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ENGLISH THEATRE On Friday the 10 th of March the kids of Terra Alta schools went to Gandesa to see an English play. First, a minibus came to school to pick us up when we arrive there we had a snack by an old school. We waited until 11:00 o’clock, then we came into the movie theatre, because the play was about to start. Before the play started the kids of Corbera D’ebre explained there project called ‘’children to children’’ to us. “Children to children” is a project to help the kids in Siria because their houses were destroyed. They had heart shaped stickers and they cost 1€. All this money will go to a N.G.O. When they finished explaining, the play Tic Tac Alice started. What surprise us is that the actors grabbed volunteers from the audience and they could act on the stage with them. The performance was very funny because the actors combine the plot with songs, a fantastic story and amazing costumes. Finally, we took a bus and we went back to Bot. We felt tired but very happy.

VISITA DELS ALUMNES DE 3r. D’E. PRIMÀRIA DE L’ESCOLA DANIEL MANGRANÉ DE JESÚS El dia 9 de maig van vindre els nens de Jesus del cicle mitja, van aribar a Bot a les 10 del mati, vam sortir al pati, vam esmorzar i els vam dir que si volien jugar a futbol,ens van dir que si En acabar el pati vam fer els grups, ens vam separar, vam visitar: Olives Blai, Calmenescal, els hi vam explicar el power de la Via Verda de Val de Safan. Seguidament vam anar a dinar al vagó de l’estació. Quan vam acabar vam jugar una mica. Després vam anar a donar una passejada i a explicar la Via Verda. A les 4:15 vam marchar cap a Jesus, abans de machar ens vam donar una abraçada els de Jesus i els de Bot. Una gran excursió!!! Venus i Lurdes Dies més tard vam rebre cartes d’ells i nosaltres els vam contestar


On Friday the 10 th of March the kids of Terra Alta schools<br />

went to Gandesa to see an English play. First, a minibus<br />

came to school to pick us up when we arrive there we had a<br />

snack by an old school.<br />

We waited until 11:00 o’clock, then<br />

we came into the movie theatre,<br />

because the play was about to<br />

start. Before the play started the<br />

kids of Corbera D’ebre explained<br />

there project called ‘’children to<br />

children’’ to us.<br />

“Children to children” is a project to<br />

help the kids in Siria because their houses were destroyed.<br />

They had heart shaped stickers and they cost 1€. All this<br />

money will go to a N.G.O.<br />

When they finished explaining, the play<br />

Tic Tac Alice started. What surprise us is<br />

that the actors grabbed volunteers from<br />

the audience and they could act on the<br />

stage with them. The performance was<br />

very funny because the actors combine<br />

the plot with songs, a fantastic story<br />

and amazing costumes.<br />

Finally, we took a bus and we went back to Bot.<br />

We felt tired but very happy.

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