United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


·226 BUILDING SOCIETIES. No. 89;-Nmmim: nncl AMOUNT of LIABiLlTIES· 9£ Bun.DING SociETrns (Incorporated LIAmLrrrns and ASSETS to the RIWISTRA.RS of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES in ENGLAND I I I 1884. · 1 I --- 1882. 1883. 1885. I 1887. 1888. 1886. I I ENGLAND AND·-WALES . . - . . ifombcr of Societies making ltetunis • 1,528 l,61J7 1,838 1 1 !>53 l,W2· 2,109 2,157 £, £ £, £, £, £, £, Liabilities: On Shares • 20,331,2!5 31,066,887 32,235,452 33,470,246 33,!l'l0,716 34,002,3.U 34,705,003 To Dopositors and other Creditors • 16,351,611 16,253,437 15,655,162 15,103,8!)1) 14,734,511 """~ I "·":·"" ~l'·or Balance of Unappropriatcd }t,510,580 1,617,!)1)6 1;582,213 1,691,611 1,070,420 1,727,759 1,778,349 Pro lit '.J'otal · I 47,H>3,445 48,935,320 49,472,827 50,55(},366 l ii0,877,211 51,733,9!)1) 51,2~8,823 - SCOTJ..\~D· - - . . - Number of Societies making Returns • 4ti 46 461 4S 46 45 45 J,iabilities: £, £, £, £, £, £ £, Ou Shares • 732,392 661,170 600,S:J3 6!J5,IJ74 7"1,.r,,;..,2 725,580 729,070 To Dc11ositors and other Credit-0rs • 268.511 30$,!)24 278,120 267,921 242,5l!l 221,313 242,WS "f'or Bal:111cc Of UJmppro11riated Profit } 49,S.'i2 19,-Hl 40,282 37,0921 37,GIJ2 58,74:1 40,103 - ! --·- Total - - 1,050,755 9Sl,S05 I 1,015,23.'i J,000,987 i 1,ooa,85:1 I 1,005,6:!6 1,012,331 I I1n:r.A.SD - . - . . - I Number of Societies making l\eturns • 32 361 35 40 41 43 4-1 , Liabilities: £ £ £, £, £ £, On Shares - GS3,9l6 68:.5821 672,585 70.J,130 6!)!),!)70 635,5!)4 680,316 I t l i l I To J>cpositl)J-s and other Creditors - ".For lfahmcc or Unappropriated l'rolit . . Total . . 433,0!)6 I 441,077 ! 416,0651 377,574 322,439 281,196 2·18,314 } 4:,6n 10,ml 24,276 44,.54:l 34,402 53,700 33,2!)1) 1,161,6541 1,138,258 l 1,112,926; 1,126,547 1,056,Sll I 1,020,580 962,429 -- U:HTF.D Kr.:rnvolr - - - - Numher of S?cietie5 111:1king J\eturns • Liabilities: On Share.~ • To Depositors and other Creditors - 4 J

