range to go into foodservice for catering and

cafes, so developed a standalone range of

1kg boxes and grab-n-go twin packs.

When we started Great British Biscotti in a

small kitchen back in early 2016 I had no idea

how fast it would grow and how demanding

the journey would be, I had a vague idea

because in a past life I’d run a food import

sales and marketing business, but in those

days I was using other people’s factories

around the world.

We started with two small table top ovens

and a small domestic mixer. That was March

2016, by June we’d moved into a 1,500sq ft

industrial unit, which felt like moving into an

industrial mansion. I was confident it would

last forever, but by October that same year

we had outgrown it and had to move into our

third bakery where we currently reside (about

4000 sq ft). Already, I can see the next

move looming, as we are nearly out of

space again.

When starting a business, you have

to dedicate your life to it 18 hour days,

seven days a week, waking up at

3am worrying about getting an order

completed in time or cash flow.

Initially its ’fun stress’, baking your first

biscuits and setting up your first bakery.

But, this can quickly turn into ‘deep

stress,’ which can seriously damage

your health unless you can learn to

stay on top – easier said than done, but

mindfulness/meditation certainly helps.

Friends and family can sometimes get

a little tired of you talking about biscotti

and the technicalities of how it’s baked

24/7, too.

The most rewarding factor

is developing your team and

understanding that you are helping

make their lives better. I’m truly blessed

with an amazing 12-strong team and

we all believe that even greater success

is lying in wait around the next corner,

which for now is more than enough.





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