United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


80 HOME CONSUMPTION. - No. 29~-QuANTITIES of the UNDEm1Ii:N'f10N:E:D AUTICLES. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889; 1890. 1891; I I I I I I ]Ml'ORTKD ARTICLES:- Uncon and Hams* Cwt11. 3,719,381 S,910,428 3,738,885 3,427,733' 4,200,853 4,533,269 4,422,736 Ueef, Salted und Fresh .. 1,116,128 003,991 834,529 1,006,154 1,i>51,270l 2,020,635 2,088,orn " Beef (from imported live oxen} 1,822,417 1,562,426 1,408,7G3 1,856,085' 2,993,409: S,700,269 3;044,077 II and bulls)>'t • • • • llutterli } {1,480,650 1,445,168 J,600,911 1,857,367 1,952,609 2,071,118 2,319,237 }fargarine• " 870,409 1,251,109 1,119,405 1,210,525 1,058,658 1;225,476 Cheese* II 1,779,118 1,685,447 1,785,850- l,s58,74u 1,847,601 2,084,378 1,976,019 Chicory 99,247 97,825 106,284 100,391 97,194' 95,499 93,142 " Cocoa,Raw • Lbs. 14,603,067 16,161,480 16,109,473 18,215,019 18,461,194 20,225,849 21,595,055 Cocoa or Chocolate, ground,} 11reparcd, or in any way ,, 1,127,413 1,141,457 1,333,981 i,558,134 1,892,684 2,141,786 2;u1,998 manufactured, • • - Coffee • • • • - - Cwts. 291,610 282,217 261,749 272,782 252,947 250,281 255,678 Corn :-Wheat'" 60,772,366 46,354,884 55,183,470 66,869,438 58,203,159• 60,143,895 65,820,469 __.. -- Ma!Ze • " 31,390,646 30,738,316 31,093,737 25,318,664 35,859,752, 42,?62,80 26,683,847 " ...,--.:.- Wheat Meal nnd Flout·• ,, 15,714,634 14,528,924 17,891,769 16,719,860 14,499,848- i5,617,SlS 16,639,307 Eggs" . ; • 2'ltousct11ds 1,001,217 1,032,200. 1,088/is8 1,123,368 1,129,109 1,233,730 1 1 218,011 Fruit:- Currants Cwts. 913,211 859,470 923,495 1,017,219 800,985 1,113,793 1,138,461 Raisins Meat, !'reserved, _othe:Wls~} than by salting" Mutton, Fresh* • Pork, Salted and Fresh" Potatoes• ,; Rice* Sugar, Raw" --Refined" ~ ~ " " " " " " " " 424,061 458,830 513,054 438,938 465,142 fSS,074 489,035 495,988 402,312 449,407 506,815 001,6;34 668,768 711,938 572,825 652,373 769,890 987,834 1,224,939 1,650,773 1,657,937 865,248 352,2W 411,492 472,535 363,479 263,982 311,807 2,291,133 2,688,660 2,714,594 2,333,593 1,845,442 1,917,729 3,152,916 2,455,925 3,524,814 2,546,866 3,270,856 3,565,554 3,137,982 2,986,585 18,986,327 15,474,147117,528,381 W,726,975 16,813,776 15,057,305 15,938,376 5,109,507 6,145,932 6,704,832 6,684,414 8,809,669 9,4H,7S9 11,115,151 ·rea f,(Js. 182,408,830 178,800,197 183,561,SS:i 185,416,238 185,578,298 193,949,452 202,396,631 Tobacco, Manufactured, Cigars} 1,726,926 1,863,377 1,924,062 2,136,191 2,330,656 2,299,29'2 2,328,658 audSnutf - - - - - " ~-,-· - Unmanufacturcd • - 50,789,211 50,421,903 51,310,245 52,302,572 5S,6W,S50. I 55,sS'i,672 68,596,920 " Wine • Gall~. 13,767,928 t:J,1~,84-1 13,593,999 .13,417,272 14,07-i,1~ 14,92,1,17~ 14,774,698 ----· --------·-· ------- Spirits, Potable :- Rum· 3,857,867 3,849,092 3,901,227 !; '361,772 4,059,924 4,536,666 4,467,465 " Urandy .. 2,689,464 2,642,376 2,541,527 2,439,780 2,500,973 2,640,164 2,679,449 Other l''oreign and Colonial) 1,358,944 1,679,188' 1,688,269 I,8?s,04o 2,046,948 1,787,376 1,252,409 Spirits (Potable) • 'f •! ---------------------------- Total of Imported S!1irit~} {Potable) • • gxcrsEAnr.1-: Ar.TrcLRS :- Spirits, Potable (British) " " 7,906,275 8,170,656 8,131,023 8,174,592 ' 8,607,845 8,964,200 8,399,3231 20,609,483 25,954,251 25,969,776 25,963,593 21,188,861 29,410,431 '30,744,2581 1'otal .Spirits, Potable (fol:} 34,515,763 34,124,007134,100,"9 34,138,1 .. 35,791,196 38,374,637 ported and Exciseable) '39,143,581 \ " Ueer (Uritish) Cr/11. 27,101,238 27,134,114 27,726,207 27,8i4,302 29,823,773 31,23tl,818 31,667,266 Xote.-The Quantities of tlte several Articles liable to Duty,, Retai1lm for actual consumption in the United Kingdom, Duties, from.the Quantities Entered for • These Artfoles being free of Duty, the Imports less the Re-exports, have been taken ail the Quantities Retained for Home t The quantity of meat given In this Table Is estimated on the assum1>tlon that imported Oxen and Bulls, when slaughtered, }'rom I u:r 1 ~~!~:~~ Canada. I l'ortugal I Channel Islands. , Sweden. l'6r Head Lbr. SOS 72() , 6~ 64G 024 - House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online. Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

