United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


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258 PAU.PEHS.<br />

No. 11n.--Nu~rn1m of PAUPJms oxclnsive of VAGR.\.NTS* in llEcr-:wr of 'REW~F m<br />

tho several Unions and Parishes under Boarcls of Guardians, in l~NGLAND<br />

AND WAT-'ES, on the lst of January and on the lst July in each Year.<br />

(For amount of Poor Rates Ucceivcd and Expended see Table 22).<br />

Adnli; ,\hie-bodied. ,\ll other l'aupcrs ! Total.<br />

On the Fil'St (exclush·c of \':11;1·:mts). .;<br />

d:iyor ·- ·-----·:--------<br />

; .J:rnuary i:;a:, • : 23,00l> iS.518 102,·l2i IGV,2i5 I 515.3:14 , USt,OO"l ' l!J0,181 5!13,852 I 7Sl,03u<br />

J11ly <strong>1885</strong>· • i 17,'J,:9 72/IM 8!1,fiJ7 Jfi(),1.77 ;.vJ,.J!.S fj.i.r,s:::; 16S,.w; :ii.'i,J,!.ti 'll.S,7fj1<br />

-- ----·~~1-«loor. ~1~·~!~·~·~·~1~!<br />

; .January 1SS6 • ,<br />

J•1ly J.'JSG·<br />

26,016 $3,911 109,!>2.i 165,.124 I 529,123 G:>i,5·17 191,.140 807,.17-1<br />

Jfil,7.J!. ! r.1s,:; •.,7 Gi11~J?l lilJ,i((i 765,:!17<br />

.fanuary 1SS7 • , 27,032<br />

./rtl!J 1887. l!l/f;.;<br />

January 15SS • 2S,ii37<br />

.J Vf!f tf;.>8 • f!(l/lfJ.J<br />

1111,22!) 16:1,821 537;1:19 70£i,Of'..0 1!Jii,85:s Gl0,:!36 SLi,18!1<br />

83,S!J«J 112,533 172,029 i 540,l>4i il2,9il;<br />

J:m11.1ry IS.39 • 2;,rn1<br />

J1dy 18.'39· Iii,ilJ:J<br />

.fan11:1ry lS:>O • 2.'l,!Hi<br />

J•ily 1890 • 18,'JW<br />

.Ta1111:1ry lS!.ll 27,.S:u<br />

July I!J9I • Jt.J,7!JF;<br />

.fanu:iry lSli.! - ' 21,933<br />

n,u26 HH.St7 tn,ooo 5:u,:w; 70;;,:nr,<br />

71,828 !17,i·l5 Hr.>,131 f.:W,1;69 6S9,BOO<br />

11',,?1;t, SJ,.1!.J I5iJ,li:!S 51)1/)~) IJ:OJ,10.'J<br />

70,!lr,O 95,7!!4 165,IOS 511,r,03 671.i,lll<br />

rns,rn1 611,9.Jl s10,rn2<br />

171,f.ll :;..;1;.11 75:!/)-~.!<br />

1115,018 51fl,4!J7 i57.54r.<br />

11;s,1111 f.'15/J!,~ i-1~/,fjJ<br />

19-2,94:! 581,003 7i4,90:.<br />

.r:umary 1S93 3-1,752<br />

July 11;,J • Zl /N3<br />

.r:muary IS!H • :IS,91!1<br />

.rultt IS,.~· 29/>:!L<br />

.r:mu:\ry 1805 • 10,:s:m<br />

J1tl!f 189:;. $/},ljJ!J<br />

January J.8!16 - 41,32i<br />

J11ly ISfJfi • :Jil/).~f,<br />

.ra111mry IS!J7 • , .ffl,:{!'8<br />

J11ly IS!i7 • .'JI,l);f)<br />

.January JS:>S - 40,61lS<br />

July 1898· J2,1r,.;<br />

.liumary 1S!l!l • 30,0:m<br />

• ,Tlll!J <strong>1899</strong>- M.111<br />

· January 100-0 • 38,6132<br />

72,~21; 1.07,175 ' 16:>,lS:? i".ol,09S 009,25'1<br />

74,0S:. 114,415 175,218 527,WS 70:>,orn<br />

71,0:>2 112,37!) 1i5,5i5 5:~!>,2!)3 714,S.'IB<br />

fiS,-1:!.'l IOS,S.!i li5,6:n 5:;9,!lOt ilii,5:;5<br />

fl;n,fjfif;<br />

5:?1,fil.''i ' (j'JB,.'!10<br />

66,3i:-J 107,l)il lii,740 538,53!) ; 716,279<br />

Sf:,093 llt._2111 , 1r,:;,1s1 r,;;,;,3/J;t i 19,Jl;J<br />

61,38!) 100,418 175,80,1 5:?$,650 707;454<br />

57,t,77<br />

61,058<br />

Ji7 ~:;89 , lG!,,fl().:; 51fi/150 G80/J;i[i<br />

i!<br />

00,720 . ,( IiS,186 519,518 G:>S,034<br />

l!l!l,934 5i6,52·l 776, laS<br />

212,62!> 5:Y.l,812 8t'?,4H<br />

::15,r~1s 001,ss:{ s17,4:n<br />

21G,872 610,345 Bi7,21i<br />

JS!l,ffi9 f,!JJ,.'1:!1. 782,:flJ::<br />

216,0:m 60S,33:! 824,:U;Z<br />

J:H,7i;!i , ;;!)f),;r.r, 782,IUI<br />

218,430 001,!H2 SZ:l;laiJ<br />

1!17,!IM. r;.::;p;o 8:J.V/J!,<br />

2n,ss3 5!l0,039 .sor,no<br />

195,017 r.u,r.21 7r.8,;;iJt.<br />

21i,HS 580,606 iff7,1;:JO<br />

,\'ules.-Tn lSSl t.he populaticin of the Unions and )'arishes was 2.'>.!li2,119; and in lS!H, 2U,001,342, e-.:cluding<br />

cxlra-11iirochial rihu:cs. - -<br />

A !cw paupers receh·ed both in·door and out.-door relief on the same day. PJ'iOr to IS!Y.I these pauper,; :i.rc<br />

included once only in the llgurcs in the '.l'ablc, hi1t in 18!)!) and snhseqncntly th('y arc inch11lc1I both in the nmnhcr<br />

of in-door and of out-door paupc1·:;, buL they :m~ co1int.:icl o:icc oaly in the '.I'otiil Nnmher o( Pauperil shown in the<br />

last column of the '.!'able.<br />

• The 1iambcr of va;;m11ts relic\•cd on 1st January anrl ls& July lSS:i was ·l,S6u and ·J,li.IS res11ectivcly, and 011 the<br />

corre$pondi'ig dates in <strong>1899</strong>, 13,:ltiG :rnd S,05!). · ·<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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