United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


649,262 106 EXPOR:rs: -BJ.U'l'ISH .AND IRISH. No. 37.-D1~CLAn.1m VA.r~UE of PmNCIPAL ARTWLT5,790 I 1,188,01~ I 1,742,771 I 1,638,770 1,572,922 2,089,295 j 371,406 ' 401l,045 I 547,396 ; 843,311 931,611 087,973 ! 4,l(il,laO 3,!J02,211 ; :l.!l47,306 ! 4,6:i8,5S!l 4,lliS,513 5,0:l5,69i j i ! I 3~H,124 :;o:;,s51 22s,:;s~ 23·1,oin ! 286,71:1 . 273 1 820 j 31S,2S5 G!J5,1t;1 501,352 288,725 532,7i5 490,·131 2H3,3!).t :l6:!,~70 I 27:1,700 : 2!>2,328 I 538,501 052,276 j 621,.1S:l i ii36,1S7· 11 560,513 697,:lSli i 5J7,150 : 706,106 779,SiG 707,0!J:! , 651.l,l:H i!IS,7,H I 781,708 1.: f ' ,, ... ~., ! \ 1,645,333 1,5S..,t1 ... I 1,678,:wo i. 1,105,:ms i,857,!Ho , I,874,SSO j 502,371) ' 518,lG!l ' £. ., 2,3:!5,281 525,0351 5,150,931 I 262,152 274,!1!).J l 667,543 1 .i;;,411 586,820 I 1,09.J,567 l 550,297 i 535,103 590,822 1 051,603 l 601,728· J~leachiug 'Material,; • 507,0SO ' 502,1}19 592,01n ; 015,381 5G:i,:n:i 506,076 I 522,415 5!18,0·10 I Hook:>. J'rintecl 1,14:1,50!) ' 1,116,737 1,175,411 ; 1,2:15,!Jjl) 1,294,967 1,!!23,70·1 ! 1,388,669 l,2{)0,5171 lluLtcr • li5,tjl(j 1()5,070 156,774 l H6,o36 145,432 13n,301 1 124,111 82,168 I C.mdlci, of all Sorts 1{)9,63:! I 201,!JllJ 180,872 i JfJ8,2!J3 231,397 261,408 I 314,3041 344,298 Caoutcl1011(:, )lan11Cac:L111·es of • 910,iG:l 971, 108 : 1,070,:ll l ; l, H:~,271 1,125,555 1,222,·100 i 1,242,79! I 1,215,307 l I

10 EXPORTS :-BRI'I1ISH AND IRISH. 107 IR1su P1t0DUOE EXPORTED from .the UNITJm KrnGDOM. 189B. .£. 1,857,1)28 . 472,762 4,259,650 187,015 104,277 680,824 33:i,700 I 511,161 l,50S,SS5 594,437 550,700 l,'Wl,021 85,936 :!52,670 1,185,597 918,873 7-B,.124 44,051 451,766 410,363 2,145,652 21l0,276 7S,:I02 18!)..1. l .£. I l,U30,IH8 I 419,80·1 l 41'>9 803 l ) --· l 20i,7H; 200,481 I 1,002,771 :159,71)4 403,797 l,4U:l,107 S.H,271 501,852 1,218,:125 97,77:l 3:11,086 1,152,85·1 801,748 703,:lSO a9,i60 H,375,47G 17,:171,3:11 1895. I 189G. I 1897. 1$98. I 1899 .. I PmNCil'AL AnTror,BS. 1,fr,7,5331 1,~2,113 1 1,~o,.1os I 1,ooff.16311,o:i~s11· Alkali. 5'10,882 ! Oil,332 825,246 842,106 7571070 Animals : Jio1·ses. 4,525,313 • 5,229,132 • 4,980,176 I 4,605,660 1 4,036,444 I Apparel and Slops. I ! j ,\rms n1Hl Ammunition:- 237,6221 459, H7 I 300,593 32i,621 223,5381 b'irc·nrms (small). 181,507 101,8771 201,91)9 l9·1,02U 180,366 Ou:ipowde1·. 1.337,804 1,417,085 I 859,120 1,190,323 oss,rns I Ammunitio11;11nenumeratctl. 736,554 406,610 '1 475,223 76'1,6S.J 587,739 Or nil other Kinds. H3,262 ·185,823 45:>,!IGl 437,U02 433,650 !lags and Sucks, empty. 1,523,'70:! ! 1,592,435 l 1,621,·172 1,623,183 1,063,555 lleci· aml Ale. 1 553,206 j G00,011 l 615,628 008,292 010,801 j 'lliscuits and Ilrend. 500,717 :106,480 l 370,814 1 310,517 321,157 l Blenchini; )fntcrhtls. 1,228,18:! 1,309,036 l,330,!l93 I 1,330,549 1,.JH,435 I Books, rrinte,320 ! 600,835 ! Cement. ' I :i~,201 ! 37,·J J.1 :;~,094 i 36,803 : :15,SOO : Cheese. I I tl l I ·Chemical J!ro,502 23,0!l3,250 1 , Coals, Cinders, and .IJ'uel. 1 1,275,062 1,231>,102 1,573,731 1,833,726 1,607,858 j 1,52·1,4·10 ,. 1,513,012 1 !{ Prg~~~~s or Coal (except 400,0S8 391,·JS!l 428,150 4:!2,517 ! 382,4:15 I ·10:t,S·J7 •JS8,!JS!J ; Cordage am~ Twine. 14,912 100,033 303,235 5,3741 6,.iOi 0,050 I ·J 1,li.'>8 j 100,5321 2·1,208 ! Corn, Wheat. 101).420 l • lll,104 122,114 ! 195,745 I 221,120 j 2·12,3131-- Wheat ]tlour. 30·1,014 t 275,051 286,508 l 377,760 Ii 427,775 1 343,582 • -- Of other Ki111ls. j I I II Cotton Yarn and 'fwist :- 7,102,622 7,489,228 I 7, 155,!!90 , 8,Ji$,fl67 7,!l 13,200 7.2·13,:l52 ; 6,403,686 Orey. __:,862,SSO l,706,~, 1,835,lO!l 1,8!l6,1~:_..: 1 08!l,50S l~O,!l20 ! 1,655,180 Bleached 1111

