United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


COUNTRms. 1885. I -- Cwts. I Russin, Northern Ports 1 ·1,613,.136 -·--· Southern ·rorts 7,362,208 Sweden • Dcumnrk. Iccla11

91 IMPORT$ :....::..CORN! ·OTHER KINDS of (JRAIN, Ii\IPORTED into ·the UNITEP KrNGDOl\£ (stated in syste~ of Ent,ry:). )Vm:.\.•r-G~AIN. 1893. 189!. 1895. 1896: I I I I I 1897. i89S .. I 189~ COUNTlm~s. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. ·Cwts. Cwts. Cwts; 43,207 52,277 935,250 1;581,800 4,569,500 3,141,800 311,800. Russin, Norbhern Ports. 10,018,781 16,723,604 22,os1;785 15,659,800 10,480,400 3,090,700 2.2tlll,.100 -·--Southern Ports. - - ...:. - - - - Sweden • 1,339 3,600 ....,. -:- - 1,800 7,020 {Denmark, Icelnnd, nild . Grccnl;md. 3G2,0SG 715,043 752,990 1,032,!)10 1,333,400 711,300 466,030 Germany. 1,452 3,0GS· 2,000 2,610 ',3,130 61,480 10 .France. 3 - - - - -· - Austrian Tcrl'itorles. 89,272 lOS,089 2,022,200· 5,401,300 '1,221,340 183,700 ·32,100 Ronm:min. 103,552 339,577 1,300,230 1,930,400 1,862,540 ~7~,560 27,300 Turkey. - 12,600 - 1;007,000 1,H2,100 88,300 - Ilulgari:L 10,5SG 181 2,590 30,000 26,080 82,900 26,300 Egypt. United States: 21,165,660 15,773,828 14,006,420 20,533,!lOO 24,9G0,800 30,5Gl,OOO 28,315,948 Atlnntic Pol'ts. I 11,097,188 8,884,417 13,0i7;700 10;161,000' 9,633,400 7,291,200 6,334,700 Pacific Ports. {Argentine ltepublic (in· 7,845,587 13,272,152 11,400,360 4,927,GOO 933,100 3,983,·100 ll,36S,1300 · cl111li11g the Atlantic ! • coast of P:itago1iia). {Chile .(including tlu: l 2,580,147 1,764,413' 1,038,900 1,936,100 1,019,300 807,300 265,300 Pacific coast, of l'nfa· I gonia). 3,157,31i5 2,828,515 1,844,600 3,617,900 4,820,500 5,012,030 5,256,500 JMtish Norlih America. I 6,196,00() 5,340,056 8,802,050 2,112,940 572,760 9,G37,900 8,102,200 J3ritish India. 2,550,588 3,877,418 3,486,6~0· 6,500 - 211,620 '3,703,030 Austrnlnsia. - 200,089_ 417,401 9!!!_.460 2:l,320 l 151,930 186,850 122,S·!O Other Countries. -------- 65,461,988 70,126,232 81,'/49,IJ55 70,025,980 I 62,740,180 65,227,IJ:lO o!l,636,078 'l'otal. -· - -~ WIIEAT-)[r:AT1 AND l!'I.OUR. 698 9,186 100 3,650 H,320 120,140 1,301 Russia, Northern l'orls. ! 473 2·1,215 31,740 11,410 41,·100 3,050 2,200 ---Southern Ports. ! - - - 2,200 2,800 573 GOO Sweden. . 601 7,241 380 10,110 34,·lllO 10,451) 6,220 I { Denmark, Icelnn

COUNTRms.<br />

<strong>1885</strong>. I<br />

-- Cwts. I<br />

Russin, Northern Ports 1 ·1,613,.136<br />

-·--· Southern ·rorts 7,362,208<br />

Sweden •<br />

Dcumnrk. Iccla11

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