United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


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AJ.\toU~T of DnmcT and INDIRECT rr.AXA'L'ION, and of other SOURCES of HEOElPTS<br />

KlNGDOJ.\f, in the Ycai· 1867-8, and in each of the Years 1884..-5<br />

I<br />

. 11ni"d <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

··-·- ---·---------------------------------------------------<br />

I<br />

j 1836-i. ! 1ss7-8_.<br />

1S6i-8. j 1884-5. I <strong>1885</strong>-6.<br />

15SS-9. 183!>-00.<br />

1<br />

-------------- --~-----l ! ) t-------------1<br />

1<br />

l•'rnm Jtatcs • • • • • .l £ ; £ £ \ £, l £, £, £,<br />

., W11tcr'. ?a~. anil mcctl'ic J,ight<br />

1<br />

) / I<br />

Undertaklllb'S - • • 20 "11 «"'0 ·1- "OO l'n• ''8 I'"'"~') '''" Q? I 3" sns 66!) '0 "0' 200 '1·130°".:.<br />

ltcp:~ymcuts on nccount ofJ ' ,. · 'N 1 · 1 •"" ,v.,,, , ,, ,. .,.,,v:... !""' ...,.,.,_ .· "• · • .. •" "• " ,.. ,ovi<br />

l'nvate 1111111·0\'illllClltS CXC· I l !<br />

cutecl hy T.ocal ,\.uthorith:s • ; . ; '. j<br />

Tolls, Dues, Licences aml .Itces • ; 5,133,000 I G,556,lilY.l 6,5!)0,083 ; 6,i5G,674 I 6,705,128<br />

ltcnts, Intcre.st, ,t:c. • • 11 {1,552,!JGO 1,5!>3,461 1,74·1,380 ii 1,721,755<br />

i { 1,873,000 \<br />

l<br />

Sule.;; of Pro11erty • • j G:->7,'155 ·174,·tli 1<br />

532,505 l 390,013<br />

Government Contributions· 1,235,000 j ·l,403,~82 4,599,042 4,802,766 i 5,HS,930<br />

I..o:m~ • 6,00~.ooo l 13,321,735 i 1:.:,931,609 1 10,o.i9,sfo :10,257,235<br />

' I . l<br />

,,.. • ,<br />

67,0S5,9!H I 69,31i,6S:l .<br />

.AjLODiT of the YAmocs B1u.Nc1ms of LOCAL ExPJ~NDITt:Im<br />

and in each of the Years 188•1-5<br />

-~ ---r-~- u<br />

.. u,<br />

... x•"•"•"'·<br />

I 1S6i-8. I 1su--s. I <strong>1885</strong>-6. ! 1886-7. ! 1ssi-S. I IS&S-!>.<br />

! 1ssn-oo.<br />

£, i £,. I .e l £ I £ £ £.<br />

Hy Unions and J~arishes in Rd.i.if to); J' 10,.i71,;1:J : 10,2:1:1,iOZ '.10,1.rn,6S5 jl0,31!l,7:1.9 10,271,7i7 10,352,015<br />

the J>oort · • - • • ' · '<br />

All othe1 I' • hf-l • , pcml.,u..-e<br />

1 -·10,8:12,·lS.'> l : ! '<br />

.fl:Lyable Jilt 11 • 1:.atcll '. l J1,Sll,134 1,944,862: l,SS·1,669 l 1,821,01!) J,OOO,SS6 2,0;'2,·183<br />

Bv ~~~~/~~,L~~·:;~cils (Scotland) oth~r ' , - I 1 )<br />

than aho·:c. , ! l<br />

Hy Parish Councils and l~arish )fcct- l I ; I<br />

1<br />

ing;:; (En~lautl anll \Valcs)t ; : • •<br />

1<br />

t:r School Iloartls • • • • • j - ! G,:l85,20i i 6,!H7,!l60 ' 6,805,70-l 6,671,5-17 G,7i·1,SOO 7,100,!lll<br />

IW Town anil )£1111foi11:1l Authorities I H,·123,632 . 32,875,536 ! 31,31!),910 !t?,218,&;3 .:tl,858,258 32,2.58,800 32,837,568<br />

"for l'olkc,Sanitary, aml other :Pul;lic ! I i ·<br />

~~~ . : ' l<br />

1<br />

l~y Jtural Simitary Authorities • • :1;962 i 672,GSS 1 6!l0,2!l:l : 731,437 '. 75?,288 ,, 782,227 S.')7,0SS<br />

By Co1111~y Authorities for J.>olice,li ' I<br />

f,unatk .\sylums, &c. • • - l o 6 I' 1<br />

: ]ly llighw:~y 13o:mls anti' noad J ' 5, 5l,36 } ' !<br />

1<br />

l '.l'.rustccs • • • - • • o - io -- 6 ~"I" .,o,... - OSR o-,. '<br />

j Jly'.Cumpikc'.J:rusts 1,276,073 1 i, 62 •0 43 j '• - ,in . '•- -··>e '• ~, '" 7,368,982 7,025,2Si<br />

! . I ,1<br />

. J·'or nridgcs and l'"crrics • : • 135,!>42 '<br />

I J~y Drainage and Emb:mim1ent A1itho· 253,7i6 1 556,2621 52!>,53!) , 505,1\25 1 52!>,2!)!) 504,01:-i 516,016<br />

' ritics . ! t<br />

l By Burial Boar1ls • 216,037 517,063 j 481,831 I 501,103. 50:-i,27o 528,638 406,097<br />

1 J1'rom Church and :Ecclesiastical ltatc~ 357,526 64f>OS I 58,7·16 47,152 55,!)i.J 44,304 53,·101<br />

I<br />

l<br />

: Uy Tfarbour Authorities 2,581,700 4,952,302 j 4,563,973 4,3lll,235 ·J,266,354 4,450,·118 4,463,163<br />

[ 'r'rom T.ight Dues (~forcantilc ~forinc 428,300 Gl7;t121 1 58·1,714 608,678 I 557,0iG I 561,280 572,476<br />

; I•"untls)<br />

· I B;. :rnotage Authorities 361,361> I 433,702 I 441,237 ·122,843 1<br />

430, 102 1 452,0lY.l I 470,500<br />

; Jly other Authorities • 210,570 ~OS,54·f 215,756 , 242,052 2.'>4,564 275,415 850,828.<br />

: ToTAr. Exr1tsn1TunE • • ar.,132,s:J.t I atJ,CGI,7H j 68'.10a,309165,716,631167,Ho,1ss 1'3ii;2s""'l,857\~<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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