-: BUlLDING SOCIETIES. 227 uncle.r. the lWu,prNG SOCIETIES Acrrs of 187-4 and i875), which made !tE'l'URNS of their and 'VALES, ScOTf.AND, and I1rnr,AND, in each of the un(J.cr-mentioned Ye.'lrs; _1_s9_0_.t __ 1s_o_i._1~93.t j 1s9.J:. I ~&95. l 1s96. j 1s9i. J 1898. I E~GLAND AND W AL&S. 2,333 2,262 2,158. 2,211J 2,181 I 2,350 I I 2,29i i 2,219 { Kmnher or Societies making Retm11s. .£ £, .£ £, .£ .£ £, .£ I Liabilities: 34,031,5-11 3~,345,012 29,710,729 2ll,OS3,343 28,(j21,513 ; 30,202.881 29,GlO,OOJ 29,409,.')l!) Qn Shures; H,GS9,.tW H,5st,5:n u,145,152 10,449,329 I 10,212,GG2 10,€02,210 10,98!l,82G To Depo11itors r.nd 1 10,933,2Gi other Creditor,;. I 1,861,325 1,Sl6,.l59 1,827,300 J,869,001 1,762,87511,808,755 1,825,518 2,025,()0j• }"or Jfalance or Urmp· --------t propriate•l l'ro!lt.* 50/>82,365 49,il3,002 42,(jS:~,zn 141,.191,633140,597,050 : 42,9-H,003 '12,U6.. i92 42,424,752 Total. = ..-------- --~-- -- ____...__ --_:.,.._..:;:..::::::.~.~...::=.. --------- 1 !_·_ -..,.--~----~-~·-SC-'OT_L_A_S_D.~~~~~~~~~-.,.-~-~1 43 61 89 12.'l 136 "' t making Returns. .£ £, J!, £, .£ £, .£. T.iabilitics: 713,2:?4 i3i,256 745,637 • S09,8i9 812,312 l,15S,1i65 1,258,211 l,2!H,700 On Shures. f 22.S,939 203,704 220,7SS l . lfi!,274 128,767 203,952 I 255,555 22i,105 , f "'o .. Depos1·tc1rs nn1l ,I 159 I ,.l5j I 1H f Sumbtr or Soc'id.ie:! I I} other Cre1litor:1. I i 26,703 30,21J5 38,m ! 3!,015 51,62ll 75,036 S:{,85:~ 101,728 ; l }·~~ro~~~~t~.1 :Pfon~:~'lI•· , 1----,--'------1---- ! 968,SOO I 9ili,2.:;5 1,005,0521 t,03S,1Gs 992,708 1,·13i,G53 I 1,5!>7,6I9 l,(j23,5:;:J 'l'otal. ::.....= ===---~;:::.::=-_.;::-- ----- ---· -· - ---- -~ __.. I . 1 IttEr.AsD. 46 SD 50 51·! 56 55 ;-~,{~umber of. Societies 1 " !' " I " 60 0 .£ "" "' £, £ "' "' N Liabilities: 5i6,i30 I 4i6,8G!) 597,284 515,308 l 621,820 1 644,SO!J Ou Shares. 1I 552,034 64i,li!l8 I I I:: ':::I I::;: I ·~: '::::: :~: I I=~= 1' ,________!____,____ ----,.----1-------- 731,61!) 81!},431 I 733,2031 : " I makin~ Rtturns_ • 524,313 760,745 592,018 i 839,232 ! 914,007 I Tota!. - . . .-- -·- I • U:S-ITF!D KISGDOlf. 1 l ::;; II f :;;:if~!~:~~::~~ I I 2,422 2,382 2,2'J7 2,300 2,3i3 I 2,564 _2,514 2,4!lf> f Number or Socit:tfos I l making lteturns. .£ £, £, £, £, £, £, .£ Liabilit.les: 35,200,iW 34,i29,966 31,03:J,OW 30~i0,001 30,031,100 31,876,8.')4 31,4!l9,0ll5 31,34l>;-i22 On Shares. 15,065,249 ·14,l>l1,5H 11,400,581 10,634,75·i I 10,459,331) u,;:77,25i 11,21·1,632 11,424,105. To other Depositors Creditors. an l,1>20,832 1,897,211 1,81>7,854 1,!)()!),261) 1,SG0,055 1,920,463 1,009,866 2,189,725 For 11alance o! Urmfi· ~ propriate1LProllt." 1-----i---------------------------- 52,282,SSO 151,538,691 44,42I,5:n 42,004,114 u2,a5o,s~s :·H,!Y74,5i4 :44,633,643 !44,003,252 Total. * Including Reserve Funds, t ~'i!{i1res for 1889 nnll 1892 cani1ot-be given. t For tM yti:fr 1805, returns rccoivod from Unincorporated Societies showed their liabilities to lie 13,208,G83l. ; for the .year 1896, 11,422,883l.; fot•_the year 1897, 12,51>5,l64l.; and for the year 181>8, H,049,722/. 3833. p 2 1 1 House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online. Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

-:<br />


uncle.r. the lWu,prNG SOCIETIES Acrrs of 187-4 and i875), which made !tE'l'URNS of their<br />

and 'VALES, ScOTf.AND, and I1rnr,AND, in each of the un(J.cr-mentioned Ye.'lrs;<br />

_1_s9_0_.t __<br />

1s_o_i._1~93.t j 1s9.J:. I ~&95. l 1s96. j 1s9i. J 1898. I<br />


2,333 2,262 2,158. 2,211J 2,181 I 2,350 I<br />

I<br />

2,29i i 2,219<br />

{ Kmnher or Societies<br />

making Retm11s.<br />

.£ £, .£ £, .£<br />

.£ £, .£<br />

I<br />

Liabilities:<br />

34,031,5-11 3~,345,012 29,710,729 2ll,OS3,343 28,(j21,513 ; 30,202.881 29,GlO,OOJ 29,409,.')l!) Qn Shures;<br />

H,GS9,.tW H,5st,5:n u,145,152 10,449,329 I 10,212,GG2 10,€02,210 10,98!l,82G To Depo11itors r.nd<br />

