United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


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Schedule A'' :­<br />

Lands<br />

Ifouses<br />

Schedule C :-<br />

l!'ot· all profits arising<br />

from Annuities, Dividends,<br />

&c., i>aya\)le ouL<br />

oftl1cl'11blicJte\'e11ue:­<br />

O! the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />

or India • • • I<br />

:l"rom Jmlinn ·Gunrnn-}<br />

teed lluilways, Canal,<br />

aml lrri;;ation Wo1·ks<br />

Oi the Colonies and}<br />

~·orei:;n Countries •<br />

Schetlule D :-<br />

T1-.Hles and l'l'O!essions •<br />

ltailways in <strong>United</strong>·}<br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong> • • •<br />

ltailways onli of Unitctl t<br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong> ·J<br />

:Mines aml Qua1-ries<br />

Oas Works -<br />

'\'atcrn·orks<br />

Ca11als, &c. {i11cludi11g\I.<br />

luland<br />

No. 16.-GRoss AMOUNT of the ANNUAL VALU.E of various CtASSES of PROPER1'Y<br />

from <strong>1885</strong><br />

N:u-igations,<br />

J)oeks, Drains, midJ'<br />

J.evels)- • •<br />

OLher l'nhlic Companies 'I<br />

:11ul Concerns {iru:hul·<br />

in~ Ir,mworlcs) {<strong>United</strong>)<br />

J(ingdom) ; - -<br />

Foreign mu! Colouinl}<br />

Securities and l'oss1..'S·<br />

sions, aml other Profits<br />

Interest 011 :mmicipal)<br />

and Corporation Stocks<br />

, and f.Qans (paid onL ofj.<br />

ltntca) - • - -<br />

Other Interest - •<br />

Scheclule E :-<br />

All l'nhlic Ollicel! m111}·<br />

I<br />

l'c11sio11s paid on!. of<br />

I the l'ahlic 'lte\·enm• -<br />

Salaries, &c., of J~m· \<br />

I<br />

ployees of Corpomtc f<br />

Jlotlies, &c. • • -<br />

1835.<br />

£<br />

65,039,l(i6<br />

1886.<br />

£<br />

63,268,0iO<br />

128,458,507 131,400,625<br />

18,730,719<br />

2,610,785<br />

·1,58-1,602<br />

13,Si0,952<br />

180,·iS::i,::at<br />

33,2i0,276<br />

3,SOS,35i<br />

S,535,836<br />

5,02..5,722<br />

3,13!),870<br />

3,545,850<br />

18,412,251<br />

2,661,586<br />

4,723,608<br />

B,!!90,105<br />

175,C.H,420<br />

32,000,398<br />

·1,067,275<br />

S,3S2,52l<br />

4,$75,·Hi'<br />

3,240,780<br />

3,391.440<br />

:J1,051,.u.1 I 3u,211,958<br />

9,858,846 12,552,0!Y.I!•,<br />

6,228,00G<br />

6,3T4,Gll2<br />

15,871,385 I 16,331,063<br />

'""~"'' I 2'1,oo;srn<br />

Years endctl<br />

1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1801. 1892.<br />

£<br />

02,-433,HO<br />

£ £ £ . £ £ l<br />

61,253,522. 58,755,134 58,163,900 57,6!>4,820 57,3!ll;S·iii<br />

133,205,1(i6 131,730,670 · 136,922,001 138,401,622 140,58-1,003 l.43,Q-17,001<br />

