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CONSEILS D'EXPERT // EXPERT ADVICE massive au sérum adrénaliné est pratiquée à la canule dans les plans de décollement pour faciliter la dissection et diminuer le saignement. La voie d’abord est celle du lifting facial classique. Je privilégie les incisions intra-auriculaires plutôt que prétragiennes. La lipectomie sous-mentale : La procédure de cervicoplastie débute par une lipectomie cervicale à travers une incision cutanée sous mentale. Elle est réalisée jusqu’au niveau des bords basilaires des branches horizontales de la mandibule afin d’en redessiner les contours. Elle est réalisée sous contrôle visuel et devenue beaucoup plus conservatrice avec le temps. Lifting avec « dégraissage » important. Lift with significant fat removal. Lifting avec action importante sur le SMAS. Lift that significantly alters the SMAS. Les platysmaplasties médianes et latérales : Le muscle plastysma est décollé sur sa face superficielle (et si besoin sur sa face profonde), latéralement à partir du bord interne et à travers l’incision sous-mentale. Si elles sont hypertrophiées et ptosées, les glandes submandibulaires sont repérées par voie sous mentale. Dans ces cas, j’effectue une submandiblectomie partielle suivie d’une injection immédiate de toxine botulique dans le reste de la glande pour éviter toute sialocèle. En cas de cordes platysmales saillantes ou de lifting secondaire, je sectionne horizontalement l’intégralité du platysma, puis j’effectue une raphie médiane du platysma jusqu’au bord supérieur du cartilage thyroïde. La partie postérieure de ce hamac est fixée latéralement. Depuis que je pratique la technique du capitonnage brésilien d’Andre Auersvald, je n’utilise plus de Redons et n’ai plus d’hématomes (2). Lifting cervico-jugal En haut, mon incision s’arrête en arrière du tragus, elle fait le tour du lobule de l’oreille, puis remonte dans le pli rétro-auriculaire jusqu’au niveau de la projection du tragus et redescendant à 90° dans le cuir chevelu sur 5-6 cm ou en pré-capillaire. Lors de l’incision cutanée, je prête gare à respecter la face antérieure du cartilage du tragus. Puis je débute le décollement cutané de la face à l’aide de ciseaux spatulés de Trepsa, tout d’abord dans un plan sous-cutané strict, au-dessus du SMAS. Puis j’effectue le reste du décollement inféro-postérieur cervical dans le même plan à l’aide de grands ciseaux spatulés de Trepsa, à partir de la ligne d’incision rétro-auriculaire. J’effectue la décollement pré-auriculaire et le décollement du SMAS. Après séparation en deux lambeaux, le SMAS est tracté selon un double vecteur supérieur et rétro-mastoïdien afin de résorber la bajoue et souligner l’angle mandibulaire. Mes résections cutanées sont étonnamment faibles, rarement plus d’un cm. Mes sutures cutanées sont pratiquées sans aucune tension. Section du DAO : Il s’agit d’une procédure à réserver pour le traitement des plis d’amertume très marqués. J’éverse la lèvre inférieure et j’incise la muqueuse labiale à environ un centimètre du vermillon. Je dissèque ensuite le plan sous muqueux de façon horizontale jusqu’au muscle orbiculaire. Le changement d’orientation des fibres musculaires plus oblique permet d’identifier les DAO et de les sectionner. Elle est confirmée par l’apparition soit de la graisse sous-dermique, qui est inconstante, soit du derme. Lifting avec action importante sur le platysma et geste associé sur les glandes salivaires. Lift that significantly alters the platysma and associated treatment of the salivary glands. De la dermabrasion au blanching En cas de ridules notamment péribuccales et selon le souhait de la patiente, je pratique le blanching associé au nanofat. J’utilise, un acide hyaluronique (AH), monophasique polydensifié pouvant être injecté dans le derme réticulaire superficiel sans risquer d’effet Tyndall. Des études cliniques avec mélange de AH et de plasma enrichi en plaquettes sont en cours. J’utilise des aiguilles de 32 à 34 gauges et de 13 mm de longueur. L’aiguille est à peu près parallèle à la peau, biseau vers le bas. Le geste est facilité par un grossissement de 2 à 3 et l’usage d’une seringue électrique miniaturisée qui permet à la fois précision et puissance. Le succès dépend de l’effet de blanching immédiat, qui est a contrario un signe d’alerte en cas d’injection profonde. Les techniques de médecine régénérative : Les techniques de needling ont démontré leur effet inducteur tissulaire. Après avoir longtemps utilisé le stylo, je préfère maintenant le rouleau ou le tampon. Elles font appel au lipofilling enrichi et au nanofat. Ces techniques sont utilisées essentiellement pour leur effet trophique. Les techniques de laser peuvent être utilisée en per et préopératoire pour stimuler la cicatrisation. Je privilégie la possibilité de définir moi-même mes paramètres (longueur d’onde, fluence, etc.). Les techniques de LED sont utilisées en routine dans la période postopératoire pour gérer l’inflammation et les ecchymoses. Dans le cadre de cet article nous ne pouvons qu’énumérer les procédures connexes (5). En fonction des cas, des génioplasties transversales ou sagittales ou combinées peuvent être utiles. Des prothèses malaires peuvent être nécessaires dans le cadre d’atrophies sévères ne répondant pas au lipofilling. Le traitement des angles mandibulaires se fait principalement aux dépens des masséters et non de l’os. Bref, il existe tout un espace de créativité permettant d’associer rajeunissement et attractivité. Enfin, et ce sera la conclusion de la conclusion, il ne faut pas perdre de vue les techniques anti-âges permettant d’agir au niveau cellulaire et intracellulaire (glycation, économie mitochondriale, etc. ) et qui gagnent à être associées. 46 • ANTI AGE MAGAZINE #37 | 2020