1 10,933,2Gi<br />

other Creditor,;.<br />

I 1,861,325 1,Sl6,.l59 1,827,300 J,869,001 1,762,87511,808,755 1,825,518 2,025,()0j• }"or Jfalance or Urmp·<br />

--------t propriate•l l'ro!lt.*<br />

50/>82,365 49,il3,002 42,(jS:~,zn 141,.191,633140,597,050 : 42,9-H,003 '12,U6.. i92 42,424,752 Total.<br />

= ..-------- --~-- -- ____...__ --_:.,.._..:;:..::::::.~.~...::=.. ---------<br />

1<br />

!_·_ -..,.--~----~-~·-SC-'OT_L_A_S_D.~~~~~~~~~-.,.-~-~1<br />

43 61 89 12.'l 136<br />

"'<br />

t making Returns.<br />

.£ £, J!, £, .£ £, .£. T.iabilitics:<br />

713,2:?4 i3i,256 745,637 • S09,8i9 812,312 l,15S,1i65 1,258,211 l,2!H,700 On Shures. f<br />

22.S,939 203,704 220,7SS l . lfi!,274 128,767 203,952 I 255,555 22i,105 , f "'o .. Depos1·tc1rs nn1l ,I<br />

159 I ,.l5j I 1H f Sumbtr or Soc'id.ie:! I<br />

I} other Cre1litor:1. I<br />

i 26,703 30,21J5 38,m ! 3!,015 51,62ll 75,036 S:{,85:~ 101,728 ; l }·~~ro~~~~t~.1 :Pfon~:~'lI•· ,<br />

1----,--'------1----<br />

! 968,SOO I 9ili,2.:;5 1,005,0521 t,03S,1Gs 992,708 1,·13i,G53 I 1,5!>7,6I9 l,(j23,5:;:J 'l'otal.<br />

::.....= ===---~;:::.::=-_.;::-- ----- ---· -· - ---- -~ __..<br />

I .<br />

1<br />

IttEr.AsD.<br />

46 SD 50 51·! 56 55 ;-~,{~umber of. Societies 1<br />

" !' " I " 60 0<br />

.£ "" "' £, £ "' "' N Liabilities:<br />

5i6,i30 I 4i6,8G!) 597,284 515,308 l 621,820<br />

1<br />

644,SO!J Ou Shares.<br />

1I 552,034 64i,li!l8 I<br />

I I:: ':::I I::;: I ·~: '::::: :~: I I=~= 1'<br />

,________!____,____ ----,.----1--------<br />

731,61!) 81!},431 I 733,2031<br />

: " I makin~ Rtturns_ •<br />

524,313 760,745 592,018 i 839,232 ! 914,007 I Tota!.<br />

- . . .-- -·- I<br />

• U:S-ITF!D KISGDOlf.<br />

1<br />

l<br />

::;; II f :;;:if~!~:~~::~~ I<br />

I<br />

2,422 2,382 2,2'J7 2,300 2,3i3 I 2,564 _2,514 2,4!lf><br />

f Number or Socit:tfos<br />

I<br />

l making lteturns.<br />

.£ £, £, £, £, £, £, .£<br />

Liabilit.les:<br />

35,200,iW 34,i29,966 31,03:J,OW 30~i0,001 30,031,100 31,876,8.')4 31,4!l9,0ll5 31,34l>;-i22 On Shares.<br />

15,065,249 ·14,l>l1,5H 11,400,581 10,634,75·i I 10,459,331) u,;:77,25i 11,21·1,632 11,424,105.<br />

To other Depositors Creditors.<br />

an<br />

l,1>20,832 1,897,211 1,81>7,854 1,!)()!),261) 1,SG0,055 1,920,463 1,009,866 2,189,725<br />

For 11alance o! Urmfi·<br />

~ propriate1LProllt."<br />

1-----i----------------------------<br />

52,282,SSO 151,538,691 44,42I,5:n 42,004,114 u2,a5o,s~s :·H,!Y74,5i4 :44,633,643 !44,003,252 Total.<br />

* Including Reserve Funds, t ~'i!{i1res for 1889 nnll 1892 cani1ot-be given.<br />

t For tM yti:fr 1805, returns rccoivod from Unincorporated Societies showed their liabilities to lie 13,208,G83l. ; for the<br />

.year 1896, 11,422,883l.; fot•_the year 1897, 12,51>5,l64l.; and for the year 181>8, H,049,722/.<br />

3833. p 2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

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