United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


ACCUMULATIVE .QOVERNMENT STOCKS. No. 88.-'NUl\mmt of ACCOUNTS of STOOKS of tho Punr,10 :b,UNDS on the BooKs of the of tho PnoPRIETOHS, received, invested, and added to .the Gl\l'ITAL 'by the at the Date when the fil'st D1vrnENDS were payable in each of the YEAns 1891 -- ----c----- ·---...,..---------------:--------------- ('onsols 21 pe1' Cent. J.ocnl f,onns Ind In In din (21 lllll' Cent.) nnuitics. (3 IJlll' Ceilt. S.tock). (3& per Cent.) (3 lJCl' Cent.) Y1i.rns. Number I Amount '"""bo' ,- Amount Nmnbct· I Amount Numb" I Amount Numl:cr Amount of or of or ·Of Of of or of of ,~ccounts., Stock. Accounts. Stock. Accounts.I Stock. Accounts. Stock. Accounts. Stock. -------·-------- GimAT ]31UTAIN.-llANK OF ENGJ •. um. I ------------ --- £, £, £ £, £, 1801 061 217,227 - - - - - - - - 1802 2,120 43!1,0!l!l 04 18,401 38 0,667 - - - - lSO:I 3,177 017,850 180 30,460 73 17,147 - ....;. - - 181).t 4,202 87'1,051 260 55,67·1 100 20,508 - - - - 1805 4,ll12 073,082 345 00,818 103 27,877 - - - - 1S!l6 5,0!l3 1,0·10,430 880 75,086 120 80,164 - - 4 201 1S9i 5,120 1,024,000 473 01,057 J23 81,016 61 H,413 68 11,118 1?9S 5,l!lO 1,017,802 520 103,12:1 131 33,504 104 28,310 138 23,028 180!l 5,21l3 1,035,121 511 107,783 120 83,!384 134 35,548 1S5 35,630 1!)00 5,516 1,085,55!) 588 118,3?.0 12!) 33,366 181 48,00·1 232 47,382 \ ,• - - -- - .. - -- -- ' ! ~------ I1m1.As1i.-BANK OP I1t1mAND. 1Slll 55 H,32·1 - - - - - - - - 1802 111 25,210 2 l17 .;;.. - - - - 18!)3 170 85,320 3 ·IH - - - - - - : I I 1801 263 50,573 3 882. - - -- - - - 1Sfl5 1 200 M,876 3 802 - - - - - - lS!lO 280 62,6!!7 5 660 - -· - - - JS!l7 21l0 50,SS5 6 471 - - - - - - 1808 325 60,i78 5 482 - - 4 1 1 00!) 5 1,132 l lS!lO 325 47,51l2 10 025 - - o· 2,406 0 1,051 i l!lOO :1:1.1 52,520 12 1,033 - - 10 2,808 13 2,00!) ! _::;::,..__:.-----=--~..:::=::.;:.::::..__:-----~ -~·---- " -- -- -. -- - - - -- -- - - t UNITim lCtNODO~C. ------- 1801 l,Ol!l 231,551 - - - - - - - - 181'12 2,231 461,318 00 18,008 38 0,667 - - - - lSO:l B,347 6S:l,18S 18:1 39,883 73 1'1,147 - - - - j 1801 4,405 024,624 272 55J056 100 26,508 - - - - I 18!>5 5,238 l,028,858 348 70,210 103 27;877 - - - - i 1800 5,:173 1,00:1,027 3!li 75,755 120 30,101 - - 4 201 I I 1807 5_,410 1,0j.J,081 478 01,528 128 31,lllO 61 H,.n:i 63 11,118 1808 5,401 1,0GS,070 681 lO:l,605 131 33,504 lSOO l 5,618 1,082,713 551 IOS,708 · 120 I I 103 2ll,32S H3 25,060 83,634 1-18 38,044 101 37,281 lllOO 5,Ull 1,138,388 600 llll,362 129 33,356 l~l 50,812 2·15 4!l,O!ll House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online. Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

ACCUMULATIVE GOVERN.MEN+' STOCKS. 225 BANKS of ENGLAND and I1mLAND, the QUARTERLY DlVIDENDS on which are, at the request HESPEOTIVE BANKS; and AMOUN'f of .each Or.Ass of STOCK belonging t;o such P1t0PRlETORS to 1900. - --~- Metropolitan ,. ~lotropolitan I Meiropolitnn I Co1·pol'l\tlo11 of I I.ondon County I (2& per Cent.) (:1! per Cent.) (3 per Cent.) (21 per Cent.) London. (i! per Cent.) ~'f:::-1~1::::~;er l':~unt 1 ~umber llAmountl N1;mber 1Amou11~1 Number Amountl N11111be1· 1Amo~l of of of of I oi of of of of I of of of I Aeconnts. Stock. Accounts. Stock. Accoi111ts. Stock. Accounts. Stock. Aeconnts. Stock. Accounts. Stock. 1 1 1 -~~~~~~~-~-- - GllJ.:AT BlllT.\.IN.-llANK OP mwr.AND. ----------·--- --·-----------·.,.------·-,.---·-·---------1 £ 520 2,8271 1,130 420 2,081 H 0,558 24 7,303 85 15,127 17 4,010 26 •.,•. I 25 3,017 12 3,467 20 S,167 I 28 8,180 177 :10,0H 46 10,rm :11 ____ 71--~,6~~ 37 10,312 407 20 53 Hl,501 l,1Ci2 40 """ - -_-_,- ---- --- - "'-""'-"-" ..;;.· -------.,.-·------------·- ------ - ------------------------------- 019 U~l'l'lm Krnono~r. ---- _T_____---~ - ------------··--·--·--------·--- --------- I I 520 2,827 1,130 ·i20 2,081 14 0,5li8 24 7,3()3 25 3,017 12 .3,407 20 S,1G7 28 S,130 85 rn,12~' 17 4,610 l?O 9,58:~· :l7 10,312 407 20 3,918 183 31,SUO 46 10,£i71 31 11,560 53 16,501 1,152 49 11,~51 3833. 1801 1S!l2 1S03 1804 .1805 1800 1897 lSOS 1800 1900 1801 1802 1S!l3 1804 1805 1800 1897 lS!lS lS!lll 1000 p House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online. Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