HOME CONSUi\fP1'ION. 81' ARTICLES RETAINED for Ho~m CONSUMPTION. 1892. i 1soa. 1189-1. 11;9~ lSOi. l~L~l A1mcLES. 4,708,506 4,027,lfJl I i ! I I I l)Il'OllTl::D AltTICJ.F.S :- 4,002,052 j 5,111,2·18 i 5,Go1;:l47 1 G,383,8H i 7,139,038 7,301,456 l Cwts. Bacoruuul limns." 2,280,209 1,!>49,278 2,283,814 ) 2,317,585 ,j 2,857,057 l 3,139,850 ' 3,2·W,020 3,930,228 j Beef, Salte1l nnd 1'rcsl1.* 3,450,870, 2,352,409 1 :i,srn,085 1 2,Sl5,3SS 3,803,ilSS j ·l,HH,825 3,i00,458 3,320,483 1 {Jleef (from lmportccl ·Jive 2,120,581 2,261,550 I 2,516,445 ) 2,708,132 2,979,350 1 3,146,1>7·1 3,H5,602 3,339,398 " n 1 ~t1~~~.~nd bnlls):'t l,29·i,601 1,285,501 I 1,098,709 ! 930,713 914,450 ! 922;1SS S00,592 940,036 :.\forgariiie." 2,172,621 2,0l4,36i l 2,210,2121 1 2,012,406 2,Wl,892 ! 2,550,361 2,282,758 2,:l27,6i0 Cheese.* !H,267 86,176 i 88,155 S0,755 85,420 I' 81,975 80,018 78,3$.; Chico1-y. 20,705,271 20,8U2,705 , 22,·120,50S 2.J,·181,870 ! 2·1,520,160 2i,85G,IJ.l!l 32,077 1 37-i :13,984 1 364 Lb~. Cucon, ltilW. 2,226,000 2,306,440 ! 2,H:1,1n 2,561,112 3,2;0,18:1 , 8,010,ofo o,3i3,933 5,388,008 ,, f 0°;~:i,~~~J: 0 ~~l~~1'\~:;? 1 !:!:~y I I ! l mannfnct11re1I. 252,000 23'.,486 I 2371278 2-14,531 2·13,ma 1 24:1,724 2·16,510 259,fllO Cwt.~. Coffee. 04,099,250 ?!·8~7,~14 j ~~t 9 17; 1053 ~~,40~ 1 205 G!l,751,488 62,5H,Si3 64,i85,0S3 05,910,Gil Col'll.:_;Whent." 35,15'l,2H 3_,8,!l,-01 l 3i>,-·1a,3H I 33,88l:,034 1 51,159.505 1 53,04i,2·1:{ 50,131,015 61,0S0,163 - )laize.* • 21,S90,i24 20,190,027 ! 18,91.J,SOO 18,127,10·1 i 20,911,183 I 18,472,706 l 20,012,0·00 22,·li!l,520 {- Wl!f~~~r ... )lenl nn


-<br />

No. 29~-QuANTITIES<br />

of the UNDEm1Ii:N'f10N:E:D<br />

AUTICLES. <strong>1885</strong>. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889; 1890. 1891;<br />

I I I I I I<br />


Uncon and Hams* Cwt11. 3,719,381 S,910,428 3,738,885 3,427,733' 4,200,853 4,533,269 4,422,736<br />

Ueef, Salted und Fresh ..<br />

1,116,128 003,991 834,529 1,006,154 1,i>51,270l 2,020,635 2,088,orn<br />

"<br />

Beef (from imported live oxen}<br />

1,822,417 1,562,426 1,408,7G3 1,856,085' 2,993,409: S,700,269 3;044,077<br />

II<br />

and bulls)>'t • • • •<br />

llutterli } {1,480,650 1,445,168 J,600,911 1,857,367 1,952,609 2,071,118<br />

2,319,237<br />

}fargarine• "<br />

870,409 1,251,109 1,119,405 1,210,525 1,058,658 1;225,476<br />

Cheese* II<br />

1,779,118 1,685,447 1,785,850- l,s58,74u 1,847,601 2,084,378 1,976,019<br />

Chicory<br />

99,247 97,825 106,284 100,391 97,194' 95,499 93,142<br />

"<br />

Cocoa,Raw • Lbs. 14,603,067 16,161,480 16,109,473 18,215,019 18,461,194 20,225,849 21,595,055<br />