lift is always performed at the same time as a face lift, for anatomical continuity. A la carte treatment according to each case The aim of this article is to describe a surgical process that combines various techniques to rejuvenate the lower half of the face and neck. Set-up: The operation is carried out under general or local anaesthetic. Adrenaline serum is dripped through a cannula into the detachment planes to make them easier to dissect and to reduce bleeding. The approach first follows that of a classic face lift. I tend to perform intra-auricular incisions as opposed to making incisions in front of the ear. Sub-mental lipectomy: The neck lift procedure starts with a lipectomy through an incision under the chin. It goes right up to the basilar edge of the horizontal branches of the mandible so as to reshape its contours. The procedure is monitored visually as it is being carried out and has become much less traumatic over time. Medial and lateral platysmplasty: The platysma muscle is detached on the surface side (and, if necessary, on its internal side), laterally and starting from the inner edge, through a submental incision. If they are hypertrophic and prolapsed, the submandibular glands are repaired from underneath the chin. In this case, I carry out a partial submandiblectomy then immediately inject botulinum toxin into the rest of the gland to avoid any mucocele. If the platysma cords are too prominent or a secondary lift is required, I horizontally section the whole platysma, then I stitch the mid platysma to the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage. The back part of this hammock is then fixed to the side. Since I have been performing André Auersvald’s technique, I no longer need to use Redon drains and no bruising is caused (2). Cervicojugal face lift At the top, my incision stops behind the tragus, goes around the ear lobe, then up the retro-auricular fold to the projection of the tragus and back down 90° into the scalp for 5-6cm, or just before the hairline. When making an incision into the skin, I pay careful attention to the anterior face of the tragus cartilage. Then I start to detach the skin from the face using Trepsa spatula-tipped scissors, close along the subcutaneous plane, above the SMAS. Then, I detach it from the lower back of the neck, again using large Trepsa spatula-tipped scissors, from the retro-auricular incision line. I detach the skin in front of the ear and the SMAS. After separating these two parts, the SMAS is pulled up and behind the mastoid in order to erase the jowls and highlight the mandibular angle. My skin resections are surprisingly straightforward, rarely more than a centimetre. I make the skin sutures fairly loose. Sectioning the DAO: This is a useful procedure for treating severe expression lines. I pull the lower lip inside out and cut into the labial mucous membrane around a centimetre inside the vermillion border. I then dissect the submucous plane horizontally up to the orbicularis muscle. The change in direction of the more oblique muscle fibres allows us to identify LE LIFTING ASSOCIE DÉSORMAIS DES TECHNIQUES DE MÉDECINE RÉGÉNÉRATIVE. A FACE LIFT NOW INCLUDES REGENERATIVE MEDICINE TECHNIQUES. and section the DAO. This is confirmed either by the appearance of subdermal fat, which is irregular, or of the dermis. From dermabrasion to blanching In the case of wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds, and if the patient so wishes, I perform blanching along with nanofat. I use a monophasic, polydensified hyaluronic acid that can be injected into the superficial reticular dermis without any risk of the Tyndall effect. Clinical studies using a blend of HA and platelet-rich plasma are currently being carried out. I use 32 to 34G needles that are 13mm long. The needle is held almost parallel to the skin, with the bevel facing downwards. The gesture is made easier if the needle is 2 or 3G larger and a miniaturised electric syringe is used, which is both powerful and precise. The success of the treatment relies on an immediate blanching effect, which, conversely, is a sign of alarm if we are injecting more deeply. Regenerative medicine techniques: Needling techniques have proven to be effective tissue inducers. After using a pen for a long time, I now prefer to use a roller or stamp, which are great for enriched lipofilling and nanofat. These techniques are mainly used for their trophic effect. Laser techniques can be used during and before the operation to stimulate healing. I prefer to personalise the settings (wavelength, fluency, etc.). LED techniques are routinely used after the operation to manage inflammation and bruising. In this article, we have only mentioned the connected procedures (5). Depending on the case, transversal or sagittal or combined genioplasty could also be useful. Malar implants might also be required in the case of severe atrophy with a contraindication to lipofilling. The mandibular angles are mainly treated at the expense of the masseters and not the bone. In short, there is plenty of scope for creativity that enables us to both rejuvenate and beautify. Finally, and this is the conclusion of the conclusion, we must not lose sight of the anti-aging techniques that allow us to act at cellular and intracellular level (glycation, mitochondrial economy, etc.) which are worth including. 1. Ellenbogen, R., and Karlin, J. V. Visual criteria for success in restoring youthful neck. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1980 ;66: 826. 2. Auersvald A, Auersvald LA. He-mostatic net in rhytidoplasty: an efficient and safe method for preventing hematoma in 405 consecutive patients. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2014 Feb;38(1):1-9. 3. Mitz V, Peyronie M. The superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS) in the parotid and cheek area. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1976 Jul;58(1):80-8. 4. Tonnard P, Verpaele A, Peeters G, Hamdi M, Cornelissen M, Declercq H. Nanofat grafting: basic research and clinical applications. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Oct;132(4):1017-26. 5. Ruiz R, Hersant B, La Padula S, Meningaud JP. Facelifts: Improving the long-term outcomes of lower face and neck rejuvenation surgery: The lower face and neck rejuvenation combined method. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2018;46:697-704. 2020 ANTI AGE MAGAZINE #37 • 47