18,427,3!!4<br />

3,0U,59S<br />

4,718,499<br />

16,243,321<br />

170,0SS,250<br />

32,3i5,552<br />

3,374,134 !<br />

l<br />

20,367,39St<br />

3,1:l0,!J59<br />

4,S41,64i<br />

lli,767,7:!6<br />

1G0,865,7(i()<br />

32,685,092<br />

3,873,87!) 4,178,456<br />

8,3(f.),:l$2 7,0Gi,651<br />

4,605,141 I .J,(';80,734<br />

3,232,HS ! 3,270,·171<br />

18,351,365<br />

2,{)70,008<br />

5,050,302<br />

17,388,562<br />

173,.113,236<br />

33,460,700<br />

4,i57,894<br />

8,124,243<br />

5,133,176<br />

3,3-ii,2!)3<br />

!{,171,831<br />

16,207,220.<br />

3,021,08i<br />

4,'io0,223<br />

17,528,582<br />

182,507,004<br />

34,64$,17!)<br />

5,957,103<br />

8,32i,817<br />

5,402,345<br />

3,·131,674<br />

3,218,821<br />

15,5W,1il.<br />

3,228,729<br />

4,7W,795<br />

16,008,700<br />

189,576,197<br />

36,444,!)ll<br />

7,36i,050<br />

0,740,843<br />

5,119,!!92<br />

3,567,G!)i<br />

3,400,720<br />

15,~32,145<br />

3,203,57:1<br />

4,5S0,7!)i<br />

14,049,017 I<br />

189,653,H:! I<br />

36,lili,818 I<br />

8,013,838 I<br />

t<br />

11,s51,50:1 I<br />

4,607,648 !<br />

3,G05,057 l<br />

3,·131,253 j<br />

I<br />

3.5,744,750 :l7,2S9,.1!)5 ; .Jl,800,lG!) 51,431,127 63,544,100 71,347,51)$<br />

i<br />

i<br />

16,597,705 : IS,069,573 19,827,012 21,013,217 23,483,G5S 23,!l81,54:i<br />

H,•110,so8 · o,715,.1n1 !<br />

l<br />

W,.157;17:! l<br />

I<br />

2!!,$51,258 1 21,S76,700<br />

l<br />

J6,·1G6,·IH<br />

I<br />

I ,<br />

r<br />

6,945,:363 7,3i0,517 7,100,92i 7~l4!J(HIJ !<br />

•' I i<br />

I<br />

16,51)$,7.U<br />

26,233,717<br />

16,0Gl,427<br />

28,037,504<br />

li,342,855<br />

30,:IG4,30t;<br />

17,394,879 i<br />

32,061,070 I<br />

"'.l'he Gross ~\11101111t!; of the Annual Value of J.ands and lfonl!es assessed<br />

T..:uuls:­<br />

\<br />

I<br />

]~ngland - • i ·17,59J,178 ·15,!)!)3,5451 -15,:li5,763 ·11;·171,812 ! ·12,2i4,·U4 ·il,795,591 41,378,v80 41,129,00i :<br />

Scotlm11l - - . i 7,·IG1,9j'i 7,3!!0/>991 1,000,r"° 6,821,100 6,530,762 6,.HG,507 6,374,863 6,318,581 :<br />

Irelaml •<br />

O,OS3,031 9,!J;;-t,535 9,!J57,801i !J,!)57,580 9,910,928 9,911,70!) 9,041,368 0,943,3581<br />

·I<br />

<strong>United</strong> Kio:;d Olli 65,0!l0,166 (;:i,268,6i0 62,433~1_:0 . _ Gl,253,522 58,755,1:3·1 58,153,900 57,G94,820 57,391,846<br />

- --<br />

I<br />

-<br />

Bouses:­<br />

f;ngl:md - 112,700,72!) i 115,4!!5,830 111,1s3,226 I n8,52:l,S32 120,513,633 121,907,4!)1 123,721,189 , 125,045,646<br />

Scotland •<br />

Ireland •<br />

-<br />

<strong>United</strong> JCingd :lilt<br />

12,279,808 12,557,Hi3 12,6H,St2 12,715,004 12,906,6CG 13,02G,736 13,215;.~· , 13,"<br />

• 3,387,070 3,416,612 3,4117,00S ;i,.11)0,0;!.J 3,502,665 3,557,302 3,(ili,151 :!,675,851<br />

· I 128,158,507 ?31109,625 133,zor.;um i:H,7:19,670 13G,922,91>i I 138,·191,622 HO,OSl,063 l

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