10<br />


IR1su P1t0DUOE EXPORTED from .the UNITJm KrnGDOM.<br />

189B.<br />

.£.<br />

1,857,1)28 .<br />

472,762<br />

4,259,650<br />

187,015<br />

104,277<br />

680,824<br />

33:i,700 I<br />

511,161<br />

l,50S,SS5<br />

594,437<br />

550,700<br />

l,'Wl,021<br />

85,936<br />

:!52,670<br />

1,185,597<br />

918,873<br />

7-B,.124<br />

44,051<br />

451,766<br />

410,363<br />

2,145,652<br />

21l0,276<br />

7S,:I02<br />

18!)..1.<br />

l<br />

.£. I<br />

l,U30,IH8 I<br />

419,80·1 l<br />

41'>9 803 l<br />

) --· l<br />

20i,7H;<br />

200,481 I<br />

1,002,771<br />

:159,71)4<br />

403,797<br />

l,4U:l,107<br />

S.H,271<br />

501,852<br />

1,218,:125<br />

97,77:l<br />

3:11,086<br />

1,152,85·1<br />

801,748<br />

703,:lSO<br />

a9,i60<br />

H,375,47G 17,:171,3:11<br />

1895. I 189G. I 1897. 1$98. I <strong>1899</strong> .. I<br />

PmNCil'AL AnTror,BS.<br />

1,fr,7,5331 1,~2,113 1 1,~o,.1os I 1,ooff.16311,o:i~s11· Alkali.<br />

5'10,882 ! Oil,332 825,246 842,106 7571070 Animals : Jio1·ses.<br />

4,525,313 • 5,229,132 • 4,980,176 I 4,605,660 1 4,036,444 I Apparel and Slops.<br />

I ! j ,\rms n1Hl Ammunition:-<br />

237,6221 459, H7 I 300,593 32i,621 223,5381 b'irc·nrms (small).<br />

181,507 101,8771 201,91)9 l9·1,02U 180,366 Ou:ipowde1·.<br />

1.337,804 1,417,085 I 859,120 1,190,323 oss,rns I Ammunitio11;11nenumeratctl.<br />

736,554 406,610 '1 475,223 76'1,6S.J 587,739 Or nil other Kinds.<br />

H3,262 ·185,823 45:>,!IGl 437,U02 433,650 !lags and Sucks, empty.<br />

1,523,'70:! ! 1,592,435 l 1,621,·172 1,623,183 1,063,555 lleci· aml Ale.<br />

1<br />

553,206 j G00,011 l 615,628 008,292 010,801 j 'lliscuits and Ilrend.<br />

500,717 :106,480 l 370,814 1 310,517 321,157 l Blenchini; )fntcrhtls.<br />

1,228,18:! 1,309,036 l,330,!l93 I 1,330,549 1,.JH,435 I Books, rrinte,320 ! 600,835 ! Cement. ' I :i~,201 ! 37,·J J.1 :;~,094 i 36,803 : :15,SOO : Cheese. I<br />

I<br />

tl l I ·Chemical J!ro,502 23,0!l3,250 1 , Coals, Cinders, and .IJ'uel.<br />

1<br />

1,275,062 1,231>,102 1,573,731 1,833,726 1,607,858 j 1,52·1,4·10 ,. 1,513,012 1<br />

!{ Prg~~~~s or Coal (except<br />

400,0S8 391,·JS!l 428,150 4:!2,517 ! 382,4:15 I ·10:t,S·J7 •JS8,!JS!J ; Cordage am~ Twine.<br />

14,912<br />

100,033<br />

303,235<br />

5,3741 6,.iOi 0,050 I ·J 1,li.'>8 j 100,5321 2·1,208 ! Corn, Wheat.<br />

101).420 l • lll,104 122,114 ! 195,745 I 221,120 j 2·12,3131-- Wheat ]tlour.<br />

30·1,014 t 275,051 286,508 l 377,760 Ii 427,775 1 343,582 • -- Of other Ki111ls.<br />

j I I II Cotton Yarn and 'fwist :-<br />

7,102,622 7,489,228 I 7, 155,!!90 , 8,Ji$,fl67 7,!l 13,200 7.2·13,:l52 ; 6,403,686 Orey.<br />

__:,862,SSO l,706,~, 1,835,lO!l 1,8!l6,1~:_..: 1 08!l,50S l~O,!l20 ! 1,655,180 Bleached 1111

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