lift is always performed at the same time as a face lift, for<br />

anatomical continuity.<br />

A la carte treatment according to each case<br />

The aim of this article is to describe a surgical process that<br />

combines various techniques to rejuvenate the lower half of<br />

the face and neck.<br />

Set-up: The operation is carried out under general or local<br />

anaesthetic. Adrenaline serum is dripped through a cannula<br />

into the detachment planes to make them easier to dissect<br />

and to reduce bleeding. The approach first follows that of a<br />

classic face lift. I tend to perform intra-auricular incisions as<br />

opposed to making incisions in front of the ear.<br />

Sub-mental lipectomy: The neck lift procedure starts with<br />

a lipectomy through an incision under the chin. It goes right<br />

up to the basilar edge of the horizontal branches of the mandible<br />

so as to reshape its contours. The procedure is monitored<br />

visually as it is being carried out and has become much<br />

less traumatic over time.<br />

Medial and lateral platysmplasty: The platysma muscle is<br />

detached on the surface side (and, if necessary, on its internal<br />

side), laterally and starting from the inner edge, through a<br />

submental incision. If they are hypertrophic and prolapsed,<br />

the submandibular glands are repaired from underneath the<br />

chin. In this case, I carry out a partial submandiblectomy<br />

then immediately inject botulinum toxin into the rest of the<br />

gland to avoid any mucocele. If the platysma cords are too<br />

prominent or a secondary lift is required, I horizontally section<br />

the whole platysma, then I stitch the mid platysma to<br />

the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage. The back part of this<br />