Cocoa or Chocolate, ground,}<br />

11reparcd, or in any way ,, 1,127,413 1,141,457 1,333,981 i,558,134 1,892,684 2,141,786 2;u1,998<br />

manufactured, • • -<br />

Coffee • • • • - - Cwts. 291,610 282,217 261,749 272,782 252,947 250,281 255,678<br />

Corn :-Wheat'"<br />

60,772,366 46,354,884 55,183,470 66,869,438 58,203,159• 60,143,895 65,820,469<br />

__.. -- Ma!Ze •<br />

" 31,390,646 30,738,316 31,093,737 25,318,664 35,859,752, 42,?62,80 26,683,847<br />

"<br />

...,--.:.- Wheat Meal nnd Flout·• ,, 15,714,634 14,528,924 17,891,769 16,719,860 14,499,848- i5,617,SlS 16,639,307<br />

Eggs" . ; • 2'ltousct11ds 1,001,217 1,032,200. 1,088/is8 1,123,368 1,129,109 1,233,730 1 1 218,011<br />

Fruit:-<br />

Currants Cwts. 913,211 859,470 923,495 1,017,219 800,985 1,113,793 1,138,461<br />

Raisins<br />

Meat, !'reserved, _othe:Wls~}<br />

than by salting"<br />

Mutton, Fresh* •<br />

Pork, Salted and Fresh"<br />

Potatoes•<br />

,;<br />

Rice*<br />

Sugar, Raw"<br />

--Refined"<br />

~ ~<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

424,061 458,830 513,054 438,938 465,142 fSS,074 489,035<br />

495,988 402,312 449,407 506,815 001,6;34 668,768 711,938<br />

572,825 652,373 769,890 987,834 1,224,939 1,650,773 1,657,937<br />

865,248 352,2W 411,492 472,535 363,479 263,982 311,807<br />

2,291,133 2,688,660 2,714,594 2,333,593 1,845,442 1,917,729 3,152,916<br />

2,455,925 3,524,814 2,546,866 3,270,856 3,565,554 3,137,982 2,986,585<br />

18,986,327 15,474,147117,528,381 W,726,975 16,813,776 15,057,305 15,938,376<br />

5,109,507 6,145,932 6,704,832 6,684,414 8,809,669 9,4H,7S9 11,115,151<br />

·rea f,(Js. 182,408,830 178,800,197 183,561,SS:i 185,416,238 185,578,298 193,949,452 202,396,631<br />

Tobacco, Manufactured, Cigars}<br />

1,726,926 1,863,377 1,924,062 2,136,191 2,330,656 2,299,29'2 2,328,658<br />

audSnutf - - - - - "<br />

~-,-· - Unmanufacturcd • - 50,789,211 50,421,903 51,310,245 52,302,572 5S,6W,S50. I 55,sS'i,672 68,596,920<br />

"<br />

Wine • Gall~. 13,767,928 t:J,1~,84-1 13,593,999 .13,417,272 14,07-i,1~ 14,92,1,17~ 14,774,698<br />

----· --------·-· -------<br />

Spirits, Potable :-<br />

Rum·<br />

3,857,867 3,849,092 3,901,227 !; '361,772 4,059,924 4,536,666 4,467,465<br />

"<br />

Urandy .. 2,689,464 2,642,376 2,541,527 2,439,780 2,500,973 2,640,164 2,679,449<br />

Other l''oreign and Colonial)<br />

1,358,944 1,679,188' 1,688,269 I,8?s,04o 2,046,948 1,787,376 1,252,409<br />

Spirits (Potable) • 'f •!<br />

----------------------------<br />

Total of Imported S!1irit~}<br />

{Potable) • •<br />

gxcrsEAnr.1-: Ar.TrcLRS :-<br />

Spirits, Potable (British)<br />

"<br />

"<br />

7,906,275 8,170,656 8,131,023 8,174,592 ' 8,607,845 8,964,200 8,399,3231<br />

20,609,483 25,954,251 25,969,776 25,963,593 21,188,861 29,410,431 '30,744,2581<br />

1'otal .Spirits, Potable (fol:} 34,515,763 34,124,007134,100,"9 34,138,1 .. 35,791,196 38,374,637<br />

ported and Exciseable) '39,143,581 \<br />

"<br />

Ueer (Uritish) Cr/11. 27,101,238 27,134,114 27,726,207 27,8i4,302 29,823,773 31,23tl,818 31,667,266<br />

Xote.-The Quantities of tlte several Articles liable to Duty,, Retai1lm for actual consumption in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>,<br />

Duties, from.the Quantities Entered for<br />

• These Artfoles being free of Duty, the Imports less the Re-exports, have been taken ail the Quantities Retained for Home<br />

t The quantity of meat given In this Table Is estimated on the assum1>tlon that imported Oxen and Bulls, when slaughtered,<br />

}'rom I u:r 1 ~~!~:~~ Canada. I l'ortugal I Channel Islands. , Sweden.<br />

l'6r Head Lbr. SOS 72() , 6~ 64G 024<br />

-<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

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