United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


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KJNGDQ(I[ adjusted hy deduction of Chat·ge::: a11d eins8ificd in nccordmwc witih<br />

Bess. 1900 ..<br />

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31S'C MAllCH.<br />

1893. I 1894. 118!>5.- r·-;s~;-1~-;;;T ~8~3~ -:---~~~~~-! ~o~~- -1___ -·1 I r-------!----·:·~:i:l~-::l~~-1~---.<br />

£<br />

.£ I ..c l £, .c I .c .c .e 'l'AXI-;S :-- ,, FHMI<br />

l:J,il5,000 10,707,000 2U,115,000 I 20,756,000 21,254,000 ! 21,7118.000 20.850,000 j 23,800,000 Cm1toms.<br />

2.5,360,000 ~.200,000 26,050,000 26,800,000 27,460,000 28,300,000 29,200,000 l 32,100,000 fa:cise.<br />

{ ~8,71!>,000 11,600,000 10,S:lo,ooo ll,100,000 , 11,400,000 l H,020,000 £state, &c. Duties."'<br />

1318051000 1218601000<br />

it5,721,000 7,350,000 7,350,000 7,650,000 r 7,630,000 8,f•00,000 !{ Stamps (cxclusi\'e of Jt'cc anti<br />

1,035,000 1,015,000 1,015,000 920,000 IJI0,000 ! 770,000 700,000 ! J.:~~:t~~:;..,._~tamps).<br />

1,0J0,000<br />

1,410,000<br />

l,42.5,000 1,435,000 1,.rn5,000 1,510,000 1,s10,ooo ! 1,Goo,000 1,670,000 l House Duty.<br />

13,470,000 15,200,000 15,000,000 16,100,000 16,650,000 j li,250,000 l 18,000,000 18,750,000 j Property a111l Income 'fax.<br />

1--------1---------!·--------·-------':·------··~--------------<br />

7·1,SOO,OOO<br />

75,42i,000 I 78,(j:lii,OOO ! S5,110,000 \ S;;,974,000 I S8,5·JS,OOO ! S9,:150,000 I 9!),6:!0,000 ; '.l'otnl UO\'Cnuc derived from '..!'axes.<br />

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i I ' . ! '. j JI. 1rnn:xut: mm1n:n 1-·1t0)1<br />

; I . 1 . otm:t: Sounccs :-<br />

! ' : 1 j : 1 1. l'ost Ofllco Scr\'iccs :-<br />

: io,tio,ooo l lfJ,7(io,ooo 111,aso,ooo i u,suo,ouo : 12,1;0,000<br />

1<br />

2,.180,000 12,510,000 ' 2,580,000 j 2,S·JO,ooo i 2,910:000 :1,010,000 l ;1,rnu,000 I :i,:mo,ooo l '..l'clci;m11h ltovcnuc.<br />

~, l ', I I<br />

3136<br />

10.:100,000 1<br />

12,;10,000 j t3,:ioo,oou ) I'ostal JtcYcnnc.<br />

·1,IJ!ll 1 - I - - · 39 Sn - - ' - : l~xtra 1tcccipts.<br />

, - : - ! - : - - - 1 - ! 'Extrallcccipts.<br />

1----i . !-----!----;-----_____/____<br />

'12,SSS,058 113,010,000 ' l:l,3·10,000 : H,220,000 : H,SO!l,S·ll i 15,180,000 • 15,860,000 : 16,U50,000<br />

- - l - - ' - - - - l!ackeLScl'\·icc,Bxli·a ltcccipls.<br />

----,----,----:-------.--.-- ______ ;___ Deduct:-<br />

6,5J:J,OOO tJ,7,Jl,fJOIJ<br />

i!,591/)37 2,637,S/i!,<br />

7~1,081 7?;1/JQIJ<br />

, t;,81;:!,0()1) ' 7,IJIS/HJO ' 7,1.iO,IJfJU ! i ,.'i'J.!,IJIHI S,IJ,fU,f)l)IJ l s,t,so,1100<br />

f I I<br />

1' 2,652,80!. I f!,720/,(JS I !!,lWl,!JiJ9 ' .:,l/,tj/iJ.; : ,J,:fl)7,lifj5 1 :1,50!,,8:J7<br />

121,000 \ 11r.,ooo 1:M,()/')O l 11,1,11011 l sw,uoo I 11;0,ooJ<br />

i-------i------i-1-0,-'t·t.-,8-,l:J-.0-li V,823,118 10,101,SM.<br />

I 10,1,r.

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