hammock is then fixed to the side. Since I have been performing<br />

André Auersvald’s technique, I no longer need to use<br />

Redon drains and no bruising is caused (2).<br />

Cervicojugal face lift<br />

At the top, my incision stops behind the tragus, goes around<br />

the ear lobe, then up the retro-auricular fold to the projection<br />

of the tragus and back down 90° into the scalp for 5-6cm, or<br />

just before the hairline. When making an incision into the<br />

skin, I pay careful attention to the anterior face of the tragus<br />

cartilage. Then I start to detach the skin from the face using<br />

Trepsa spatula-tipped scissors, close along the subcutaneous<br />

plane, above the SMAS. Then, I detach it from the lower back<br />

of the neck, again using large Trepsa spatula-tipped scissors,<br />

from the retro-auricular incision line. I detach the skin in<br />

front of the ear and the SMAS. After separating these two<br />

parts, the SMAS is pulled up and behind the mastoid in order<br />

to erase the jowls and highlight the mandibular angle. My skin<br />

resections are surprisingly straightforward, rarely more than<br />

a centimetre. I make the skin sutures fairly loose.<br />

Sectioning the DAO: This is a useful procedure for treating<br />

severe expression lines. I pull the lower lip inside out and cut<br />

into the labial mucous membrane around a centimetre inside<br />

the vermillion border. I then dissect the submucous plane<br />

horizontally up to the orbicularis muscle. The change in direction<br />

of the more oblique muscle fibres allows us to identify<br />






and section the DAO. This is confirmed either by the appearance<br />

of subdermal fat, which is irregular, or of the dermis.<br />

From dermabrasion to blanching<br />

In the case of wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds,<br />

and if the patient so wishes, I perform blanching along with<br />

nanofat. I use a monophasic, polydensified hyaluronic acid<br />

that can be injected into the superficial reticular dermis without<br />

any risk of the Tyndall effect. Clinical studies using<br />

a blend of HA and platelet-rich plasma are currently being<br />

carried out. I use 32 to 34G needles that are 13mm long. The<br />

needle is held almost parallel to the skin, with the bevel facing<br />

downwards. The gesture is made easier if the needle is 2 or<br />

3G larger and a miniaturised electric syringe is used, which<br />

is both powerful and precise. The success of the treatment<br />

relies on an immediate blanching effect, which, conversely, is<br />

a sign of alarm if we are injecting more deeply.<br />

Regenerative medicine techniques: Needling techniques<br />

have proven to be effective tissue inducers. After using a pen<br />

for a long time, I now prefer to use a roller or stamp, which are<br />

great for enriched lipofilling and nanofat. These techniques<br />

are mainly used for their trophic effect. Laser techniques can<br />

be used during and before the operation to stimulate healing.<br />

I prefer to personalise the settings (wavelength, fluency,<br />

etc.). LED techniques are routinely used after the operation<br />

to manage inflammation and bruising.<br />

In this article, we have only mentioned the connected procedures<br />

(5). Depending on the case, transversal or sagittal or<br />

combined genioplasty could also be useful. Malar implants<br />

might also be required in the case of severe atrophy with<br />

a contraindication to lipofilling. The mandibular angles are<br />

mainly treated at the expense of the masseters and not the<br />

bone. In short, there is plenty of scope for creativity that<br />

enables us to both rejuvenate and beautify. Finally, and this<br />

is the conclusion of the conclusion, we must not lose sight of<br />

the anti-aging techniques that allow us to act at cellular and<br />

intracellular level (glycation, mitochondrial economy, etc.)<br />

which are worth including.<br />

1. Ellenbogen, R., and Karlin, J. V. Visual criteria for success in restoring youthful neck. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 1980 ;66:<br />

826.<br />

2. Auersvald A, Auersvald LA. He-mostatic net in rhytidoplasty: an efficient and safe method for preventing hematoma<br />

in 405 consecutive patients. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2014 Feb;38(1):1-9.<br />

3. Mitz V, Peyronie M. The superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS) in the parotid and cheek area. Plast Reconstr<br />

Surg. 1976 Jul;58(1):80-8.<br />

4. Tonnard P, Verpaele A, Peeters G, Hamdi M, Cornelissen M, Declercq H. Nanofat grafting: basic research and clinical<br />

applications. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Oct;132(4):1017-26.<br />

5. Ruiz R, Hersant B, La Padula S, Meningaud JP. Facelifts: Improving the long-term outcomes of lower face and neck<br />

rejuvenation surgery: The lower face and neck rejuvenation combined method. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2018;46:697-704.<br />

2020 <strong>ANTI</strong> <strong>AGE</strong> MAGAZINE <strong>#37</strong> • 47

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