United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr United Kingdom Yearbook - 1885-1899_No47_ocr


! - • 100 EXPOI~TS :--BRI'rISH AND IRISH. PRtNC::r. .A~srl885. 11886. r-:s ... QUAN'rITIES of the PmNOIPAL ARTICLES of BRITISH and IRISH PnonucF. l - 1---I -- l I 1 l ,-~ 11888. 1889. 1890. I lS!H. 1· 1892 1 1 -Continued. l 1· I I I ,---- : Leather, \_V'rought, Doz.} 560 309 530 3571 oo·~ 716 G6l,!K17 i G6:.i,900 l 69::>,8021' 706,5171 659,011 l Boots an5,·H!l ! ! 37,584 I I 282,325 70,30!J 78,732 ·J5,240 t 1 Total of Iron and Steel ,, 3,130,G& l:::a~ --.,143,0JS l-:-3,96-6,-66-.3-l 4,186,182 4,001,·t:lO :l,240,HU 2,7H9,27!) \ ~ Entered by \'alue only. t 1'rior tv 1895 Iron mack Phttcs were inelu1lod with Sheets (not galvanized), &c., and h 0 l Black Plates \Vith Stool Sh~ets. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online. Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

fO) EXPORTS :-BRITISH AND IRISH. 101' (Entered by Quantity) EXPORTED from the UNITED K~NGDO)I-Oontinuecl. l 1893. I 189-1. I 1895. I 1896. 11897'. 11898. I 1890. PRINCII'AL AwrICLES I -Continued. I 1 ! ! 693,049 668.563 . G74 61)0 745,018 G42,20-l ! 1 6:!8,020 1 603,41)8 { Doz. { Leather, Wroup;ht, ! ! j I • · ' - 1 1 Prs. Boots nnd Shoes-. . 16,259,300 1 ·15,540,100 ! 17,0·JS,600 1S,·J62,SOO 18,305,000 f 17,355,400 ; 18,162,400 Lbs. Linei1 Yni1i. l ! ! 1.· ! ,i J.inen Manufactures :- ! 139,682,309 135,157,200 178,865,500 150,8·10,300 144,026,400 II 132,025,200 : 157,050,000 Yds. White or Fluin. I ' I I 15,406,100 16,S7G,200 20,2;{5,800 17,!>86,100 15,2G3,500 i 10,369,400 ; 12,125,000 {Printed, Checked, or I " I>yct1. l 3,246,900 . 4,221,0!JO .J,48G,3CO 5,372,600 I 5,303,500 I 5,Gl0,000 ; 5,lOJ,000 ,, Sailcloth nml Sails. ( 1 158,335,300 156,25.i,ooo 203,587,600 / 1u,208,000 164,583,·JOO 1 I Hs,004,(jl)() l ·1U,2i9,000 ,, •.rotnl or Piece Goods. 2,897,000 352,688 '118,522 $4(.1,294 HS,787 4tll,70!1 9~,666 !l7,040 ,~J I ~.?,332 I 47,038 379,172 38,9121 2·H,341 77,475 92,243• 1S,S75 I l 2,094,300 l 354,303 \ 83,256 j S30,985 I 129,132 ! 331,s50 I 93,392 34,676 109,5·10 75,vS!l 52,112 s:.928 I 3S,5SS 227,295 89,302 122,103 18,067 I 2,401,500 32S,GG3 97,100 S66,568 143,990 374,313 83,239 42,220 204,20j 40,831 53,096 366,120 34,368 47,215 z.n,&J9 !!'9,888 108,395 23,3H 2,240,300 35·1,357 127,424 1,060,165 178,123 581,24!) 166,413 56,110 5S,713 62,015 266,003 48,.105 60,208- 300,022 140,497 156,942 36,712 I f I 2,010,300 [ 1,869,600 2,028,ICO I Lbs. Thrend !or Sewln~ ·J07,93S I 448,750 I i 86,833 ; J,201,104 ; 16i688 ! I i 5i9,983 202,0G2 . 51,Ji2; 227,423 ! i 70,089 ! 62,424 312,G5S 144,273 155,446 46,·.t:>S ! I i-~-j,8-5-6,-5-74-,-2-,-64-9-,9!)-3- 1 --2-,8-3-5,-5·1-l-• --3-,5-50-,3-9-S-•--3-,6-3-6-,l-06_, __ 84,502 1,042,853 150,119 476,047 13:1,356 44,1:!3 2~6,tOO 50,0;,9 51,233 250,9.13 58,327 57,215 2!!8,447 145,071 140,178 85,071 :140,138 ! Tons. )fanures. 115,720 l,350,3·J2 159,059 ·171,7741 I " 118,593 " ,, .. ,. 1 .. l 238,0131 " 56,3·10 l " 53,68·1 i ,, 250,3731 " 85,729 ,, 63,124 205,6;{) 169,'i20 159,559 44,167 l :lfetnls:- Iron, Old, for i·e.mnnu· {· facture. - Pig aud l'mldled. -Bar,.Angle, Bolt, { ·and Rod. - :Railroad : j' f:Rails o! Iron and . l Steel.t I Other Sorts. t f -- Wire o! lron j : and Steel, (ex- , ) ccptTelegraph • \ Wire) and 1 mn1111fact11res I thereof. l - Sheets, O~hn· l { mze

!<br />

- •<br />


PRtNC::r. .A~srl885. 11886. r-:s ...<br />


l - 1---I -- l I<br />

1<br />

l<br />

,-~ 11888. 1889. 1890. I lS!H. 1· 1892<br />

1<br />

1 -Continued. l 1·<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I ,----<br />

: Leather, \_V'rought, Doz.} 560 309 530 3571 oo·~ 716 G6l,!K17 i G6:.i,900 l 69::>,8021' 706,5171 659,011<br />

l Boots an5,·H!l !<br />

!<br />

37,584 I<br />

I 282,325<br />

70,30!J<br />

78,732<br />

·J5,240 t<br />

1<br />

Total of Iron and Steel ,,<br />

3,130,G& l:::a~ --.,143,0JS l-:-3,96-6,-66-.3-l<br />

4,186,182 4,001,·t:lO :l,240,HU<br />

2,7H9,27!) \<br />

~ Entered by \'alue only.<br />

t 1'rior tv 1895 Iron mack Phttcs were inelu1lod with Sheets (not galvanized), &c., and h 0 l Black Plates \Vith Stool Sh~ets.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2006 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

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