United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


102 ExPOR';tS :-BRITISH AND IRISH QUANTITIES of the PmNCIPAI, AiiTICLES of BRITISH and Imsu P.noDUCE PmNcIPAL An'fICLES -Continued; 1885. 11886. 1887. 11888. 11889. 11890. I lSQl. 1892. 375,309 I 380,'171 427,·175 503,032 650,713 900,538 707,182 845,622 - WrOlll:;ht or partly Wrought: lllxed or Yello1v} )letal • • • " or other Sorts Brass, of all Sorts · Lead, Pig, Shed, and} Pipe, and othe1· Tons ~Jnnnfacturcs • Tin, Unwrought Cwtir. Zin'!, Wrought and} Unwrought • • .l1ilk, Condensed 418,4CO 421,481 91,856 38,526 03,011) 153,763 397,150 838,231 150,136 300,45!} 358,309 385,551 137,032 300,300 I 85,695 S0,738 75,603 107,6631 42,365 44 :lOl 1' 48,616 52,0·lO oa,8n 08:20:1 I 120,836 108,583 ! I "·"' 167,63:1 I 210,040 II 111,7681 132,862 Oil and Floor Cloth Sq. l'ds. , 11,265,100 12,SS0,300 , 13,310,600 j 16,202,200 ! 17,W5,200 I Galls. Galls. I I I Oil, Seed • To11x., 16,573,700 17,Gt>9,100 75,00S . 78,008 - 68,629 Paper and Pnstebonrd :- . Writin:.i' 01· J?rinting) cu·ts I 546,118 ' 558,622 I' 591,:H2 756,·158 l 712,:!4U 111ul l~nvelopes • f · 1 . Unenumeratell (ex--} 186,002 170,627 174,WS 228,027 'I 216,591 cept llnugillgs) • " l J'icturcs. ~· ~·o. I 11,41. 5 9,·130 . 11,513 18,402 ! 15,52:J Potatoes C1ct11. 11 1j ~ 1 · l~l?S and other )fate-} To11s 49,585 40,255 i 59,1{)9 : 58,350 I i rm1s for P:1per • • ! l i Salt • • • • ,, • I ! l Seeds or a1l 11orts • • Cwts. , : Ships mul Boats} G•· i ·s i l (now).witl1 their To;1 ; 1 ~ye f , lI:.chmery • - i Silk, 111row11, Twist, or} hfJil. ; Yarn • • • • 921,S69 156,789 1 I 412,805 804,807 : 155,123 555,041 818.713 ; 178,ll)tj : 898,671 21:),100 550,458 I Silk :\fmmfacti:res:- 1 :Bl'oac! St.11fTs or Sillc or} Yd,,. Satm • • • 2,·13-l,6i·I 2,:l76,·10ll 1,400,1>8:t : 1,j30,1n7 j 1,630,174 1,816,l!Jl 2,313,.115 2,·J.15,200 l P,:·oad Stulfs of Silk} 1111d other :\fate rials 3,581,:~u8 ·1,S.'lfl,2.16 5,HH,li·IS; 6,814,0861 i,OSS,4!li 7,6!ll,li6 4,J.11,081 3,506,614 Skins and :unrs:- l l•'oreign, . British} ~·o 3,·J55,525 1,625,256 ·1,77:l,!l04 1 2,1•35,7881 1,737,2:!7 ·i,060,lll6 .J,670,8-17 5,210,!J!lO Dressed • • ~ · i I Soap • • • · Cirts. ·102,112 426,001 452,75t ! 400,868 40:.t,302 ·19,638 671,26:1 232,281 831,945 l,OH,206 I 1 , Stor,es and SlatciJ :- l 294,582 324,332 108,215 58,162 112,9:m 100,2il 61,442 16,442,200 67,232 687,120 lSG,533 13,637 617,747 ' 57,648 651,136 215,024 668,!liG mute by talc No. ·15,·lfs:!,000 43,350,700 42,1)20,800 ·14,a71,400 53,27·1,700 a0,400,600 48,·lii,000 I 48,702,700 nrimlstones, }I ill·} ! stones, and otlwr 7'mM 21,0!lt 3:1,513 31,·151 41,7S:i 40,161 50,078 3:?,360 l 34,533 sorts of Stones • ! Suga.r, ltctlne

