F&D Heroes Issue 1

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Food & Drink Hero:

The Pished Fish

Inspired by the gravlax flavours from Scandinavia, James is on a mission to

bring the Skandi smokiness to our plates in Britain. From starting his business

in his rickety garden shed, The Pished Fish now has a loyal band of followers

who love this booze-infused fish.

In a previous life I travelled Scandinavia

selling medical devices. This entailed a lot of

hotel stays and smoked salmon and gravlax

for breakfast. Not such a hardship.

I was always fascinated by the flavours that

curing fish could impart, and whilst used to

dill gravlax in the UK, it was the more exotic

flavours I found in Finland and Norway that

truly captured my imagination. As a ‘keen’

home cook I had a go at making gravlax

myself at home, melding and merging as

many weird and wonderful ingredients

together as was possible.

Fast forward a year or so and I was going to

Billingsgate seafood market weekly and buying

what seemed like fairly large quantities of

salmon and trout to fulfil my new found hobby

at home. My hobby was becoming ‘absorbing’

by now as I continued to give much of it away

to friends and family, however increasingly I

noticed that many polite friends and family

were a little wrong-footed by the notion of

raw. In short, they liked smoked salmon but

not gravlax. I found this odd but bowed to my

market no matter how unlucrative they were.

I bought a small home smoker and started

smoking the cured fish in my shed at home.

Suddenly I couldn’t make enough! As soon

as I had smoked the flavoured fish, it seemed

to garner mass appeal. I took it to some

farmer’s markets where we sold loads and

received enough nice comments to make me

think I might be on to something.

Within a year or two we were supplying

Selfridge’s fish, Partridges, Fortnum and

Mason…. I couldn’t really believe it! My wife quit

her job to join the business and off we went,

taking our funny fish up and down the land.

A new baby quickly changed focus from farmer’s

markets at the weekends to retail. This was a

tough transition to make as the joy of meeting

customers and engaging with them was lost.

The business became a wholesale

smoked salmon company, with a little

smokehouse trying to keep up with

the demands of some of our bigger

customers like a certain well-known

online grocer. When their online merger

with ‘you know who’ happened their

business plan changed and overnight

we lost our single largest customer,

suddenly I was wide awake to the

danger of putting too many eggs in

one basket.

Thankfully for us, the way online

shopping has boomed during the

pandemic and has kept us going. It has

allowed me to re-focus on supplying

customers directly, harking back to our

farmer’s market roots. We can get the

brand ethos and values across to the

customers and engage with them in a

way that was traditionally only possible

in a physical space.

Today, our focus is 100% on building

our brand online which allows us to

keep the quality and the handmade

nature of the product in place whilst

letting us experiment with different

flavours (without having to go through

various buying committees before a

product is accepted) returning us to

‘spiritual’ home booze-infused fish.




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