Serbia Yearbook - 1929

Serbia Yearbook - 1929

Serbia Yearbook - 1929


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426<br />

la Pregled preduzeca pod nadzorom -<br />

Ulvr4eni nedostad -<br />

Naziv industrijskog razreda<br />

Nom du ressort industriel<br />

II<br />

III<br />

IV<br />

V<br />

VI<br />

VII<br />

VIII<br />

IX<br />

X<br />

XI<br />

XII<br />

XIII<br />

XIV<br />

XV<br />

XVI<br />

XVII<br />

XXV<br />

Pri~d~i!~ier.~~d~~.~j~~ .~ ~~~i.e.r~.s. ~~~~i.e.r~~.<br />

MetalurgiJa - Metallurgie ............... .<br />

Industrija kamena, zemlje i t. d. - Industries<br />

des pierres, des terres etc. . ........... .<br />

Obrada metal a - Travail des metaux .... .<br />

Proizvodnja masina - Fabrication des machines<br />

. ................................ .<br />

Industrija drveta - Industries du bois ... .<br />

Industrija kaucuka -Induslrie du caoutchoucl<br />

Koina industrija - Industries du cuir .... .<br />

Tekstilna industrija - Industrie textile . .. .<br />

Tapetarstvo - Tapisserie .... .. ....... .<br />

Industrija odece - Industrie des vetements.<br />

Industrija papira - Industries du papier .. .<br />

lndustrija hrane - Industrie alimentaire .. .<br />

Gostionicarstvo - Industrie hoteliere .... .<br />

Hemijska industrija - Industrie chimique ..<br />

Orac1evinarstvo - Industrie du batiment ..<br />

Gralicka industrija - Industrie graphique .<br />

Centrale - Centrales electriques .... .. ... .<br />

Pokretna industrija - Industrie ambulante .<br />

Trgovina - Commerce ..... ........... .. .<br />

Pokretna trgovina - Commerce ambulant.<br />

Novcani zavodi - Banques . ......... . ... .<br />

Trgovini sluzeci obrti - Service commercial.<br />

Saobracaj - Communications ..... ...... .<br />

Ostalo - Autres . ... ...... . ............ .<br />

Ukupno - Total <strong>1929</strong> .. .<br />

" 1928 .. .<br />

1927 .. .<br />

" "<br />

1926 ... .<br />

" "<br />

1925 .. . .<br />

1924 ... .<br />

" "<br />

1923 ... .<br />

" "<br />

1922 ... .<br />

"<br />

1921 ... .<br />

• 1920 ... .<br />


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