11J7 EXPORTS :-llRITI$H AND IRISJI. 103 (Entered by Quantity) E·xroRTED from the UNrl'ED KlNGDOM-Oontinieed. 1893. I 500,~ 200,987 339,996 115,047 48,871 134,775 ·104,513 67,063 17,536,600 66,193 672,080 180,721 11,2·!5 1~752,454 52,211) ·636,135 ·242,5i7 785,021 2,.144,402 ! I 4,u,?o,370 j 605,083 J -3,09-2,000 i 3,407,282 I 38,739 1 100 1894. 300;717 308,125 100,156 47,060 116,992 183,0ii 70,883 20,185,700 58,165 622,23()· 221,835 !l,GS.1 1,073,336 53,834 fo8,099 250,9i7 771,155 2,124,7i0 3,410,341 3,657,560 576,537 3,859,205 40,.159,000 1895-. -i-1896. w ••• ,, I .... .., 298,233 313,001 107,182 41,705 113,412 197,568 81,i33 22,433,200 49,154 627,560 2H,966 10,909 263,786 49,25!> 7·10,548 2:H,900 703,213 2,815,500 I :::::: 728,398 ·4,J53,2SO I 3o,o8s,aoo 224,007 306,956 119,483 41,21,1 123,998 189,757 111,959 23,'119,700 58,247 729,906 257,972 l>,073 341,300 53,001 660,9SS 2.'ll,037 757,400 3,359,SOO 4,250,700 2,470,900 719,700 4,078,862 30,·139,000 189i. 418,600 219,502 300,3S2 112,491 40,266 99,306 157,462 154,001 24,457,:lOO 55,286 685,734 57,621 6GS,6S5 188,268 671,500 3,706,500 3,770,200 5,(H3,000 730,·100 4,652,508 31,331,500 1898. 533,251 204,4H 271,556 105,88i 38,075 I 109,351 I 173,306 178,055 l I 2~1,693,100 ! 44,688 I 6:12,8:>u 242,154 '1 230,708 8,608 443,700 ' 9,082 194,200 I 57,600 I 689,178 r 225,527 I ! 1. 126,:~oo 4,299,300 4,0W,500 3,703,900 205,300 4,805,302 29,862,600 1899. 638,.na i38,27S ' 220,961 113,920 93,008 :PmNCIPAL ARTICLES · -Continued. I lltltals-c1mt. Copper, Unwrougbt :- Ingots, ~akes, or , ·c1cts / l SI.tbs, and Pre· I ' clpitate. - Wrought or partly I Wrought: Mixed or Yellow { Metal. or other Sorts. I llr~!!s, or all Sorts. '.l'vnK j Lcrll, .Pig, SJ1ect, nnd l l\I~~~1r:~tu~es~ther 'fin, Unwrought. 1321 7 {Zinc, Wrought aml " Unwrought. 041 155,740 ,. )Iilk, Comlenscd. 26,867,600 t Sq. Yds. Oil :md Floor Cloth. 38;174 Tonx. Oil, Seed Paper nnd Pasteboard :- 5801037 Cwts. {Writing or Printing, l nnd .Em·clopcs. 263,031 ( Une1111mcmte1l (ex­ \ cept Ilanglngs). 8,7U . Ko. Pictures . 323,100 Cwtl!. J'otntoes. 64,993 I Tu11s Rngs nm! other "111· { tcdals for pupcr. · 629,4-15 Snlt. 241,483 Cwts. Seeds of nll aorta. Gruss { Ships nn~l Bon~s 341,710 { (new).with then· )fachmery. • l,Hl,200 I lbK f Silk, Thrown, Twist 1 j ' • l or Yam. · Silk )f:mufllcturcs:- ! 4,528,600 5,208,300 I · {J3ro111l orSntln. Stulfs of Silk , ~ Broad Stntrs of Silk · 11 { 1111

