United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


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the· ·NATION.At,. DEBT O:R~'ICE·(iricJt!.ding, C01Macts entered· into 'throngh the mcqitim qf<br />

.pf :CONTRACTS in -years end~d ·Slst Ma~.ch.<br />

I<br />

.J<br />

1893; f 1~!)4· I. 189p; I 1896. I 1897.1 18!)8. , 18{)9 .. I 1000. , ---<br />

I<br />

J I<br />

ANNUlTIKS ,I:mnmrAT~.<br />

"' Contracts for i\nnultlos entered into:-<br />

780 864 ) 501 505< 477 4.88', l'fuinber.<br />

·55,3::10 69,tJ.!Q.: oo,2os I 4~;t 34,508. 3:1~525 s1,o:n Sl,SU £, Amount or Ammltles.<br />

us:i,544. ~'19,808 743,SSi 507,551'. 4'.f2,149 451,778 450,8:h :l00,261· £ *lleceipts by ·the llanks.nnd Ntitionai.. '<br />

.Debt Offlce in respect or Contracts; .<br />

,. I<br />

ANNUITIF~'I :O~t"ERltEI>.<br />

Contracis for Annuities entered Into:-<br />

10 12 16 J3 i4 12 16 Numbei'.<br />

22.'i' 305<br />

405 2?8 479 27:? 537 £ Amount of ·Annuities.<br />

3,00S 3,458 3,445 ~·1 2,771 2,0U 4,812· 2,818 4,299 i;. P.eceipts by the Banks :m1I Natiotlal<br />

Dcb.t Otllce in re,!!pecL or Contracts .<br />

tranaferreii for the imrchase of Annuities.<br />

entc1;ed into through- the POST ·OF.f'ICE, A~IOUNT' of PuRCIIASB i\ioNJW received by the<br />

PosT 01'.f'lCB"in respect of ANNUITIES and AssunANCES in years ended 31st December.<br />

i 1893. 11894. I 1895. 11896. I 189i. 11898. ! 1~99. I<br />

-<br />


AN'XUJTIFS J::unmIATF..<br />

1,420 1,565 l,Sl>8 2,208 2,0iil 2,065 2,031<br />

Contracts for Aimuities entered into:-<br />

Numhcr.<br />

36,i46 41,495 49,816 00,1)65 56,237 1>5,753· 54,0:!4 £, .Amount qr Annuities.<br />

461,51)!) 540,2i7 665,363 828,713 756,433·. 750,35'1 710,4l!J £, Receipts by Post Otnce in res11ect;, or<br />

Contmcts.<br />

Payments hy J>ost Otllcc in respect or<br />

Contracts:-<br />

l0,3H 20,418 21,911 23,820 26,057 ,27,953 29,747 "Number.<br />

251,474 275,2'13 305,712 347,120 302,285 432,761 472,!i:l2 £, Amount.<br />

ANNUITlF.S DRFJ.:Rlnm.<br />

Cont.racts Co1· Annuf~ies entered into:-<br />

150 164<br />

I um 202 207 164 H7 Number.<br />

3,()1)1 3,7i2 4,038 4,17S 4,000 3,626 3,085 £, ,\mount of Annuities.<br />

16,i,18 17,202 23,863 25,336 24,112 2:1,8ili 23,617 £ :Receipts by J>ost Otllcc In respect or<br />

Contracts.<br />

f Pnyments by Post Ottice in respect or<br />

Contmcts:-<br />

.1;35 GOO 646 719 827 864 1>42 '"Number.<br />

S,070 9,130 S,057 S,746 10,!l!li 10,GOO 11,SOL .£ Amount.<br />

..<br />

I<br />


1,1n: .ASSURANCES.<br />

Contr11cts for J,ifc ,\ssurnnccs, enterecl<br />

I<br />

into:-<br />

853 1,128. 720 1,223 849 . 731 827 Number.<br />

44,000 56,010 38,358 65,582 48,017 42,554 ·i3,723 £, AmounL of Assurances.<br />

'17,227 · 1S,22fl 19,140 18,587! 20,439 21,662 2i,575 £, Receipts by Post Olllcc in respect of<br />

C'ontr11cts.<br />

Pnrments by Post Office in respect or<br />

228 201 200<br />

Contracts:-<br />

·i31 321 :m 342 Number.<br />

9,226 9,0H 9,861 !l,578 10,050 ll,67a 10,663 £ Amount of Cfaims Oil Death :rn

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