No. 88.-'NUl\mmt of ACCOUNTS of STOOKS of tho Punr,10 :b,UNDS on the BooKs of the<br />

of tho PnoPRIETOHS, received, invested, and added to .the Gl\l'ITAL 'by the<br />

at the Date when the fil'st D1vrnENDS were payable in each of the YEAns 1891<br />

-- ----c----- ·---...,..---------------:---------------<br />

('onsols 21 pe1' Cent. J.ocnl f,onns Ind In In din<br />

(21 lllll' Cent.) nnuitics. (3 IJlll' Ceilt. S.tock). (3& per Cent.) (3 lJCl' Cent.)<br />

Y1i.rns.<br />

Number I Amount '"""bo' ,- Amount Nmnbct· I Amount Numb" I Amount Numl:cr Amount<br />

of or of or ·Of Of of or of of<br />

,~ccounts., Stock. Accounts. Stock. Accounts.I Stock. Accounts. Stock. Accounts. Stock.<br />

-------·--------<br />

GimAT ]31UTAIN.-llANK OF ENGJ •. um.<br />

I<br />

------------ ---<br />

£, £, £ £, £,<br />

1801 061 217,227 - - - - - - - -<br />

1802 2,120 43!1,0!l!l 04 18,401 38 0,667 - - - -<br />

lSO:I 3,177 017,850 180 30,460 73 17,147 -<br />

....;.<br />

- -<br />

181).t 4,202 87'1,051 260 55,67·1 100 20,508 - - - -<br />

1805 4,ll12 073,082 345 00,818 103 27,877 - - - -<br />

1S!l6 5,0!l3 1,0·10,430 880 75,086 120 80,164 - - 4 201<br />

1S9i 5,120 1,024,000 473 01,057 J23 81,016 61 H,413 68 11,118<br />

1?9S 5,l!lO 1,017,802 520 103,12:1 131 33,504 104 28,310 138 23,028<br />

180!l 5,21l3 1,035,121 511 107,783 120 83,!384 134 35,548 1S5 35,630<br />

1!)00 5,516 1,085,55!) 588 118,3?.0 12!) 33,366 181 48,00·1 232 47,382<br />

\ ,•<br />

- - -- - .. - -- -- '<br />

!<br />

~------<br />

I1m1.As1i.-BANK OP I1t1mAND.<br />

1Slll 55 H,32·1 - - - - - - - -<br />

1802 111 25,210 2 l17 .;;..<br />

- - - -<br />

18!)3 170 85,320 3 ·IH - - - - - -<br />

:<br />

I I<br />

1801 263 50,573 3 882. - - -- - - -<br />

1Sfl5 1 200 M,876 3 802 - - - - - -<br />

lS!lO 280 62,6!!7 5 660 - -· - - - JS!l7 21l0 50,SS5 6 471 - - - - - -<br />

1808 325 60,i78 5 482 - - 4 1 1 00!) 5 1,132<br />

l lS!lO 325 47,51l2 10 025 - - o· 2,406 0 1,051<br />

i l!lOO :1:1.1 52,520 12 1,033 - - 10 2,808 13 2,00!)<br />

!<br />

_::;::,..__:.-----=--~..:::=::.;:.::::..__:-----~ -~·----<br />

"<br />

-- -- -. -- - - - -- -- - -<br />

t<br />

UNITim lCtNODO~C.<br />

-------<br />

1801 l,Ol!l 231,551 - - - - - - - -<br />

181'12 2,231 461,318 00 18,008 38 0,667 - - - -<br />

lSO:l B,347 6S:l,18S 18:1 39,883 73 1'1,147 - - - -<br />

j<br />

1801 4,405 024,624 272 55J056 100 26,508 - - - -<br />

I 18!>5 5,238 l,028,858 348 70,210 103 27;877 - - - -<br />

i 1800 5,:173 1,00:1,027 3!li 75,755 120 30,101 - - 4 201<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1807 5_,410 1,0j.J,081 478 01,528 128 31,lllO 61 H,.n:i 63 11,118<br />

1808 5,401 1,0GS,070 681 lO:l,605 131 33,504<br />

lSOO<br />

l 5,618 1,082,713 551 IOS,708 · 120 I<br />

I<br />

103 2ll,32S H3 25,060<br />

83,634 1-18 38,044 101 37,281<br />

lllOO 5,Ull 1,138,388 600 llll,362 129 33,356 l~l 50,812 2·15 4!l,O!ll<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

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