F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Food & Drink Hero:

Hunter & Gather

Founded by British couple, Amy (lifelong Coeliac) and Jeff (self-declared

experimenter), Hunter & Gather are on a mission to provide you the tools you

need to thrive. By creating healthy, nutrient dense products, recipes, articles

and content for you to enjoy.

The last time I had 400 words to write about

myself was back in 2008 when I was crafting

my university application and was mandated

by my (in special measures) comprehensive

school in Dagenham (the world’s largest

council estate don’t you know) to include the

‘disadvantage background’ statement which

could potentially help level up the playing

field (so to speak).

Roll on a decade and a bit and I’m now sat

here as a co-founder of a multi-millionpound

optimal health focused food start-up.

We’ve seen triple-figure growth year-on-year

since Hunter & Gather’s inception in October

2017 and are quickly garnering national and

international recognition as a key player within

the keto and ancestral health-oriented space.

My journey to entrepreneurship is not typical.

We don’t have any business owners in

our family but my parents supported me

to get the best education available in our

circumstances. I did however, have a very

supportive Business Studies teacher at

school who’d had his own business - this

always interested me. In subsequent years

I was always fascinated by business and

creating something bigger than myself.

Back in 2012, the trajectory of my life

changed dramatically when I was introduced

to and adopted the concepts of low carb

and paleo diets - in essence, removing

grains, sugars and inflammatory seed oils. It

resonated deeply with my contrarian nature

and questioning mind. It all just made so

much sense and I wanted the world to know.

I just commenced my final year of Uni at the

time and the transformation in my wellbeing

and health was nothing short of a miracle.

I could think creatively, concentrate deeply,

be free from debilitating stomach pain and

resolve what seemed like perpetual hunger

for the first time in forever.

I graduated with a 1st class honours

degree, secured a much sought after

graduate role with a leading contractor

and commenced my career as a Quantity

Surveyor - a lucrative career that

promised all the trappings of ‘success’.

But three years into the corporate world,

I just wasn’t satisfied. There was an

insatiable desire to enrich, empower and

encourage others to become a better

version of themselves which I could

foresee was not possible in my corporate

role. I sought a solution and even

considered graduate entry medicine.

The answer was staring me in the face.

My co-founder (and partner in life) Amy

was working at a pet food start-up that

questioned the status quo. Using the

career capital I’d developed in supply

chain, procurement and cashflow

alongside with Amy’s pedigree within

the food industry we created Hunter &

Gather, which launched in October 2017.

There is a strange sense of this journey

being pre-determined. Increasingly it

feels that everything was for a reason

and that we are merely custodians of

this business that is positively impacting

thousands of lives. With an incredibly

passionate team and customers

demanding more and more, we feel like

we’re only just getting started.





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