11J7<br />


(Entered by Quantity) E·xroRTED from the UNrl'ED KlNGDOM-Oontinieed.<br />

1893. I<br />

500,~<br />

200,987<br />

339,996<br />

115,047<br />

48,871<br />

134,775<br />

·104,513<br />

67,063<br />

17,536,600<br />

66,193<br />

672,080<br />

180,721<br />

11,2·!5<br />

1~752,454<br />

52,211)<br />

·636,135<br />

·242,5i7<br />

785,021<br />

2,.144,402<br />

! I 4,u,?o,370<br />

j 605,083<br />

J -3,09-2,000<br />

i 3,407,282<br />

I 38,739 1<br />

100<br />

1894.<br />

300;717<br />

308,125<br />

100,156<br />

47,060<br />

116,992<br />

183,0ii<br />

70,883<br />

20,185,700<br />

58,165<br />

622,23()·<br />

221,835<br />

!l,GS.1<br />

1,073,336<br />

53,834<br />

fo8,099<br />

250,9i7<br />

771,155<br />

2,124,7i0<br />

3,410,341<br />

3,657,560<br />

576,537<br />

3,859,205<br />

40,.159,000<br />

1895-. -i-1896.<br />

w ••• ,, I .... ..,<br />

298,233<br />

313,001<br />

107,182<br />

41,705<br />

113,412<br />

197,568<br />

81,i33<br />

22,433,200<br />

49,154<br />

627,560<br />

2H,966<br />

10,909<br />

263,786<br />

49,25!><br />

7·10,548<br />

2:H,900<br />

703,213<br />

2,815,500<br />

I ::::::<br />

728,398<br />

·4,J53,2SO<br />

I 3o,o8s,aoo<br />

224,007<br />

306,956<br />

119,483<br />

41,21,1<br />

123,998<br />

189,757<br />

111,959<br />

23,'119,700<br />

58,247<br />

729,906<br />

257,972<br />

l>,073<br />

341,300<br />

53,001<br />

660,9SS<br />

2.'ll,037<br />

757,400<br />

3,359,SOO<br />

4,250,700<br />

2,470,900<br />

719,700<br />

4,078,862<br />

30,·139,000<br />

189i.<br />

418,600<br />

219,502<br />

300,3S2<br />

112,491<br />

40,266<br />

99,306<br />

157,462<br />

154,001<br />

24,457,:lOO<br />

55,286<br />

685,734<br />

57,621<br />

6GS,6S5<br />

188,268<br />

671,500<br />

3,706,500<br />

3,770,200<br />

5,(H3,000<br />

730,·100<br />

4,652,508<br />

31,331,500<br />

1898.<br />

533,251<br />

204,4H<br />

271,556<br />

105,88i<br />

38,075<br />

I 109,351<br />

I 173,306<br />

178,055<br />

l<br />

I 2~1,693,100<br />

! 44,688<br />

I 6:12,8:>u<br />

242,154<br />

'1 230,708<br />

8,608<br />

443,700 '<br />

9,082<br />

194,200<br />

I<br />

57,600<br />

I 689,178<br />

r 225,527<br />

I<br />

! 1. 126,:~oo<br />

4,299,300<br />

4,0W,500<br />

3,703,900<br />

205,300<br />

4,805,302<br />

29,862,600<br />

<strong>1899</strong>.<br />

638,.na<br />

i38,27S<br />

' 220,961<br />

113,920<br />

93,008<br />


· -Continued.<br />

I<br />

lltltals-c1mt.<br />

Copper, Unwrougbt :-<br />

Ingots, ~akes, or ,<br />

·c1cts / l SI.tbs, and Pre· I<br />

' clpitate.<br />

- Wrought or partly I<br />

Wrought:<br />

Mixed or Yellow<br />

{ Metal.<br />

or other Sorts. I<br />

llr~!!s, or all Sorts.<br />

'.l'vnK j Lcrll, .Pig, SJ1ect, nnd<br />

l l\I~~~1r:~tu~es~ther<br />

'fin, Unwrought.<br />

1321 7 {Zinc, Wrought aml<br />

" Unwrought.<br />

041<br />

155,740 ,. )Iilk, Comlenscd.<br />

26,867,600 t Sq. Yds. Oil :md Floor Cloth.<br />

38;174 Tonx. Oil, Seed<br />

Paper nnd Pasteboard :-<br />

5801037 Cwts. {Writing or Printing,<br />

l<br />

nnd .Em·clopcs.<br />

263,031<br />

( Une1111mcmte1l (ex­<br />

\ cept Ilanglngs).<br />

8,7U . Ko. Pictures .<br />

323,100 Cwtl!. J'otntoes.<br />

64,993 I Tu11s<br />

Rngs nm! other "111·<br />

{ tcdals for pupcr. ·<br />

629,4-15 Snlt.<br />

241,483 Cwts. Seeds of nll aorta.<br />

Gruss { Ships nn~l Bon~s<br />

341,710 {<br />

(new).with then·<br />

)fachmery. •<br />

l,Hl,200<br />

I lbK f Silk, Thrown, Twist 1<br />

j ' • l or Yam. ·<br />

Silk )f:mufllcturcs:- !<br />

4,528,600<br />

5,208,300<br />

I<br />

· {J3ro111l orSntln. Stulfs of Silk ,<br />

~<br />

Broad Stntrs of Silk ·<br />

11 { 1111

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